PC 75-230~ ~ ~sor.vrzaca rao. PC75-230 0 A RESOLUTIO:d OF TIIE CITY PLAt1f7ING CCkR~1ISSI0"] OF THG CITY OF Adt,I~It~1 T[IAT PL•TITIC;d FOR VAR'C7~7(~ I~. 2751 B~ GRAt~'PEI), II~ P~1KP. WE~AEAS, the City Planning Carmission of the City of Anaheii*.i did receive a verifiecl Petition for Variance fran ROSERT STAI304ZC, 53Q5 Canter}xuy nrive, Cypress, Californi.a 90630 (Owner) of certain ra31 propesty situated ir. the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: The East 73 feet of the West 130 feet of the North half of the tlortheast quai-ter of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest auarter of Section 14, in Tawnship 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Ins Coyotes, in the City of Anaheim, County of Oram,~e, State of California, as shovm r~n a map thexeof recorded in Book 51, Page 11, et seq., Miscellaneous Maps, recorcis of said Orange Cowlty, lying I~orth of the land mrrveyed to the Orange County Flood Control Di~i:rict by deed recordeci N(~ircli 5, 1959 ~.n }3ook 4616, Page 499, Official records. WEg:;RF1~S, the City Planning Carmission did hold a public hearing at the City I%311 in ttie City of Anaheim on NwanUer 10, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having Ueen duly given as requirecl by law and in acoordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Nh~nicipal Cncie, ChaptPS 1£3.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposerl variance and to investigate anri make firuiings arxi recannendations in connectian therewith; and WE~REAS, saicl Camii.ssion, aftes due inspeetion, imestiqation and stuciy made by itself a-ui in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offereci at sai.d hearing, dces ~ind and determine the follaaing facts: 1. That the petitioner requests the =ollawi.ng waivers ir.an the Anatieim ifi.uiicipal Code, to construct a nine (9) unit apartrnent ocmplex: a. SECrION 1II.34.062.012 - Maxitman building height. (1 story permitted; 2 stories proposed) b. SECTIOPI 18.34.068- R~~ired site screening. (6-foot block wall requ~ieci; none Proposc~i) 2. ThaL• Waiver 1-a, above-mentioned, is hereby granted, in pas~t, since the 150-foot setback adjacent to the RS-7200 Zone to the sout3naest will be maintained ancl the waivex applies to the adjacent RS A-43,OOJproperties tA the south and west only; said waiv~s being granteci on the basis that the e~sterly nortion of the property to the south is developeci with a church arui t.'~e property to ihe west is designateci on the Anaheim General Plan for mediiun density develognent. 3. That Waives 1-b, above~nentioned, i s hereby grantecl to pernut the utilization of an existing six-£oot high chainlink fence along the south property bowzciary since said Eence adjoins a 76-foot wi.de flood control channel separating the subject property fran the RS A-43,000 zoned pmperty t.o the soutn; subject to the stipul.ation of the petitioner tc~ retaining the existing trees along the south property bouraiary. 4. That Planning Caimission recaim~cls a minimim 50-foot "no parking" zane be establishecl along Orange Avenue for trash pickup, as recaimended by the Sanitati.on Division. 5. That there are exceptional or ext•raordinary circ~unstances or conclitions applicable to the proPexty involved or to the inten~led use of the proper*_y that do rx~t apply generally to the property or class of us2 in the same vicinity and zone. 6. That the re~uested variance is necessary for the presesvation and enjoyment of a substanti.al property right pnssessed by other nroperty in the same vicinity and zcne, and denied to the property in qi:estion. 7. That the requested variance wi11 not be mateYaally detrimental to the public welfare or injuric>us to the pr~perty or imprrnrenents in such vicinity and zone in which the propex~ty is located. 8. That no one indicated theis presence at said public hearing in opposition; arxi no corresponcience was receiveci in opposition to subject p~tition. RESOLiTrION NO. PC75-230 ~ ~ ENVIIt~JTAL IMP?~CP REPORP FLNnING: ~ That ttie Planning Camni.ssion dces hereby recam~end to the City Council that the subject project be exenpt fran the r~+,;renent to prepare an enviroranental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California EYiviro~tal Quality Act. N(Xq, Tf~REFORE, SE IT Ri~'.SOLVID that the Anaheim City Planning Camnission dces hereby grant, in part, subject Petition for Variance, upon the following wnciitions which are hereby found to be a necessazy prerequisite to the proposed use o£ the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1 That t~u.s V~iance is granteci subject to the ~anpletion of Reclassification tdo. 75-76-11, now pending. 2. That subject property shall be developed subst~ntially in accordance with plans ~:d specificatians on file with the City of Anaheim marked F~chibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3; provided, ix~wever, that t:ne 150-foot setback re~~irement shall be maintained adjacent t~o the RS-720G zoneci property to the soutkivrest, and that the existing trees along the south property boundarv sl~ll be ~etained. TE~ E~O1~IIdG FtESOLfTP20N is signed and approved by me this lOth day oi NovaN~er, 1975. Ct~2RM1~i4, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI!dG GCY~gffSSION ATPEST: ~ • ~ ~e.~ SECRLTIIRY, AIdAF~It1 CITY PLnIdI1ING COiM4ISSI0Id SiATE OF CALIF'OIT~d1'A ) COW I'Y OF ORAtdGE ) ss. CI'I'Y OP PNF~FIGIId ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning ::amiission of the City of Analieim, do heseby certiEy that the foregoing resolution was passeci and acloptecl at a meeting of the City Plannim3 Camussion of the City of Anaheim, helcl on ilovanL~x 10, 1975, at 1:3Q p.m., by the follaaing vote of the manbers there~f: AYES: CONIIdISSIOi•IERS: BAFWES~ HERBST, ICITIG, MDRi~'Y, TOIAR, FAIi1~DI0 I~QES: CG~•'IMISSIOI~ftS: NONE ABSETTI': CSIt~P+IISSI0IVERS: JOHNSON Ii~ tVITt~SS ~~I~RD()F, 2 have hereunto set my hand this 1Ot11 day of NOVenberr 1935. ~~~~.~,~ ~ SECIYEPN?Y, AI~F~IM CITSt PIAE7NING CbNA9ISSI0?~ -2- RESOLLTPION :d0. PC75-230