PC 75-225~ ~ RESOLiTrI0:1 i]O. PC75-225 ~~ w~ A RPSOLUiIO:I OF TfII: CI'I'Y PLAPTi1IP]G Glk'II+IISSI(7;7 OF TIlE CITY OF 1~?~:F~i; T[~i PETIiION F17R VARIANC~ N0. 27h5 SE G}~DTPED. WI~3IZC11S, the City Plannim3 Ca~mi~sion of the City of Anaheim di.ci receive a verifiecl Petftion for Variance frrn F~IA SL•S~LL, P. 0. Box 4729, Anaheim, California 92803 (Owner); F~RI3ERT P~DEL AND ASSOC., 16250 Ventura Bwlevard, ¥316, Enc.ino, California 913h~ (Agent) of certain real pznperty situated in the City of P.natiein, County ef Orar~e, State of California, descr.ihed as: i:~~_ land referrecl to in this policy is situatecl in the State of Cali£ornia, County of Orange, City of Analieun, anc2 is descrik~eci as follows: P~1I3~I, 1: That portion oi the idortl+ _lf o£ the Northwest quarter of tlie Soutlnaest quarter of the Ilortiraest qiiarter of Seccion 9, Taunshin 4 Sauth, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as ~er map recorcied in book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Reoordex of saici County descrit~eci as follows: Beginnim~ at a point on ttie West line of saicl land ciistant 332.61 feet Souttier.ly fran the tdortlraest corner ttiereof; thence South 89° 45' 09" East 659.55 feet; thence t~orth 0° 14' S7" ~~est on the ~ast line of said lanci 332.21 feet; thence South 39° ~7' 15" West alonCJ tlie I~]orth line of said lanci G59.64 feet ta said t4orthwest cornes; thence South 0° 15' S2" East along said West li.ne 332.61 feet to the point of 1~eginnimJ. I~ccepting therefran the following descril~c3 13n3: L3eginning at a point on tl~e i~est line of said land distant 154.54 feet Soutlierly fran the tlortlnac:st wrner thereof; thence South 89° 22' 57" ~ast 290.03 feet; tlience tlorth 0° 10' 27" West 5II.99 feet; thence Plorth A9° 43' 29" F.ast 1Q1.15 feet, thence t~ortlt 0° 15' 52" West parallel with said West line 139.64 feet to the Prartll line of said :lortli onrhalf; thence South 89° 47' 15" West along said tdortli line 391.39 feet to said NorYliw~est corner; tience South 0° 15' 52" East along said West line 194.5G feet to the poiitt of begiruiing. PAI2CET 2: In.t 69, Tract 2517, as shown on a map recorcieci in book 133, pages 40, 41, and 42, tdi.scellaneous Ma~s, Recorcis af County of Orange. L•7ccepting Eran Ir~t 69 that portion as fol.laws: Beginning at a point on the i~est line of said lan3 distant 1£36.09 feet Southerly fmn the :Iorthwest ~rncr theroof; tlience South 89° 43' 41" East 277 feet; tiience North 0° 15' 40" West on the Fast line of said larxl C+Q feet; thence S~uth fl9° 43' a" t4est along a line parallel with the Llortli line of said land 27' feet thence South 0° 15' 90" Fast along said West line 60 feet to the poi.nt of beginning. WF~ItE71S, tl-,e City Planning Cam~ission dici scheclule a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anal~eim on October 29, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., rr~tice of sai~3 puUlic heariny having been duly given as re~uired l7y la~a and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Ca3e, Chapter 18.03, to hear azx'i consider evidence for. and against saici proposed variance and to investigate arxi make findings arrl rec,~rnmendations in wnnection therewith; said public hearing having been continued to the Planning Cattnission meeting of ttwanber 10, 1975; and Wf~Ri'1~5, said Cmenission, after due insZ~~ction, investigation anci study made by itselE ancl in its b~lialf, and after due consideration of all evidence anci reports offereci at said hearing, does firui and detennine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests the follaa.uig waiver fran the Anaheim Nhanicipal Cale, to construct a ban}c: SECiION - Min'Tum niunbes of arkinq ces. (106 soaces requir ~ 93 spaces proPosed - 2. That the ahove~nc~.ntione3 uraives is hereby granted on the basis that th~e petitioner proposes to establish 93 standard par}cing s7aaees ancl 13 sil~staruiard or oczrtpact aar parkim3 spaces; saici 13 oanpact car pai-king spaces being typically 7 1/2 ~l.PION i~0. PC75-225 ~ ~ X 15 feet in size; saici waiver beiny granteci sut~jeet to the stipulation of the petitioner tl~t each of ttie 13 canpact car parYina spaces will be clearly markecl. 3. That the lraffic Ilxjineering Division reccm:~ds t1~at vehicular access to thf: clrive-throuyh ]k.-3nlc wirxlows siwuld ~e fran the west with cars ertiting directlY to L•~cli~~ Street to eliminate the possibility of waiting velucles backing into Eticlici Street. 4. That there are e::ceptional or extraordinary circinnstances or wnditions applicable to t3ie propesty imrolved or to t1~e intesxiecl use of the property that do not apply gesier.ally to the prc~erty or class of use in t]~:e s~ne vicinity ancl zone. 5. Thar the rec7uestc~i variance is necessary for the preservauon anl enjoyr~u:nt of a sutxstantial proPerty right possesse3 Jrl athes p..mpert:~ in t-~ same vicinity an~ zone, ancl denied to the pmperty in question. 6. That the requesi:~7 vari.ance wi.ll not be materially detsiriental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or i~roverents in such vicinity anci zone in wluch tlie propesty is locatecl. 7. That no one ixuiicatecl theis presence at said public hearing in opposition; ancl no corresporxience was received in c~osition to subject petition. IIdVIRAi~IItC?•7TAL IPtPP.GT REPOI7P FL'7DII7G: That Uie lliseci:or of the Planniny Depari7nent l~as deterniinec~ that the proposecl activity falls within the deEinition oE Section 3.Q1, Class 11, of the City of Analieu~l C~idelines to tlie Requiranents for an Ehvironmental ImQact Repox't and is, th.seEore, cateyorically n:c~t Eran the requiranent to file an EIR. Zda4, TI~ItEFORF., BE IT 1~SOLVJ~ that the Anaheim City Planning Crnmission does herPlyy grant subject Petition for Variance, tmon the follc~wing conclitions which are hereby £ourMi to ~e a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of th~ subject property in order to preserve the safety and general ~+~lfare of the Citizens of the City oP Anahein: 1. That sul~ject pronerty shall l~e developed subst~intially in accordance with plans anci specif-ications on file witlt the City cf Anaheim r.~arkeci I•~clu.bit I1o. 1; proviciecl, txraever, that the vehicular access to the drive-through ka3nk winlows shall be fran the west with cars nciting directly to L•tiiclid Street; ancl that the substancia.rcl or ar~act car parY.inY s~aces sl~all be clearly markec3 to irxlicate saicl sFxzces are for ca~~act cars only and not for standard or larger sized cars. TF~ FOR~CAII7G RCSOI~TPIO:] is signeci and approvocl by rne this 10th c]ay of tJovc3nber. 1975. i~/ n / X 7~ ~~~ c~~x~r~,r~, .i~z crr~r Pz~rr.lnac ar~rzssicm~ ATPF.Si : ~~~,~~~~ SEQ2F,^1~'~ A•111I~LM CITY PLIiJ[7~]G N^RdISSIC~,7 ~AT~ OI' GlLIFpIi[7IA ) COUNTY OF ORAN(T )ss. CIZ^l OF ]1NAH[:I14 ) I, Patsicia l3. Scarilan, Secretary of the City Planr?.ng C.amiission of the City of Anaheim, do herelrf certify that the foregoi.ng resolution was passed arx3 adopteci at a meetim,~ of the City Planning Cafmission oE the City of 1,nalteim, held on ilovanber 10, 1975, at I:30 p.m., }~ the followimJ vote of the ~~s thereof: AYiS: (:ON&+IISSIO?~IFRS: BARI~S~ HERBST~ KIidG, MORI~SC~ TOLAR, FARAt~ tIOFS: CGIq•*lSSIOi]F.RS: I10IJ~ AB57~di: COI~TIISSIOt~P,S: JOF~ISUN 1975. I27 WI'i".IFSS ~Vf~RD~F, I have hereunto set my harxl this 1Qth day of t7ovenner, ~!'~Z~.t~GLec-~ • GG~t~ix~ ~TARY, Ai1A~If4 CITY PLANtd~7G OOD't~'IISSION -2- I~SOLilrION N0. PC75-225