PC 75-217, ~~ ~ RF.SC)LUrION NO. PC75-217 A I2I'SC)LUfICm1 OF TIIE CITY PLANNING aY~MaSSIf3^I OF' TI~ CIPY bF' eLdAHF.~1 TI~T PETITION FOR CdiTnIT20NAT USE PERP'IIT N0. 1570 fiF. C~t•flZ~r II`1 PP.FQ'. [^lt-~R~AS, the City Planning CarIInission o£ the City of Ar~--heim did receive a verifiecl Petition for Cor~ditional Use Pesmit frcm AI,DOR11D0 PROPF.P~IES, Attn: AL FISHI~d1, 222 Fashion Lane, Suite 106, Tustin, Californi.a 92680 (Owner) ; Q3•I~ SQtMERV2LLE/DODIAT~ BIRD ASSOC. , 17802 Tzvine Boulevazd, Tustin, California 92680 (Agents) of cert.ain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali.fornia descri.bed as: All that cpstain land situated in the State oL Californi.a, Caunty of Orange, City of Anaheim, de.scril~ec3 as follows: That portion of the South 5 acres of the East half of the Southeast c~L~-+-er of the Southeast ciuart~s of Section 12, Tau~mshi.p 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a Map recorci~l in booY. 51, paqe 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, records o£ Oranqe County, Californi.a, described as follows: Parcel 3, as shchm on a Map £ilod in book 45, page 12 of Parcel blaps in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County. WI~?2F.7~S, the City Planning Ca~enission did hold a public hearing at the City Fiall in the City of Anaheim on Octok~x 29, 1S75, at 1:3Q p.m., notice of said. Public hearing having been duly given as require3 by 1aw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1II.03, to hear and a~nsider evidence for and against said proposed corxiitional use arrd to investigate anci make findings and recartneridations in wnnection therewith; and W1-IERFAS, said Cannission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itse3f anci in its behalf, airi after due consideration of all evide:~ce arui reports offered at said heazing, does find ami determuze the following facts: 1. That thc proposeci use is propesly one for which a conditional use permit is authorized 17y Code Section 1f3.45.050.320, to wit: pennit a b~is depot in the CG (COi~4N~}~IAL, G~]ERAL) ZONE, with waiver of: SECtIO?•T 18.~5.093.023 - Permitted sign location. (40a of lot widt'~ to acl7acent parcels renuirFxi; 10~ proposed) - 2. That the petitioner withdrew the above-mentionecl waiver and stipulatc~3 to providing signing in conformance with the CG 7,one Cocle stan3ards. 3. That the Planning Caimission does herekyy detenni.ne that the use of the proposed trailer for a tenporary office structure shall be limited bo one (1) year, subject to review and consideration for an extension of time by the Planning Camtission and/or City Council, upo~ written request by the petitioner. 4. That the petitioner stipulated to planting trees alang the property lines of the subject property to create an effective tree screen to fully enclose the proposeri use, said additional trees to be Cypress trees o£ a size w;iich would orovide the desired screening wi.thin a period not exceer3ing t-~,o (2) years; and said tree screening to be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Departrnent; and the Planning Caimission does hereby determine that said tree screening will be adequate in lieu of the 6-foot chainlink fence with recir~od or cedar slats, typically requised to screen an outdoor use. 5. fihat there are exceptional or extraordi.nary ci.rcimistances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use, as grantc:d, of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class cf use in the same _ vicinity anci zone. 6. That the requested variance, as granted, is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment oE a substantial property right possessed by oth~s property in the same vicinity and zone, ani denieci to the nroperty in question. 7. That the requeste3 variance, as granted, will not be matesially 3n*ximental to the puUlic welfare or injurious to the property or impravanents in such vici~ity and zone in which the property is located. RESOLUPION N0. PC75-217 ^~.;• a,. ~rnat one person appearefl at said publ' earing in opros~:tion ani, subsequ~ntZy, withdre~. e opposition; ancl no corr ncience was receivecl in opFx~sit.i.on tc~ subject petition. r~RC;~4~''T~~'IAL SNIPACP RF~CIRS ~'IIVDING: That ~he Planning Crnmissi~on does hereby re~rnm~d t~c the City Council tlYZt the subject n~ojec~t re exanpt from ti~e rc~uirannnf ta pr~are an emriroranental impact report, pursuan~ to the ~rovisions of the Califoznia 'Envirormienta7. 42~lity Act. N~W, Tl~JiEFbRE, BE IT RFSOLVED that thc Anaheim City Flanni,ng Ccmnission does hereby~cJrant, in part, subject Petition for C~ndit_onal Use Pernu.t, upon the foZZow.ing ~oanditions o:hich ara hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to thE Proposc~d use or the sub;ject pz~c~er.ty in order to Freserve the safety and general welfare o~ ~tI-~e C_tizens -o£ th~ ~City of Anaheim: 1. That trash storagE areas shall be pgovided in acconlance with apprwed plans on f~lv~with the Office of the Director of Public T4orks. 2. That fire hydrants skiall be installed and ~h~sged as requird and deternti.nc~cz to ~,e nec~ssa~ by the Chief' ot the Fire DeparGnent prior to a:.~~anencenent of structural fr~ning. 3, fihat subj?~t property sha31. be sesved by unclergrou.nd uti.lities. 4. That drainage of subject prc~esty shall be disposed of in a mannAs satisfactory tt~ the City Engineer. 5. That appropriate wa;ns assessment fees as detezmin~3 by the Direc"-~.or of Yublic Utilitnas shall be pai~ tA the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a bui3dim3 penn~.t. 6. Tl~at subject property shall be developed svbstantially in accordance witl~ plans and speci.fications on file with tY~e City of Anaheia marYc~c3 ~xhibit P7o. 1; provided, lx~?ever, ~khat trees sha1Z be p3.anted along ~he property lines t.o creat~ an effeative tsee scre~n to fully enclose the proposed use, sa3~d additional trees tc~ be Cy~rQSS trees of a size which will pzovide the desirecl srrening within a period not exceec:ing two (2a yea~s, as stipulated to b~ the pet.itioner.; and, furthex, that any signing shall be in canformanca with CG Zane ~ain -utandards. 7. Tl~at Condition Pios. 1, 3, 4, and 6, above-mentioned, shall be canplied with Frior to final building arid zcat~ing inpsections. 8. TYwt the use of t.Me trailer as a tc~~orary o£fice stsucture sN~-~7.1 be l~mi.ted to a periori of one (1) vear, subj~ect t~o review and consir3erati.on for aa Pxtension of tiame by the Pl~rrrring Camnission and/or City Council, upon written rquest l.~y the p~etitioner. Tl~ FOREGQIPdG RF.GOLUPION is signed an~3 approved by me this 29th day cf Octc~ber, 1975. CE RMA,.,'~~ P T1~AE ~ ANP,FIEIM CITY PLAP]NIDIG C':Y~~]ISSIQN A'IT~ST: ~~~~,~~~2.,~ S~RLTARY~ AI~lAI~IM CITY PLAI~NIIdG ~'A'fCSSIIXQ ~l'~ Oi ~~`~ ) OOUf71'Y OF dRANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAF~Itd ) T, Patrici.a B. 5canlan, Secretary of the City Planning Ca~mission of the v City of 1~naheim, do hereby certi.fy that the foregoing resolutinn was passed and adopt.ecl at a meeti.ng of the City Planning CaRmissio~ of the City o£ Anaheim, held on October 29, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follawing vote of the manbess thereof: AYI'S: CONAI2SSIdI~'RS: B1~I2NESr F~"RBST~ JOI~IIJS~1~ KII4G~ MORT~Y rrors: aa~nnxssiorr~s: r~ Aasarr: ca~¢sszor~s: xor~, FanAr~o aJ WI3'tgSS WE~OF, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of October, 1975. //~'~ ~ ~ ~~ Y $ , ANAI~Ihi CI PIANDT~IG CCY~Y~IISSION -2- Ia'S07~TPI(7Iv N0. PC75-217