PC 75-212~ "~
~sorTsr=o;a rx~. rc~5-2i2
n Rrsur,LTio>t or ~n; n~U~=r•t cz'PY PL7~'~EdI:]G m:~~sszo>,
t~,~~u~:ac r:rsoLUrio.~ t.~. rc7~-73, c~a~~r~c v~~ir~•x~ rY~. z59o.
t~lII'sRET~S, on April 15, 197A, the l~ruzheim City Pl.annin7 Ca~nission granted
Var.zznce :10. 7.590 in Resolution tlo. PC7d-73, i:o establie,h a retail ;`axl marY.et in an
]t-1 (RS-7200) Zone, on prooerty located at the soutln•~est corne= of East Street and La
Pa]ma Avenue; and
I~IIERI'.AS, Condition ?•]o. 11 states "Tliat the hours ~f opex'ation £or i:he
proposecl rei:~zil food m~s'}:et shall bs frrxn 7:00 a.m. to ;*.ii.cnight; pro~•idc-Yl, hovrever,
iliat upon r~rit~en rc~uest fra~i the petitioner, thc Plannincl Camiission and City
Council may grant- an c~:tension of sai.d hours o£• operation, as stipulatal to lr~ the
petitioner"; an1
T~;1~=tL•'.nS, tlie aPplicant (Tan ~rri~iting, 1)istrict A'lanager., Southland
Comoratzon) siilx~itt~7 a r:riL•ten request to ru^end the al.~ove-mentionca Condition No.
11 to pennit the retail foai markcr on the subject propc~sty to rc~~in opeiz 24 hours a
ciay; and
I,hg;?2P,nS, after clue ins~ection, investigation and stud,y macle ]~y itself an:'i in
itc bcl'salf, ~.,nd aft~s due conside~:ation of all evide:~ce and rep~rts ofierecl in
connecticn ~~it!~ t?ie a~licant's request, the .i~naheim City Planning Catr~ission l~~S
I~;ItLIIY F~~ID that said Canditinn P~o. 11 shou].d }~. amendec:.
N~~~, T1I~RL"FOPT, T~ IT R~SOLVED tl~at thc: I~naheim City Planning (';x~ini.ssion
does hexeby amend C.ondi.tion No. 11 of Resolution No. £n.74-73 c~'ani:in9 Variance 1~]0.
?590, io read: "11. 'Pl~at tlie liours of. operation far t'~e proposed retail f.oal marl:et
slk3?1 }ae £~r t~senty-four (29) hours a day, said hours of or~sation being grantecl for
a~e~:~a3 ~E c~~ie (1) year, ~jcct to revie~+ and consideration for e:{t~sion of time
1,;- the ~lanning Cannission and/or City Council upon written request lrl the
TI3C FOPT.GOL]G R] ~SOLUtIO'Q is signeri and approveci ]~y me ihis 13th day of
*~ci-oY~es, 1975.
~ ~
CIL~I '^A• i At~'~AIi~I~1 CITY PIA?dIdIP:G CO}?'12SSI~JiQ
/~ `. ~
SIx:RL~l'nI2Y, A1~u1l~;I:1 CITY PI11IT_~IIi;G CO:~i7ISSI0~1 .
ST~179: OI' C11T~IP'Ol~]Il~ )
COLNI.'Y OF OIt~1',IGE )ss. ,
c=~ or nriun.:r.a )
I, Patricia ~. Scanlan, Secretaxy of the City Planni.n9 Ccr,r.iission of the
Ciiy of Anah~vn, do hereY~y cer~if.y that the for.egoing r.e,~olution vns lxzssed ~v~3
adopLc~d at z ineeting ot Uie City P1vlning Ca:ynission of. the City o£ Aneiheim, held on
October 13 1975, at 1:30 p.m., }~y tlic follrn~~ing vcte of thc manl~xs thcr.eof:
iaors: co:T•ussiorn:t~,: taovr•.
nt~sLZrr: co~~zssxo:~n:rs: rtcr.r~
Il~ 17ITiIIiSS ~~I1P;RL7~F, I have hereunlo set my hand Litis :13th day oE Oc;totr..r. ~
.~/ ~.e%l~C~Gc~J/~Q'%~~G~CJ
:~ECRY'rARY~ ?~'.dNiliIAi CI'1'Y Pf.J~^.".~I1dG CO'~[~1ISSIO;J
RI:SOLITP]'0:1 h0. PC75°7.17.