PC 75-218,.. ~~- ~ ~ RI:SOLifPIC4~1 N0. PC75-21f3 A RLSOLUTIOtd OF TFIE CITY PI~*L~iING CONA7ISSIC;N OF Tt~ CITY OF A1~IHFIP4 TIII~T PETITIOPJ FOR CONDITIO~IPS, U~ P~RMIT A'+'~. 1571 SE GRANfED, LY PART. WI-sTEF1.S, the City Planning Crnmission of the City of Araaheim did receive a verifir~i Petition for Corx3itional Use Pe.xmit frcm JAMES P. AND FHYI:T.IS J. CRAS•~RG, 1441 E. Ia Palma Avenue, P.naheim, California 92805 (Oomers) ; DO!~Ld? 3. BI2CXV:1, WRaTNFR LEISURE, INC., 270 N. Carr~n Drive, Beverly Hills, California 9021b (Agent) of certain real property situated in ihe City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 5tate of Cali£ornia described as: P.~'L 1: The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast c;uarter of Section 21, Ta~,niship 4 Sauth, Ftange 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa I~.~a, in the City of Anaheim, as shcx~m on a map recorde.3 in book 51, page 10 of Nliscellaneous Maps, records of Oram7e County, Cali£ornia. WFIGRE71.Sr the City Planning Caimission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on October 29, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai.d public heariux~ ix~eing been duly given as requised kry law and in accordznce wit.h the pmvisions of the Anatieim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and wnsi~es eviclence for and agasnst sai.cl proposed conditional use and to investigate and make fia~dings and zeeam~s~dations in oonnection therewith; and WHERiAS, saic~, Crnmission, after due inspection, irnrestigati.on and study made by itself anci in its behalf, and after due consideraiion of all evidence ancl reports offered at said hearing, does fin.~ and dete>sriine the follaaing facts: Z. That the proposed use is properl~ one fbr which a oond£cional use nPm+;t is authorized by Caie Sections 18.48.~50.120, 1A.48.050.160, and. 18.4i3.050.190, to wi.t: pern~it an outdoor tennls facility and private nlub with or.- sale lic~wr. 2. That the petitionex stipulated to prwiding 1 five (5) foot high earthen ber:~ir~ the front setback area along the west property line, outside (to the west of) the propsed five (5) foot high bloc}: wall, said bc:rm to i~e heavily landscaped to provide screening ar~d sound attenuation of the pro~sed use, ancl said wal.l bei.ng five (5) feet high as measurod £ran the highest finished grade level at the base of the wall. 3. That the pe:titioner stipulatecl that t'~e lmurs of operation will be fran 7:OL a.m, to 10:00 p.m.. e.nd the Planning Crnmission dae~ hereby detezmine t1~at, upon written request by the pecitioner, said hours ~f operation may be reviewed for a detc.i.-mination as to i•rhether the hours of operation should be extendeci. 9. That the petil•ioner stipulated that the inte,nt of the iise is to provide on-sale beer ax~cl wuie only during the approved hours o£ nperation; hcnoever, in the future a cocktail lounge with on-sale lic~wr may be proposed; thaxefore, the Planning Ccr.mission does hereby detesmine that the proposed u~e is granted f'or on-saZe }xer ar,d wine only azxi, if the petitioner is desirous of having on-sale liquor in the future, s~:ch a r~uest shall he considered at a public hearing. 5. That the proposed use, as granted, wi11 not adversely affect the acljoini m land uses and the grmath anci develo~ment o£ the area in which it is proposeci to be located. 6. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use, as granted, is adequate tt~ allcxa the full develogn~nt of the proposed use in a r,anner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 7. That the Conclitional Use Pexmi.t, as granted and under the conditions imposecl, wi11 not be detrimental ~to the peace, health, safety, and general wel£ :i-e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 8. That twv (2) ~rsons appeared at said public hearim3 in c~osition; and a petition, oontaining approximately 20 signatures in opposition to subject petition, was received. RF.SOLUPI~I N0. PC75-218 ~.. ~ ~ ~ IIVVIRf.~'~II~~7PAL IMPA(,T RL~ORT FINUING: That the Planning Catmission does hereby reoa~vnend to the City Counc~l that the subject project be er.eimt fran the requirenent to pre~re an envisnnmenta'1 impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Envirorunental Qoality P,ct. NOW, Tf~RFF~RE~ ~ IT RGSOLVID that the Anaheim City Plann:~ng Carmission does hereby grant, in part, subject Petition for Conditional Use Per_mit, upon the fol.lowing conciitions which are hereby found to be a necessary pr.erc~uisite tn the proposed use of ttie subject property in orcler to preserve the s:ifety ancl general welfare of the Citizens of th~ City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner(s) of subject property shall deec: to the City of Anaheim a strip of larxi 57 feet an width from the centerline of the street along Walnut Street. 2. That a11 engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Walnut Street including preparation of improvanent plans and installation of all improvene~ts such as , curbs and gutters, sidewalYs, street gradir_g airl paving, cirainage f.~cilities, or other aurn,*-*enant y~ork shall be oa~lied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with starr3ard F'lans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities along Walnut Street shall be installed as required Yyy the Disector nf Public Utilities an3 in accordance with standarcl plans and specifications on file in the Office o£ the Direc:tor of Pubiic Utilities and that a bond in an amo»nt and form satisfactc~ry tn the City of At-aheim shall be posteci with the City to guacantee the installation of the above- mentioneci requisenehts. 3. T'hat the awner(s) of subject p~roperty shall pay to the Cit*I of Anaheim the s~an of GO cents per front foot along Walnut Stree"t for tree planti.ng Purp~ses. 4. fihat trash storage ax:eas shall be prwided in accordance w3.th approved plans on file with the Office of the llisector of Public ?4or.ks. 5. That fire hydrants shall be ins'c.alled and chargo3 as rc~uired ancl determined to be necessary by i-he Chief of the Fire De~artrnent prior to cannencenesit of struct.ural f.raming. 6. ThaL• subject property sl~all be served by urxlergrouncl utili.ties. ~ 7. That dr.ainage o£ subject propest}r shall. be disposed of in a manner satisfactoxy to the City Engineer. 8. That this conditional use pen;dt is granted subject to the carmletion of Reclassification Pdo. 66-67-61, now pending. 9. mhat appropriate water assessment fees as detexminecl x,y the Director of Public Utilities shall l.~e paid to the City of Anahcim prior i:o the issuance of a building per:nit. 10. That any exterior lighting shall be down-lightec, ~nci dirtctzd away fran the adjacent Property lines to pratect the residenti.cal integrity of the area. 11. That subject property shall be developed substantially i.n acc~rdance with plans and spe~i:fications on file with tne City of Anaheim n.~crked Exhibit P~os. 1, 2, znc; 3; provLdEx1, harever, that a heavily lara3scaped five (5) foot high earthen benn shall be provi.fled in the front setback ara.a along the wESt property line in froZZt of. the pxoposc~ci five (5) foqt high block vra11, said wall to be five (5) £eet high as measured ~rcm the highest finished grzde level at the base of the wall; as sti}~ul.ated to- by the petitioner. 12. That Conclitzon *Ios. 1, 2, 3, and 8, above-mentioned, shall be oariplied with prior to the ~a~anencenent of the activit~!~ autl~ori~eci under this resolution, or prior to the tim~ that the builning pexmit is .i~sued, or within a period of one year fran c3ate herea~f, whichever occurs fisst, or such further time as the Planning Ccamission and/or City Council may grant. 13. That Condition Nos. 4, 6, 7, l0o and 11, above-mentioned, shall be canplied with prior to fina7. buildura and zoning inspections. 19. That the hours of opeYaMion shall k~ frnn 7:00 a.n. to 10:00'p.m., as stipulated to by the petitioner; prwi.dlel hewever, that upon written request by ttie petitioner, said hour.s of opesation shall be reviewed for a deternunation as to whethes the hours of operation snouYd be extended. -2- HGaOLtlPION IJO. PC75-218 ..'. • i ~ ~ 15. That this oon3irional use F~e=cmit shall be granted for on-sale beer ~rul wine only°and ~that said ac~ivity shall occur only during the appmved hours of operation, as stipulated to Ly the petitioner. Tf~ FORE30ING RESOLLTPIO`~i is sign~. and approved bY me t1'~i.s 29th day af October, 1975. ~~~~ ~ ~~7/l.r+ c~u~~v, Y~o ~a~u: AT~IM CITY PT~NNIIJG OOt~~A'IISSION ATTFSP: l,/7Q-~iLl-*'~C.~~/~ ~G~~~ SIxFtEfARY, PNN~£II4 CITY PL,~]NING CONY~'IISSIO:~ SP11TE OF CALIE'OFr4711 ) . COUNTY OF ORIINGG ) ss. ~ CITY OF ANAHEIId ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Cix}+ planning Caimission of the City of Anaheim, do herel7y certify that the foregoir,g ~res~~lution tTas passed and adopteci at a meeting of the City Planning Crnmi.ssion of t~ City of Anaheim, held on October 29, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follawing wte of th£ mambers thezeof: AYES: COt~II~IISSIOT]EF2S: SARNES~ F~RSST, JOHhISON, IfIfiG~ 'INL~AR~ Nl~?,LESC NOES: • COI~M~IISSIOI~RS: NCRdE ABS~]T: C;OPR•ffSSIONERS: FARAt~R) 1975. IN WIT~~~SS W~F, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day oE October, ~~.~.~J~ ~~a~~..~ SECR3;TARY', ANP.~~IM CITX PLAN!JIIdG CQ^"MISSION -3- RESOLTJTI0.'~1 N0. PC75-218