PC 75-210~ RF.SOLt1T2dN N0. PC75-210 ~ A RESOLiTrIOJ] OF Ti~ ANAHF.IM CITY PIANNING CA?~T7ISSION TEf2i~~TING ALL P~DINGS OF ~7DITIOAIAL USE PERMIT N0. 1212 S~[~I~S, on Novenber 30, 1970, the An3heim ~it]' plann~ng ~a~ussion granted Con3itional Use Pennit No. 1212 in Resolution No. PC70-213, to establish on-sale beer ar~d wine in an existing restaurant or. propet'ty ~nsisting of approx~znateTy 0.8 acre, havinq a frontage of apx~roxirnately :L30 fc:et on the east side . ot Broolchurst Street, beiny locateci approxirnately 195 feet south of the centerline of Broao't~ray~ and fui"ther descri2r_d as 314 South Broolchurst Street; ar:d {~E3F:RF.AR, subsequent to the approval o: Con3itional Use Penni.t No. 1212, the caimercial buildin9 at the subject location was,licensed for a use other than a restaurant with on-sale beer and wine, and wh~~ the applicant (Tkrnias A. Dobbie, owner) sought to re-establish said use, a ne~a oc>nditional use permit (No. 1563) was filed and approved bY the Plann9ng Catmissior, on Septeru5er 15, 1975; and WI~EAS, the applicant has sulxnitted a written request to tP~~~ate Conditional Use Pezmit No. 1212, ir: oa~liance with tha Planning Carmi.ssion recmmendations adopted in connection wi.th the approval of Conditional Use Petmit No. 1563. NC)Ia, TE~gEFpRE. B~ IT RG.SOLUED that the Anaheim City Planrung Carmission does hereby tenninate a11 proeeeclings of Condi.tional U~~ Permit No. 1212 cm the basis of the foregoing findings. TEIE FOREGOIl~IG RF.SQLUTION is signe~l and approved by me tlv.s 13th day ~£ pctobes. 1975. . ~~ ~~,/~ CHAI , APAIHEID4 CITY PIANNING ~^R~'QSSION ATPE : Sf~ETARY~ ANP.HE~'S CIR'SC PLANNING C~^R~IISSIOI•I STATE OF CAT~IF'OF~1IA ) OpUtaPY OF ORANG'E ) ss. C7'PY OF ANAI~INl ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Carmission of the City of Anaheim, do 1lereby certify that the foregoing resolution Hras passed and adc~pted at a meetinq of the City Plannin9 Carmiission oi the City of Anaheim, held on OctAber 13 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the £ollowi.ng wte of the menbers thereof: AY~;S: 00.^'II`725SI0^~RS: BAI~IES, HERBSl. JOHNSOPI, KING, MDRI~C- 'it~IARr FARi1N0 NOES: CO^'~SSIOI~RS: N~ ABSF~EC: COMt~SSI0i3ERS: NO^IE 1975. IN WITf~SS WHERD~F, I have hereunto set my hanr3 this 13th day of October, . ~ ~.T.I~C~ ANAF~IM CITY PIANNING CC)!~'II'~SSION RESO~,iTTT~I N0. PC75-210