PC 75-198~ ~ ~ ~ I2~SOLiTPT~.,N N0. PC75-19a A F.~SOLiTPION OF TE~ CZTY PIATT[QINC; COM^'QSSI(7N OF TfII: CTTY QF AT~I~IP4 TIII~.T PLTITIOD] EI~R VARIANCE N0. 2735 BE G1~NaCF'~. Wf~ItF'AS, the City Planning Cmmission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petitiar~for Variance fran RICFLARD LUrZ, 720 S• Ehclid Street, Suite 9, Anaheim, CA 92802 (CAmer) of certain real property situated in the City of. 1lnahei-n, County of Orange, State of California described as: SLGIT]fd1NG AT A POINT OTI Tf~ (~T^EPS+INIE OF ECTCI,ID A~~ITUF F1S SFR7P]:d GN A MAP I'ILED LTT BOOK 27, PAGG 11, FE~RD OF SUIi~1EYSr IbT THE OFFICE OF SP.ID F2E(.'OFDER DISIAN'P THEP~OI'' ~vorxrx o9° i3~ oo^ wEST 2io.oi r~r r~or~ xTS ~.s~cricr,T vn~x ~ c~ar~r:~; oF ORA.*IGE STRECI' AS SEIC'NT~I ON S11ID I~C'ORD OF SURVESt N7+P; ~-~rTCe P~ wixx sr~m c~^~ L7IdE OF ORPNGE STF~i' SOU1'I'1 89° 10~ 25" WEarT 150.00 FEF.•.Ci T[~TTG~ PAPI~LT~, ~•II"'H SAm (~^fI.~2i.1TJE OF EIJCLID AV~][JE NORTfi 0° 18' 00" TdF.ST 12 N3~'.T' ','~ THE Nn~^F~%r'S.Y LIP~: OF SAID SOUPH 5 ACKES; Tf1F.;]CF F11S7'~2LY AIpNG SAID I~P.'i7FRTX LINF. 'Ih SAIn CF.T7PF.RLIT?~ OF EiX:LID AVEfd[JE; TfiETICB AI,CR~IG SAID CENrF.'A LINE OF E[X.T,ID AVRN[JF Sn[TPf1 0° 1R ~ 00" F11Sr 12Q F'F1:P TO Tf~ POINP OF REGIN"]IfiG. y~R~S, the City Planning Caimission did hold a public heari.ng at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Septenber 29, 1975, at 1:3~ p.m., notice .of. said publir hearing havim3 been duly given as rcxtuired by law and in accorlance ~ri.th the pravisions of the Anahe~m Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consid~s' evidence for anci against said proposed variance and to irn~estigate and malce finclings and reccmnendations in oonnecti.on therewith; and ~+TEIEFEAS, said Crnmission, after due inspection, i.rn~estigation and study m3de by itself arx~ in its behalf, and a£ter due consideration of all. evidence and r.eports offered at said he~'ing, does fiuid and detesmine t*~e foll.arinq facts: 1. That the petitioner requests the following oraivers frcm the 7lnaheim Municipal Code, to construct an o£fice k~ui.lding: (a) ~PIOPI 18.06. G60.022 - Misiitmm rnunber o.f parking spaces (17 s~aces - rec~uired; 16 sPzces Propose~) (b) SECTIOrt - Maxitma~ t~ui.ldinq hei ht (0 feet permitte~; 16 feet proposed (c) SECL'IOT] - Minim~un tniildinq setbacl;. (1D feet requirecl; o e~t propose9 2. That Waiver 1-a, ab~ve-mentionede is hereb.y granted to permit 16 paskinq spaces on the basis that said request is minimal. 3. That Waiver ~ 1-b, abwe-mP.ntioned, is hereby grantecl on the basis that the property tu the north of subject property is designated for general caimercial uses by the l~naheim General Plan, and if said develoZxnent ocr.urs, the lnu.lding hei9ht restriction wnuld no longer be reguired. 4. That Waiver 1-c, above-mentioned, is hereby granted on the basis that the propPSty to the north of subject property is designatc~d on the Anaheim Genesal Plan for genera.l cc~nnercial uses and if said develognent occurs, the 10-foot buildi.~ setback would no longer be recNired• 5, That thzre are exceptional or extraordina-'Y circ~anstances or conclitions applicable to the property irn~olved or to the interuie.d use of the praoe~-'ty that do n~t apply generally to the pmperty or class of use in the same vicinity arxl zone. 6. That the reguested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property ri9ht possessed by other Pro}~stY in t~ ~ vicinity anri zone, and denied to the prop~sty in qaestion. ~~ That the rec~uesterl v~iance will not be materially detsimental to the public welfare or injurious to the pro~sty or i~rovements in such vicinity arxl zone 9n which the proFesty is located. 8, That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in oriposition; and no correspondence was received in opuosition to subje:..^t petition; rc~rcver, one letter was received in fawr of the subject petition. RES07~TI.'IdN NCh. PC75-19f? . - ~ ~ r~nr~ROrjr~~r~ zr~ACr ~oa~r Firroarc: That the Planning Cartnission does hereby reornm~nd to the Ci'~y Council that the subject project be exe~t fran the reRuiranent to prepar~ an envirorimental impact repor.t, pursuant to the provisions of the California FhvirorIInent~'zl C.Aiality Act. N~W~ Tf~'OF2F;, SE IT RFSOLVID ~tkiat the Anaheim City Planni~x~ Cann~ssion dces here}~y grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the follaaing oonditians which are hereby found to be a necessary prerecluisite to the prc~osecl use of the subject property in ordEr to preserve the safety and c~eneral ~rel£are of t.~ie Citizens of the City of Anaheun: 1. That this Variance is grantecl subject to the canpletion of Reclassification No. 71-72-49. 2. That street lightirnJ facilities along Euclid Street s:~a].1 be installed as required by the Dixector of Public Utilities, and in accordance with standard plans ancl specifications on file in the Office of the Director o£ Public Utilities and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of 1~n.ar,eim shall be posted with the City to 9uarantee the installation o£ the above-mentionecl requisenents. 3. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay tc~ the City of Anaheim the slan of sixtg cents (6Q cents) per fr.ont foot along E~clid Street for tree planting pui7~oses. 4. That trash starage areas shall be provided in accordance 4ri.th apprwed " plans on file with the Office of the Disector of Public Abrks. 5. Tl~.at fse hyclrants shall be installeci and ehar.qesl as required and detern~ined to lxx necessary by the Chief of the Fire Departinent prior u, cortmencanent of structural framing. 6. That all air-conditionimJ facilities shall be properly shieldecl f.rem view, ~nd the sound buffexecl fran adjacent properties. 7. That subject pmperty shall be served by undercnound utilities. 8. That drainage o£ subject property shall be disposed of in a rnanner satisfactozy to the ~ity Engineer. g, That appropriate water assessnent fees, as deterniinc~7 by the Director of Public Utilities, shall be paid to the City of Anaheim ~rior to the issuance of a building perntit. 10. That the subject property shall be develoued su}:;S.az?tially in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~ri.th the City ui Anaheim maz'ked ~chibit Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. 11. That Corxiition Nos. 1, 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be ccmplied with prior t~o the canrencenent of the activity antla~rized under this resolution, or prior to the time that the building pennit is issued, or within a peri«1 of one year fran the date heseof, whichever occurs first, or such further tiJ*~e as the Planninq Cacmission and/oz Ci~y Council may grant. 12, ".'hat Condition Nos. 4, 6, 7, II and 10, ahove-tm~tioned, shall be oanplied with prior to final kuilding and zoning inspections. TF~; FOP,EGOIIIG RESOLiTrI(RI is signed and approvecl by me this 29th aay of Septenbes, 1975. ' ~G..~ r~~i c~rnsv~a, Aruv~~r~ crrsr Pr~.*r~rarG a~*:~ssicmt r~~s~: ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ "s~, Aru~~ crrsr Pr~wrrarc corr~sszcna _Z- RESOLLTT'IOfT N!?: PC75-198 ~ ~ STATE OF CALIF~ANT~1 ) COt1!VTY OF OFANGE ) ss. CITY OF A*]F1F~It~! ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretazy of. the City Planning Ca?mission of the City of Anaheim, do her~by certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetirx~ of the City Planni.ng Ca~mission of. the City of Anaheim, held on Septmiber 29, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., }~y the follaaing vote of the nc-ml~xs thereof: AYES: CQ'~ffSS2CkTERS: BAitNES, F~F{BST, KING, 'POLAR NOES: CO^'Q~IISSI(l!~T~R.S: JOHNSOTi, FAFtF1P]0 p,BSII9T: CONA9ISSIONLTLS: MORLEY 19?5. IN W17.TIESS PJF~PSJ~F, I have hereunto ;et my hand this 29t1: day of. Septc3nber, ~~~~~~ J ~~~~r~J Sf]GTtFI'AI{Y, AP~IP7 CITY PLAPL~TING CC)"1~•'IISSION -3- RESOLLTrION T10. T'C75-19&