PC 75-195~ ~ Rr;sort?r.z~ra rro. rc~s-i~s A RFSOLVfION OF TfIF: CITY PLAt~IING ~TR`'IISSICMI 0? THF: CITY OP ANAHEIM TFg1T PETITIC~?Q FC1P. CY~~[1ITI(7'QAL i1SE PE_RNQT N0. 1SF7 RE GRFN'ITf)~ ITi PI~R'?'. Wi~,AS, the City~ Planning Carsnission of the City of. 1~naheim did reeeive a verifiecl Petition for CAnditional Use Permit from LTl.17fD I~3'1Ti, 21~ S. Manchestf'_r, Anaheim, CA 92f~01 ((kmer) of certain real property situated in the City o£ An~eim, County of ~ramJe, State of California, ~3escribe3 as: All ttu~t cer.tain land situated in the State of California, Caunty of OrangF, City o_° Anaheim anci described as £ollaas: P~¢',L 1: Lots 197 to 201 both inclusive of. the ~caly~Cas Forest T.rac'c, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5, pages 29 arxi 30 0£ Miscellaneous Maps, recc~,,rds of Oranye County, Cali£ornia. p~, 2; Thnse portions of in4:s 20 and 21 in Block K of. the K~•aaner Tract, as per Map reoorded in boc>k 12, paqes 87 and 88 of Miscel.laneous Records~ in the o£fice of the County Reco~ler of Los Angeles Co~unty, California, descril~.s~ as fol'~ows: Begi.nning at the mast Westesly corner of sai.d Lot 21; therzce North 2R° 52' 34" East 734.54 feet alonq the Dlorthwester..ly line of said I,ot 21 tc~ the centerline of the 40.00 foot road eonveyed to the County of Orange by dec~d re~rdeci April 2, 1413 in book 231, page 232 of Deeds of sai.d Orange County; thence North 73° 08' 00" East 193.92 feet along said centerline to the Northeastex•ly line of said Lot 21; thence North 73° 02' 00" East 405.52 feet; thence South 16° 58' QO" F.ast 53.Q0 feet; thence South 12° 29' 3~" East 1058.4•0 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 21; thence South 81° 40' 54" Plest 4a3.33 feet along said Sou~erly line to an angle point; thence Nozth 61° 3Z' 37" West 735.A9 feet alon9 the Soutirv~ester7.y line of said Lot 21 tc~ the point of begiuuzinq. 47E~F~',IaS, the City Planning Caimission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the Ci.ty of Anaheim on Septenb~..r 29, 1975, at 1:3t1 p.m., notice of said public hearing havin4 1~n duly given as required t~y 1a4~ and in accorc3ance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Co3e, Chapter 18.03, to hear and wnsider evidence for and against said proposed oonclitional use and to irrvestigate arrl make findi.*z~s and reccnmendations in oonnection therewith; and WE~F,AS, said Crnmission, a£ter due insoection, investigaticm and study made by itself and in its behalf,.auzd after due o~nsideration of a7.1 ev3dence anr] reports offereci at said hearing, does find ar~d det.ermine the folloNiinq facts; 1. That t~he ,progosed use is pnoperly one for which a ccmditional use permi.t is authorize3 by Ca:E Section 1a.61.050.Q50, to wit: permit autarobile saies agencies in the Nff~ (TTIDU~L, LIt~TED) ZC1~~i with ti*aivers oF: (a) SE('?~ION 18.51.063.~11 - Minimum structural setbacl:. (5n feet requ~se,d; lo eet nroposed) . (b) S'L•X.TI~d - Requised site screen' . (R~~~~ screening o parkLng ar.eas not pLroposc3). 2. T1-,at Waiver 1-a, above-mentioned, is hc~seby granted to peimit cenent slabs in the landscapeci settaack within the SD--font rec?ui.r.ed minimim~ structural setback; said slabs tc, be u!tilized to display autce~r~biles. 3. That Waiver l~b, ahove-mentioned, 4ras vrithdr~wn by the petitioner, with the stipul«tion tc~ ~ro'vide landscape screenin4 in oonf.orn~ance with the site developnenti standar3s d£ the I~II, Zone. ~„ 2'hat the petiti.oner stipulated to pzovidirx3 business signs in accordance with tne NU. Cade. stand~s. 5, That the petitioner stipulateci that th~ Pmp~s~3 exte~'ior lighting will be direc~ted away frun adjacent streets and the Riversicie Frec~+~ray in order not to be detrimezltal to the flaa of traffic, and that said lightina will be provideci in acmrdance with the requirenents oE Caltrans. 6. `That the Planning Comni.ssion does hereYyy determine that the proposed autanc~bile sales agencies, with autarotive sestiMice and leasing as accessory uses, will service the adjacent in3ustri.al areas. RF;SnL[IPION NO: PC75-195 7. That the ~ tioner stipulated to posting a~cash borxi with the ~ity of Anaheim to guarantee tlie future street improvanents, including s:reet lights, along La Tiesa Avenue to the south of subject property. 8. That the proposed use, as c~ranted, will ~t advessely affAct the adjoining lancl uses and the growth and develoFm2nt of the area in which it is pmposed to be locate3. 3. That the size and shape of the site pmpos~.~ for the use i.5 adec~uate to allow the f.ull develo~nent of' the proposed use, as qranf.ecl, in a manner riot detrimental to the particular area ror to the Peace, heaZth, safety, and general. welfaze of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 10. That the Conditional Use Permit as granted and under the o~nclitions imposed will not be detr.'vnenl:al to the ~ace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 11. T1-,at no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; arxi no corresoondence t•ras received in oPPosition to subject petition. II~FJIIb~Q'II~]TAL IMPACP I2~C1RP FINDING: That the Planning Crnmission does herel~y reoam~eru3 to the City Counci7. that the subject project be exe~t fnxn the requirenent to prepare an errvirorunental i~act report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Ernirorrmental Quality Act. ~~ T[g.'f~FppF„ BE IT I~'~SOI,~7F~D that the Anaheim City Planning Canv.ssion dces hereby grant, in part, subject Petition for Conditional ilse Penni.t, upon the follaaim~ conditions which are hereby found to he a necessary prere~ui.site to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preser~e the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of. P.naheim: 1, That this Conditional tJse Pe.nnit is qranted subject to the canpletion of Reclassification Nos. 6R-69-37 and 70-71-47, now perxlincf. 2, That the amer(s) of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of lancl 32 feet in width f.ran the c~terline of the street along the proposed new street through the properiy. 3. That a..l.l engineering requirenents of the City of Anaheim alonct the proposecl new str.eet thzough the property includirx? prepar.ation oF improvanent Plans and installation o£ all improvc~-nts such as curbs, and gutters, sidewalks, street ~rading and paving, dra:inage faciiities, or other appurtenant ~.urk shall k~e cartplied with as rc~IuirEd by the rity L'ngineer and in acco~~ance with standa~i plans arrl specifications on file in the office of the City E~it.eer': that street lighting fa~ilities zlonq the proposed new street through the property shalJ. Ue installed as requirecl by the Direct:sr of Public Utilities, and in accordance with stanr7ard p].ans ancl specifications on file in the Office of the Disector of Puhlic Utilities; arx] that a bonci in an amount and fozrn satisfactor}~ to the City of Anahe:m shall kx~ posted with the City to guarantee the ~.nstallaEion oE the nbove-mention~l reauire~ents. 4. That the centFSline radius of. the proposoci new street throuqh the property shall be a minim~un of 15Q £eet. 5, That the owner(s) of subject propE'-rty shall deed to the City of 7~naheim a striP of lancl 32 feet in width ~ran the centerline of. the street alonq T~Tku.te Star Avenue f.or street widening }nirposes. 6. That all engineei'in9 requir~nts of the City of Anaheim along White Star Avenue includisxJ preparat3.on of improvenent Plans and installation of all i~rovenents s:~ch as curbs anci gutters, sidc~aalks, street grading and pavinq, drainage faeil'Lties, or other appurtenant work sha].I. be ocmpliec3 with as re~iirecl kry the City ~ngineer ancl in accordance with standarci plans and specifications on file in the Office of the C:ity E~gineer; that street lighting f.aci~ities along White Star Avenue sha11 be installed as requixed Yry tlle Director of. Public Utilities ancl ir; acooniance with standard plans and specifications on file in the of.fice of the Director of Public iltilities; and that a bond in an ~nount and form satisfactory to the City o£ Anzheim shall be posted with the City to 9i~rantee the installation of the abovc mentioned rerruisenents. -2- RESOI~JI'IUI PIO. E'C75-195 ~ ~ 7. That the centerline of PThi.te Star Avenue shai.l cvrve on a minimar~ radius of 150 feet to i.ntersect the centesline of the future new street through the propesty at approximately 90 degrees. 8. 1•hat street lightinq facilities along La Palma Avenue arid Armarx3c Street shall be installed as rec~uired by the Director of Put~lic Utilities and in aca~rdance with sta-xlarc] plans and specifications on file in the cff.ice of the Director of Public Utilities; and that a bond in an amounY. and fonn satisfactory to the City of I~uilleim shall ~e posted ~ri.th the City tc~ gaarantee the installation of the above-inentioned requirenents. 9, That szdewalks shall be installeci along La Palma Avenue and Flnnando Street as reguisod by the City I~igineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer. 10. That the owner shall purchase the 1 foot lot "A" on the west side of Armando Street and dedicate an additional 4 feet fran er.i.stincT pm~.rty line to the City of Anaheim for street and public L~;i.lity ~~oses. 11. That the a~mer shall dedicate rightrof~y for. La Mesa Avenue based on a 60-foot street vridth measured fran the r.ightrof-way li.ne of the Riverside Preeway anl shall post a cash bond for the future str~t improver~nts including street lights, as stipulated to. 12. That trash storaqe areas shall be providecl in accordaricr with aPpxroved plans on file with the Office of the Dir.ector of Puhlic Works. 13. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charqed as rec~uired and deternLiiied to )~e necessary hy the Chief of. the Firp Depart~nt prior to c~;snencenent o£ st.~-uctural £raming. lh. That subject pmperty shall be served by under.qround utilities. 15. That drainage of. subject .nrop~'ty shall be dispos~ of in a manner satisfact,ory to the City Engineer. 16. In the event that subject property is to be divided ~or the purpose of sale, lease, or firu~ncing, a parcel map to record the approved division oF subject property shall be sulinitted to and apprrn~ecl hy the City of. Anaheim arx3 then be recorded in the office of the Orange Crnmty Recorder. 17. That the aaner(s) of. subject pmperty shall pay apnr.opriate drainaqe assessnent fees ~ tlte City of. Anaheim as deterrtuned kry the City Enqineer Prior to issuance of a buildim3 pernut. 18. That appropriate water assessnent fees as deterr.iined }7y the Director of Public U~ilities shall Y~e paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a buildin9 ~xmit. 19. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans arul speci.fications on file with the City of 1~naheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4~ provi.cied, howevax, that the requixerl landscape sc:re~.ning o£ the parking area shall be prwided in accordance with the site develolanent standards of the t4 Zone, as st.ipulato3 to by the petitioner. 20. Th~t Condition DiOS. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, ~, 1~, 11, ancl 16, above- mentionecl, shall be anq~lied with prior to the ccim~e~ce~nt of the activity authorized under this resolution, or pr.ior to the time that the building permit is issued, or withi.n a periai of one year £ran date hereof', whichever occurs first, er such further time as the Planning Cam~i.ssion may c~'ant. 21. That Condition Pi~s. 12, 14, 15, and ]•9~ akx~ve-mentioned~ shall be ar~lieci with prior t~o final Yuilding and zoni.ng ins~.x:ctions. 22. That business signs for the proposec: ~:se shall be prnvided in acoordance w:.th :KL Code st~rds, as stipulated to Y~y the petitioner. 23. That pro~pased extesior lighting shall he directed away fran the adjacent streets and the Riverside PY~y so as rrot to be detrimental to the flow of traffic; and plans f.or s.3id lighting shall be suhject to the review and aporoval of caitrans, as stipulatecl tA by the petitioner. -3- ~:soLVriaa rro. PC75-195 C ~ TE~ FORF.C~~a]G R£SOLLIPION is signed and approved by me t1u.s 29th day of Seg±anber, 1975. _ZG ,~-~ , s ~~ c~rtazrtr~,rt, arvat~ a crrr ~.a~ur~*rc mM!,~¢s,sicmr Ai~TST: ' % ;, ~,~~~~,~ sDC~umr~zsc, ~~~ crr~r ~sm~rc~ cor~¢ssioN STATP OF CALIkiDltf]I~1 ) covrrrsr or ow~cE ) ss. crr5c oF r,r~~ ) I, Patricia A. Scanlan, ~ecretary of the City Planning Canni.ssion of the City of Anaheim, dc~ heseby aerti.fY that the foregoi.n9 resoluti.on vras passed arxi adopted at a meetinq of the City Planni.ng Crnmission o.f. the City of. Anaheim, held on Septanber ?.9, 1975, at 1:3~ p.m., }7y the following vote of. the manbers thereof: AYL•S: G'ON,NQjSIUt~1~RS: JOfINSdN, KING, T0I31R~ Fl1FiAN~ NOES: COT9~IISSTONERS: BAF2NES- HE%RB.4P ABSII~FP: CONAt[SSI~RS: MJRLEY IN WM'I~'SS WF~RflpF, I have hereunto set r.iy hand this 29th day af Septenber, 1?75. ~~~~ ~ ~~c.J gH~El`ARy, 1.~t~U1HF:IAf GTPY PLANNIIQG 401~9"1ISSIOtl -A- RES~f'IAl'I(RI N0. PC75-195