PC 75-203~`~ ~ RESOLiTrION N0. PC75-203 ~ A RESOLUPION OF TF~ CITY PI~ANNII~TG C(k'II`72SSI~I OF T'rIE CITY OF. AAUII~Ild TI~,T PETITId!J FOR VARIANCE N0. 2728 IIE DL•TIIE2). WE~REI+S, the City Planning Cami.ission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Vaziance frcm C. MICF4IEL, INC., P. 0. Box 273, Midw~y City, California 92655 (Owaer); RF1AA & BOYER INGIAIEERING O~„, 14487. Beach Boulevard, Suite R, P]estzninster, California 92683 (glq~Y) of certain real property descxibed as: All that certain lare3 situatecl i.n the State of California, County of Orange, City of Anaheim, describecl as follaos: ihe Westerly rectangular one-half of Lot 17 of Anaheim ~tension, as shaan on a map made by William H~nel anc3 filed DeceN~er 11, 1368 in the office of the County ltecorder of Los Angeles County, California. WIi~;FtEAS, the City Planning Ca~mission did schedule a public hearis?g at the City I~all in the City of Anaheim on August 4, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., noti~e of said public hearing having been duly given as re.c~~;recl by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and c~nsider evidence for ancl agai~st said praposed variance and to investigate and make firulings and recam~ulations in oonneetion therevrith; said public hearing having been ronti.nued to the Planning Ccnmi.ssion meeting of October 13, 1975; and WE~REAS, said Carmission, after due inspection, i.rn~estigation and study made by itself and in its bP.hal.f, and afi:er due consideration of a11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing~ does find and determine the follaaing facts: 1. That the petitioner r~.7uests the follawing waivers fran the Anaheim riunicipal Cod~, to establish a 116-unit, 117-1ot RM-4000 subdivision: (a) SECTIOP; 18.01.130 - Re irenent that all lot aYxit a public street. ~117 ots rontang on private streets) (b) SECTION 18.31.Q65,011 - Minim~nn distance between buildinqs. (18 feet required; 10 feet proposed) 2. That the above-mentior.ed waivers are hereby denied on the basis that the petitioner did not denonstrate that a hardship c~ould be created if said vraivers were not granted; that the develognent proposal is designed t~o canbine tko zones (a single-family zone ani a multiple-family 2one) for the benefit of the developes, and not tlie future hrn~ovmers in the project, sair3 Proposal includi.ng private ratk~' than public streets, minimal lot sizes which vAUld be substandard RS-7200 lots, a lack of the amenities required for a plann~i cattmmity, including the ].ack of true open space due to the proposal to have 6-foot fences ~siclosing private recreation areas and preventing access an3 visibility to the catsron open recxeational spaces, said fences to provide private yards typically associate3 with singlrf~ni.ly zones and not the RM-4000 Zone; and, furthexmore, that, if develoued, thE project would be detrimen`al to the Ci.ty of Anaheim in the future. 3. That there are no e~sceptional or extraordinary circiunstances or condi.tions apglicable to the propert,y irnrolved or to the inte~led use o£ the property that do not apply generally to ~the property or class of use in the s~ne vicinity and zone. • 4. That the requested variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by othPS propertY in th°- same vicinity and zone, a~l denied to the property in question. 5. That the requested ~rariance will be materially detrimental tn the public welfare or injurious to t,he prapertY or i~nents in such vicinity and zone in rahi.ch the property is located. 6. That tv.o (2) persons appeared at sai.d public hearing in o~osition to subject petitinn; and no correspondence was received in opposition to subject peti.tion. FtESOIUrION '.1~. PC75-203 _-~.~ . r' E• v.Lt~A'~SITA Ir ~ALT FI VDING: That on the sis that E~virornnental Impact~eport No. 133 sutmitted in conjunction with develognent of the sub]ect pro~rtY was certified by the City Council on October 15, 197~l, and since no new erivirotmiental impacts are involved in the revised develognent proposal, the Planninq Crnmission iioes 2~seby take no additional action in oonnection ~•rith said EIR No. 133. NOP7, TI~I2EEbi2E, ~ IT FtFSOLVID that the Anaheim City Plarrning Camdssion does hereby deny subject Petition for Variance on the basis of the aforenentioned findings. Ti~ FOI~ING A6SOLUrION is signed and appraved by me this 13th day of October, 1975. ~ ~ ~.p~ ~ p~g7 CITSC PI~1b7NING (XxR~[ISSI(RI ATiEST • ' ,~ ~~..~~~ , Aru~nK crrx P~u~~ oor~~ssr~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY uF ORANGG )ss. CITY OF e'~I1AI~IM ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Crnmission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the £oregoing resolution was passed ar-a adopted at a meeting of the City Plann~ng Ccnmission of the City of Anaheim, held or. October 13 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follaaing vote of the manb^~s thereof: AYES: ~ CONA'lISSIONERS: BAIII~S~ HERBST~ JOFINSON~ ICIl~]G~ MDRT~.'Y~ TOIAR~ FARP,~10 IJpES: CQ~'II~'ITSSIONIERS: NOI~ p,BSENT: CO~g'IISSIOI~RS: NOt~ IN WITNESS WF~RRDOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of October, Agy~ ANAHE CITSI pLANNII4G OOMr~QSSION 1975. F~50IIJrldN N0. PG'75-203 -2-