PC 75-205r ~ ~
I~SOLUtIO`I N0. PC75-205
WE~',AS, the City Planning Caianission of thE City of Anaheim did receive a
veti~i.ed Petition for Reclassification fran ADRRIS J. Q1RI~LL, 2332 ~W. Lincoln
1lvenue, F1n~heim, California 92801; D0~1LD F. , EIS?.ABE~fI C. , AN~ ~7'~~ ~
ItALSTON, 138 S. Gil.bert Street, Anaheim, California 92804 (cAmers); Iu1LPHS GROCERY
C0.~'At~Y, A Division of Federated ~t Stores, 3410 W. Thirci Street, Los
Angeles, Californi.a 90020 (Agent) of certain real property descril~d as:
All t1~at certain lazxi situated in the 3tate of California, Coun~Y of Orange, City
of Anaheim, described as follaas:
That portion of the Narthwest quarter of the Northeast quartez' of Section 18,
Rbwnship 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho Ivs Coyotes, as shaan on a Map
reoordecl in book 51, paqe 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, reoords of Qrange County,
California, shown as that certain 8.95 acre parcel of land on a Map filed in k~ook
4, page 39 of Reoo~l of S~rveys in the Office of the County Reoorder of said
Orange County, described as follows:
Beginni.ixJ at the Nortlr~st corner of said Northeast .auarter; thence North R8° 5ti' •
00" East G60.00 feet along the North line o£ o id~Nortliea~~st4uart~~~ of the
Northeast co~-crner of r.he Northwest rn~arrnr
Northeast quarter of said Section 18; thea~ce South 00° 08' 35" ~ast 666.48 feet
to the Southeast corner of said Northwest quarter of the Norttnaest quarter of the
Northeast rn~a+~±ex'; thence South 88° 58' 07" West 44.00 feet; thence North 0° 18"
00" 47est 152.00 feet; thence South 87° 52' 00" West 171.00 feet; thance South 61°
30' 00" West 240.00 feet; the,^~ce South 7I° 29' 00" ~9est 75.00 feet; thence South
88° 48' 00" West 162.45 feet to the West line of said Northeast quartes; thence
North 00° 08' 45" West 651.41 feet to the point o£ beginnirr3.
I~ccepting therefran that Portion thereof lying Swtherly of the tollowing
described line: B~innin4 at a point in the Westerly line of said hereinabwe
described land being dxstartt North 00° OS' ~15" West 98.00 feet, thereon, fL~an the
SrnittYwest oorner thereof; thence North 8E° 58' 00" East along a line garallel
~~i,th the Northerly line of said hereinabove describc~.d land to the Southerly
boundary of said hereinabove described land.
Wf~F'1LS, the City Planning Cartni.ssion did hold a public heariux~ at the City
Hall ir. the City of Anaheim on Oct~bes 13, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public
hearing having been duly given as re~c~~ired by law and in accordance with tYue
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chagter 18.03, tn hear and consi.dex
evi.dence for ar~d against said proposed reclassification and to im~estigate and make
findings and reoa~ations in oonnection therewith: and
F1f~'~.5, said Ca~mission, after. due inspection, investigation and study made
}~, i~e.1f and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence aru? repo`'ts
offered at said hearing, does find and detezmine the followinq facts:
1., That the pEtitione;: proposes reclassification of the above-described
property fran the RS A 43,000 (RESIDF2lrrIAL/AGRIC[JLTU!iF~L) ZO~ t° t}u= Q' ~COt'L"~II~L'
LII~'1~) Z~.
2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates svbject pro~esty for n~i.un
densit~ residential uses.
3. That the petitioner stipulated to closing off the southerly drive~~ray
along Gilbert Street, and to prohibiti.ng the use of the rortherly drives~ray along
Gilbert Street fcr truck deliveries.
4. That the petitioner stipul~ced to eliminating the proposed 9-space
parl~i.ng lot araa at the southeast e~ctranih' of the subject propert.y and to creating a
parklike azea on that portion of the prapertY, to be fully landscaped with rio tsees
abutting the fences adjacent to the residential lui:s unless the trees are of a non-
shc~iding .type. '
gESpLtTtIpN Np. PC75-205
5. 'Ph.at the itioncr stipulated that the de~ies of inerch~uxiise would
be restrictecl to the ~ between 7:00 a.m. to 10:0~ p.
6. That the proposed reclassificati.on of subject property is necessa..-y
and/or desirable for the orderl.y ar~d proper develognent of the carmunity.
7. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly
relate to the zones and their permitted ur,.°~ 1^^~lly established in close proximity
to subject property and to the zones arai their pernu.tted uses generally established
throughout the caRmuzity.
8. That the proposed reclassification of subject property r~~ires the
imprwFSnent of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation Elenent of the
Genesal Plan, due to tl~e anticipatod increase in traffic which will be generated by
the inte~sification of land use.
9. That four (4) peY~sons appeared at said public hP~ring in opoosition;
and no correspondence Fras received in opposition to subject petition.
That ~viroranental 7mpact Report No. 155 having been aonsidered this date by
the Planning Crnmission and evidence, both written and oral, havinq been presented to
supplanent sai.d draft EIR No. 155, the Planning Cartnission believes that said dra£t
EIR No. 155 does conform tA the City anci State Guidelines and the State of California
Envirornnental Quality Act anl, based upon such information, dces hereby reca~mend to
the City Council that they certify said EIR No. 155 is in canpliance wi.th said
F~virornnental Quality Act.
IJa9, TII~ItEF01~, ~ IT RESOLUED that th~ Anaheim City Planning Ca~mission
does hereby recarniend to the City Crn:ncil of the City of Anaheim that subject
Petition far Reclassification be approv~l and, by so doing, that Title 18-2onirxJ of
the Anaheim Nunicipal Code be acnended to exclude the above-descri.bed property fran
the RS-A-43,000 (R~SIDF~]TIAL/AGR7CULTURAL) ZONE and to incorporate said describe3
pmperty into the CL (COM~ItCIPS~, LI~) ZOP~ upon the followimJ mnditions which
ate hereby found to be a necessazy prerequisite to the pmposed use of subject
property in order to presesve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of khe
City of Anaheim:
(1) That all engineeri~g rec~~irenents of the City of Anaheim along Lincoln
Avenue and Gill~ert Street including pre~ax`ation of impreuenent plans and installation
o£ all imgrovenents, such as curbs and gutters, sideara]ks, street grading and paving,
drainage facilities, or other appurtenant ~rk shall be ar~lied with as requirod by
the City Eng~neer and iz accordance with standard plans and speca.fications ori file in
the Office of the City Engineer; that street li.ghting facilities along i,incoln Avenue
anr3 Gilb~st Street shall be installed as required by the Director of Public Utilities
ancl in accordan^e with ~-a+~~-+a plans and specifications on file in the Office of the
Direct,or of Public Utilities and that a boncl in an amowit and foxm satisfactozy to
the City of Anaheim shall be postod with the City to G~arantee the installation of.
the above-mentioned r~~irenents.
(2) That the owner(s) of subject pzop~sty sha].1. pay to the City of Anaheim
the s~an of 60 cents per front L•oot aloag Gilbert Street for tree planting pui.~poses.
(3) That trash storage areas shall be prwided in accordance with approved
plans on file with the Office of the Director of Public Works.
(4) That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as rc~uired and
deterntined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fise Department prior to cannencanent
of structural fr~ning.
(5) That all air-conditicning faci.lities shall be propesly shielded frcm
view ~nd the sound buffered fran adjacent residences.
(6) That subject plop~sty shall be se.*~/e3 by underground utilities.
(7) That a 6-fcot masonry hrall shall be constructed along the south
property line.
(8) That drainage of subjPCt property shall be disposed of in a manner
satisfactory to the City E7~gineer.
-2- RF50LiTPION IJ~. PC75-205
~ i
~ i.s to ~ vided ior tt~ purpose of
(9) In the event that subject prope='tY
sale, lease, or financing, a parcel map t~o reoord the aPPrrn'ed division of subject
ProPe~'tY shall be su2mitted to and approved by the City of Anaheim ar~d then be
recorde3 in the Office of the clrange County Reoordez'•
(10) Tha~ appropriate water assessment fees as de*pTt++~ned by the Direct~r of
Public Utilities shall be paid to the Cfty o£ Anahe:im prior to the issuance of a
building peLmit.
(11) That the deve3opex shal.l modify the median island in Lincoln Avenue to
pravide left turn pockets a~ approved by the City Engineeti'.
(12) That subject propertY shall be developed substantially in accordance
ori.th plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked F~chibit Nos. 1,
2, 3, 4 anci 5; provi.defl, haweves~ t1~at the southez'lymost driveway along Gilbpst
Street shall be eliminated and iandscaPing wi11 1~e Provided across said driveway
oP~~J. as stipulated to by ti~ petitioner: a~ that the propo5ed 9-space parking
lot area at the southeast extrenity .~f the pmpertY shall be eliminated arid saicl area
}~ ~{~~y la~iscaped with no trees abutting the fences adjacent to the residenti.al
lots unless the trees are of a non-shedrling type, as stipulated to by the petitioner.
(13) Prior to the int~."~oduction of an ordinance rezoning subject PropertY~
Condition Nos. 1, 2, air3 9, above-emnti.oned, shall k~e canpleted. The pmvisions or
rights granted by this resolution shall beoane null and wid by acti~n of the Cit-y
Council unless said conditions are oas~].ied c~1th 'aithin ~e Y~' f~ ~~~
hereof, or such further timP as the City Council may grant•
(14) That Condition Nos. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 12, above-mentioned, shall
be oanplied with prior to final buildiTx~ arid zoning inspections.
(15) That the mrth.er'ly driveway proposed a1on4 Gi3bert Street shall mt be
use3 for trick deliveries, as stipulate3 to by the peti.tioner-
(16) That deliveries of inerchandise sha11 be restricted to fi:ne hours between
7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Tf~ rpRDGOII~IG RFSOLVPION is signed and approved by me this 13th day ~f
~tober. 1975.
i~~~ A.~t-i/J'
y p1g~IF C~'Ty p731IvR~ING COr'P'1ISSION
• ' ~ _ /
I, Patricia B. Scanlanr SecretarY of the City Planning Caim.ission of the
City of Anaheim, do her.ebY certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and
adopted at a meetin4 of the City Planning Catmi.ssi.on of the City of Anaheim~ held on
October 13 1975, at,1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the manbers thereof:
NOF.g: CCY~4dISSIdNk~iS: N(7^IE
pBSII~: 0~'A'IISSI0I~R8: D~JL~
IN WITt~SS WFIDt~70Fr I have hereimto set my hand this 13th day of October,
~ L' Crii~-~/
-3- ~TPIQQ N0. PC75-205