PC 75-196I~ ~
` i N0. PC'15-196
4h~~ the Gity Plannin~ C~~entssion of the City of Anaheim did receive a
veri£ieci Petitit~n fCr. Cand.i.tional t~se Fe~nit fmn ODP4~Z', IIdC., P. O, Bca 6366,
Buzi~ank, CA 9151.D (C3wner) :, f3Y~R T+~7~:P,f.~,, 729 N. Topeka Street, Paaheim, CA 92A05
(Agent) of certain zeal. ptopert~,~ si.tvated in the C.ity of Anaheim, Camty of brange,
State of ~.lifcrni.zz, de~cxibed ass
A11. ttrz~ oertain lar~d ~3tuater3 iui the 5taee o£ Californi.a, Carnty of Orange, City of
,Anahe3.m: dP,.scxiUed as £ollavs s
I~ 15 of Tract 210. 4703, a~; shotin on a map x~eo@rded in book 169, pages 25 and 26 of
Miscellaneo~us Ma,ps, recmxrLs of Or~xe Caant•y, California.
WH~~'tE'~: , the City P3arn3.r~q ~artmfssion t'.i.d ixzld a public hearing at the City
Hall i.r- the Ci~;~ of Anaheim on Septsntx~s 29, 1'375, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said
public hear;fng havisg been duly given as r~gt~sxe3 by law and in acoo~iance with the
provisi.ons of the Anaheim Nhuiicipal Code, fxsa~c~c 18.03, to hear and wnsider
evi.cience for arrd against said proposed conditi.c~zs~l. use and to investigate and make
f' *+~' *+~s and recrnmPr,dations in ~onnection therewith; and
WE~AS, said Cartnission, after due inspectiofl~ investigation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and after due considrsatiorz n` all cvidence ancl reports
offered at said hearing, does find arrl deterniine the fol?.vair.g f.acts:
1. That the propose~i use is prop~sly one fcrr wh~.ch ~ oonditional use
perntit is authorized by Code Sectic~n, to wit: establish an autarobile
painting and repair shop in the NII, (IIdUT3~1.'12TAL, LII~'~I~9) 7.~.
2. That the proposed use is here.by grantecl Eor a periai a~ two (2} years,
subject to review and consideration Eor extension of ti-ne by the Pl.~nning Crnmission
aixlfor C'ity Council, upon written rcx~uest by the petiticner.
3. That the petitioner stipulatc~ to corx3ucting all }~hases of the pr,~posed
operation inside the b~ildiny.
4. That the petitioner stipulated that all vehicles that may i~e ~z-kr:d on
the site in connection with the iise will be parked inside the screened enclc~.~e and
not on the adjacent pub~.9.c streets.
5. That the petitioner stipulated that any pro}~sed business signinr. wi11
Ue in oonfoxmance with t~, Code requisenents.
6. That the petitioner stipulated t~o prwiding a chainl ink f~ir.e
intexwoven with redwood or ceclar slats to effectively view screen any outdooi
storage, in conformance with l~ff, Code requirc3nents.
7. That the proposed use, as granted, will not adversely affect th,~
adjoining land uses and the gnowth and develo~nent of the area in which it is
proposed to be located.
S. That the size and shape of the site proposed f.o~ the use is adequate t,~'
allow tha full develog~nt of khe proposed use, as granted, in a mazu~er not
detrimental bo the particular ai-ea nor to t}ie peace, h~alth, safety, and general
welfare of the Citizens of the Ciiy of I~naneim.
9. That the granting of the Conditional Use Pesmit under the oonditions
i~osed wi17. not be detrimental to the peace, health, safEty, and general welfare of
tile Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
Y0. That two (2) pessons were present at said public heari.ng in opposition;
and no wrr~:s~onc3ence vras received in opposition to subject petiti~n.
~hat the Dinect.or of. the Plannir~g Departrn~nt has detexmined that the
praposed activity falls within t1~e definition of Scnctior. 3.01, Class 1, of the City
of ?~naheim ~idelinas to the Requirenents for an Enviroranental Impact Report and is,
therefnre, cat~orically exc~npt fran the recrui.rer~ent to file an EIR.
RESOI.iTFIOiN N0. PC75-196
NOW, Ti~32Li•'OI2E, ~ TT RESOLUI~ that the Anah ~City YlannirxJ Camiission
doe-S hereby grant subject Petition for C~mmditi.ona'1 lise Perniit, upcm the fcllowing
oonditio,~ which are 3~ere~ry fourr3 to be a necr.ssary prerec~iisite to the pxoposed use
of t'~e s~hjec~ property in ar3er ~o presn.nte the safety and general wplfare of the
~Ci~izen.s of the City of Ar,ah~eim:
1. That subja.^t propex~ty ~sha1Z ~e develaped substanti.ally in acxozdance
with p].ans and ~ecifications oa file with the City of. An~.-iheim marked F~chibit Plos. 1
~?% P~~~o ~~~, ~t a six (6) foot high chainlink fmce, inte=woven with
red~x~od or cedar slats shall be provided to view sr,xeen any wtdnor storage; arx] that
any propose3 business signing shaYl be sn a?nfUx~nance ~aith N¢, Code requirenents, as
stipulate3 to by the oetitioner.
2. That all phases of '~t~e pi~os~d operation ~hall bz oonducted inside the
bui,~"*k;, as stipu].at~ct to by the petitioner.
3. R'toat all vehiclr,s that may ~re parked on the si~ in ccinnection with t'ie
use wil]. be paxked inside the screPnn~d enclosure and not en the arljacent public
streets, as stipulated to by the peti~ioner.
4. T}tizt this conditional use pe~.znik is granted For ~ ti~ne period of two
(2) years., sub~cct to revicia ancl o~nsidesation for extensian of time by the Planning
Carmission aax~or City Coun~ii, upon written reques~ by t2ie neti.taoner.
"~'FL~ kY3F~i00ZNC; }~'.SOL[TPT(k1 is signed ancl approvr~d, kry~ ~re this 2nth day of
Septan~s, 1975.
tx~rt~~r.t, a.rrn~~rn~ crrr PrAr~rr~rx; crxr~+~ssi~a
, ~
~~~~..~.._ ...~.~5 ~ c f~~•.~
C70i4~FPY ~F'D3~k.NGE• )SS.
T, Pa"tricfa B. 5canlarsG 4eCrefiary oY the Cit•y P,Lanning C.amussi~n of the
City of anahei,m~ do hereby certify *,hat the fore,qoing xesc~lution ~ms passed and
adoptea at a enee~ o: the C~ty Planning Ctnmissiun of the City of Anaheim, held on
~ept:etiber 29, 1975, at A:30 p.me, by the following vote of the menbers thereof:
AY~S: Cd.k3~'QSSIONERS: 5A ES~ T.i..,~t'.B5P, ~70fIIJ.SON, Y.[T]C~ POI~AR, Fl\RANO
ADST•.~?!': COP~4~:~T~1E:~S: fN~RI,EY
It~f T~IT1F;;3~ 'N7f~°, ~ have kt~rct~nto set my hand this ~9th day of Se~ptenY~er
1975. ~
~^~. ~ ~
(r..'~G-L..~:~.~,~_~!f~'. ~!~>r_~i ~rJ
~E~7"ci:rN'I~'Y~ 11,~P711~iM CITY PL~t~IfTING G~kTffSSI0C1
-2- F~.SOLi7rI()N 1~5. PC:75-196