PC 75-199~ ~ RE.SOL(TLI(7rI NCI. PC75-199 A RF•.SOTilTIO*I OF TftF: CITS' PLl1.*]!4IPIG ~1NA1IS5IC~^7 (~ TfiT' CITY (;~ A*W3EIT1 7T~1T PETTTIU7 F'nP. VFIRINIC:E NO. 27?F Eii' GRl~1TTPF~. ~VE~'AS, the City Planni.rxJ Crnmission o£ the City of Anaheim did r.eceive a verified Petition for Variance fran S`PAFAC, INC., c% SiTF,f,T, ~Tf, Cf)'Tn'N, P. 0. T3cm 2IIH9, iAng Beach, C1~ ?0801 (Owner) ; JOFIDi 2~IVNSEEP~]n, 4951 Bishop Street, Cypress, C7~ 90E30 (Agent) of certain real pmperiy situateci in the City of Anaheim, c',ounty of Orange, State of Californi.a described as: DF.SCRIPTICRd: TI~ j4EST 170.00 FI~T OF TI~ PIC)RTH 171.Of1 FEGP ~ TITE ATnRPIrNTESP ~UAT2`IT'•R Of' ^'HF i~^T'!'fiWFST 4UARTE:R OF TfTE N01'['ti£.F1.ST QUARTF~2 OF SEC1'IOt1 ?.3, 4Y)V1f]SHIP 4 Sc~UI7i, RN?(~; 11 WEST, IN TI~ RAbTCFin IA.S COYO'PES~ CI'I7' OF AT~11IiEIM, GC~O^Fi'Y 0° 0~1~*1(:~;, S~T.TE f1F ~,im~, As PEx rv~P x~mrtnr~ irr Boox 51 ~ACr 11 ~r r~sC~r:il~r~t~ !~s, ~l ~r or-~ICE; o~ ~: cot~rrrY ~a~pa~ oF s~m cotn~r~. Wf~:RFAS, the City Planning Carmission did hold a puh].ic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Septan}~er 29, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., no•tice of sai.d public hearing having }~e~ duly given as requi.red by la~o and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter. 1R.03, to hear and oonsider evidence for and aqainst said proposed variance and to irnestigate an~i make findings and recarmerriations in oonnection therewith; and Wf~'115, said ~cinnission, after due inspection, isrvestigati~n and study made by itself ar~d in its behalf, and after due consi.deration of a].1 cvidence and reports o£fered at said hearinc~, does find and deternu.ne the £ollowing facts: 1. That the petitiorter rc-~ctuests the f.ollcx~~ing wai.vPr. f.rcri the 1lnaheim Municipal Code, to establish an autarohile upholstexy shop in the CL (GC~u3'R;17c'Tl.L. LIM77TD) 7CR~7?: Sk',CTId^1 1R.4A.0?.0 - Per.mittecl us~s. (nutambile unholStn~~ not pennlt- tal) - 2. That there are e~:ceptional or extraordinaxy circ~nnstances or condi.tions applicable to the property irnrolvecl or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the pmpesty or class of. use in the same vici.nity and zone. 3. 'l;~at the requested variance is necessary f.or the ~reservation and enjoyment of a s•~ostantial pr.operty riqht possessed by other pro?~erty in the same vicinity ancl zone, and denied to the nroperty in question. ~1. That the rec~uested variance will not be matexially detrimental to thc public welfare or injurious to the property or im~rovenents in such vicisuty and zone in which the property is located. 5. That no one indicated theis Presence at said public hearina in opposition; arxl no oorres~onc'ience was received in opposition te subject ~etition. ET1VIIdC7'7r•'~f1TAi~ 7MF'ACr RGPC~RT FINDIA]G: That the Disector of thz Planning DePartrnent has deternuned that the proposed activity falls urithin the definition of Section 3.01, Class 7., of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the Itc~Tuisanents for an Envi.r.ornnental L`~act Report and is, therefore, categorically exa~t fmn the rec~~; renent to f.ile an F.IR. ~p~~ Tt~bp,E;, SE IT I~LUED that the Anaheim City Planning Ca~ni.ssion dces hcxeby qrant subject Petition for Vaziance, uoon the follaaing conditi.ons which are hereby fotuxi t~o be a necessary prerequisite to the proposecl use of the subject property in ordes to preserve the safety and general o~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the Office c~ the Direct~or of Pub'!.ia ~9orks. 2, That the r.me•_'(sy of sutlject property s}vi7.l pay to the City of Anaheim the s1m of $2.00 per front foot along Ball Road and Vlestern Aves~ue for street lighting purnoses. F~SOI~2(7N TIO'. PC75-1^9 3. That the ~ erly drive~ray on Bali Road an~the rx~rther'lY drivexay on ~aestern Avenue shall be ranoved and replaced with stand~xd curb, 9utter and side~•ralY.. ~. That the aamer(s) of. subject propertY shall svlinit a written reauest for termination of Conditional Use Pexmit No. 582 (to Permit a service station with~n 75 feet of a residential zone). 5. Plans sha11 be stilsnitted to the Builflirx7 nivisi.on showing a~mPliance with the minim~un standarcls of the City of. Anaheim, including the Uniform Bi.u.idinq, Plunbi.na, Electrical, Mechanical, and F9re Codes a.s ado~ted hy the Ci.ty of. Anaheim. The appmpriate pennits shall be obtained for any necessary work. 6. That subject Pm~e~'tY shall he develo~ substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked b~hibit Pdo. 1. 7. That Corxlition Nos. 2 and 4, a1-rn'e-~mntioned, shall be ca~lied wi.th prior to the ca~anencenent of the activity authorizecl under this resolution, or prior to the tit!ie that the buildux,~ pex~it is issued, or wi.thin a period of one year. from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning C'.ar~nission may grant. 8. That Condition Nos. 1, 3, 5, and 6, above-mentioned, shall he carrpliecl with prior to f.inal buildirxJ and zoning in-s-~ectioris. Tf1E FOREGOIfiG RE~1LiTrIO*I is signed ~nd aF~roved b1' me this 2Qth day of September, 1975. !7~/" ~ ( ° ,.-./'~ ~ CE~1IR'fiTT~~ .1M CITY PI7l"~+IPTG CC~'~'LISSICmI ATPEST: Q~~~~,~ ~~~ sr•.cr~r~+mt, Ar~~:~, crrr Pr~~ar~tc ccx~r~nssTrn~r ST11T~ OF CAI,IFY)RIIIA ) COiT~7TY OF ORP_ri(;E ) ss CITY OF AriAFQ:TM ) I, Patricia D. Scanlan, Secretary of the City PlanniM CcRmi.ssion of. the C?ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoirx~ resolution i~s gassecl an8 acloptecl at a meeting of. the City Planniuxl ~ission of the City o£ 1lnaheim, held on Septe~r ?.9, .1975, at 1:3n p.m., by the follcnainct vote of the m~-rs thereof: AYES: C(~T4ISSIONERS: BA~]ES~ HERBST. JOfINSW~ KIl4G, Fl1RAN0 N~~S: CO*'II"ffSSI0PIERS: NONE Afi~EfTP: CCN~R~'QSSIU2IE.RS: MJRLFY~ TOLAR 1975. IN WITfTf;SS WHERT~'-~1F. I have hereunto set my hancl this 29th day of Sept~l~er, (~~iL~~C~dJi~J ~-~/~~cJ ~p,}zy~ ~~p,I~IP1 CI7'Y PI,~7"iI^]G O'1^?RISFS~1 -2- RESOLLTJ'I(7N PF?'. PC'75-199