PC 75-231~
~~1k~FtEAS, the City Planninq Crnr.u.ssion of tlie City of Anaheim did receive a
verifiec:l Petition for Reclassification fran (~RC~ D. GRIFFITH, 79 Vista Del Golfo,
Lony Beach, California 90803 (Ownes'); JOI3N C. -AII,EY, 110-B ~. Orarx3efair Lane,
Anaheun, California 32801 (Agent) of certain real propPSty situated in the City of
Anaheim, County of Orange, State of C.alifornia, descri}~ed as:
That portion of Lot 3 of Anaheim bctension, as slxhm on a Map oE Survey made by
William IIamel anci filed in the office of tt~e County Reoorcier of Los Angeles County, a
copy of wluc2i is recorded in Book 3, page 163 ~nci following en1•itled "Los Angeles
County 2daps" in the office of tlle County RECOrder, Oranqe County, Californi.a,
descri.l~ecl as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 3, being the point of intersec~ion of
the centerline of La Palma Avenue (fo~nesly i~ortll Street) with the centesline of
Placetitia Avenue, as shown on said Map; thence Plorth 89° 51' 30" West along the
ce~nterline of saicl La Pa]ma Avenue 203.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence
South 00° 07' 30" 'r7est 200.00 feet to the North line of the land described in the
deed to Anaheim Ca~:~unity Congregational Church, a crorXx~ration, reoorcied June 9, 1959
in book 475(1, page 9G of Official Recorcis; thence North 89° 51' 30" West along the
North line af saici church iarxi arxi its Westerly prolongation 4A9.82 feet to the East
li.ne of the land describecl in t~`i~ deed to Ralph R Hlheaton and wif~, ciated June 1,
1954, executec3 by Rc>bert L. Chaz~ibers arrl wife, filed July 6, 1954 as Instrianent 1]0.
29507 of Re.gistrar of Titl~ in the office of the County Reoorder of sai.cl Orange
County; thence North O1° ~1' 20° West along ihe East line of said larui of *.+Iheaton an3
its ;Jortherly prolonyation 200.00 feet t,o the centerline of said Ia Pa]ma Avenue;
the~ce Soutli 89° 51' 30" East along saici centerl.ine t.o the True Point of Beginning.
Wf~FtPI~S, the City Planning Catanission ciid hold a~uY~lic hearing at the City
fiall in the City of Anaheim on Ilwen~er 10, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice oE said public
liearing having been duly given a~ required by la~a and in acoordance witli the
provisions of the Anaheim [fiuv.cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear attd cnnsider
evidence for anci against saici proposed reclassification and to investigate and make
finclings ancl recam~en3ations in wnnection therewi.th; and
Wt~1~AS, said Crnmission, after due inspection, investi,qation and siudy made
by ikself ancl in its behalf, arr3 after due wnsideration of all evidenee ancl reports
offerr~ci at saici hearing, does fincl an.l detesmine the follawing :acts:
1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of the abovE-ciescribed
prcnnesty fran the RS-A-43, 000 (FtESIDEP7PIAL/AGRICULi47RAL) ZOAIE t~o the CL (C 0'T~RCIAL,
L7I~lTTED) Zdi~E.
2. Tbat tYie ,Anaheim General P,lan designates subject properi.-y for general
ccirtnercial aixi/o~ m~lium-density r~si3ential uses.
3. That the proposed reclassifxcation o£ subject pro~sty is necessar~
arul/or desirable for the orcierly and propex d~velognent of the ornmunity.
4. That the proposeci reclassification of subject pro~sty does properly
relate to the zor.es aixl their pesmitted uses locally establishecl in close proximity
to subject property am] to the zones ancl their pexmitted uses.generally established
tttmughout tlie oacmunity.
5. That the proposed reclassification of subject pn~perty requires the
dedication anr3 imQraveaent nf abutting streets uz accorciance with the Circulati;.~n
Elerent of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be
generated by the intensification of lacr.i use,
6. That the petitioner stipulated t,o alignitr3 the proposed centrally-
locatecl clriveway access of the future oamiescial shopping center to the north across
Ia Pa]ma Avenue, to installing a median divider in front of subject prop~~-ty along Ia
Palma Avenue in conforniance wii:.h City starx3a~ls, and to maintaining the tcro renaini*ra
cirivecaays proposed to Ia Pa]ma Avenue as right-turn only ciriveways, aixi plans for
said street aixi c3riveway improvanents sha.ll i~e su}~nitted to the City Enginees' for
7. That the petitioner stipulated to develoPing the subject property
precisely in accorciance witli tl~e sukmittecl plans and specifications on file with the
City of Anaheim marked bctiiLiit No. 1.
8. That n:, one irxlicated their presence at said Fnil~lic hearing in
opposition; and no cor.esponclence w~s received in op~osition to subject petition.
That tti~ Planning Carsti.ssion cloes hereby recarmend to the City Council that
the subject project be exe~t ~ran the rc~uirHnent to pr.epare an envirorm~ntal ir.~pact
report, pursuant to the prwisions of the California Enviro~vmntal Quality Act.
N(Xa, TIIEREFOAE, I3~ IT RESOLVID that the Anaheim City Planning Camussion
dces hereby reccnrnenci to the City Council of the City .of Anaheim t~at subject
Petition for Reclassification be approved aru3, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of
the Anaheim t~hinicipal Code be awendecl to exclude the above-clescribed property fresn
the RS A-~3, 000 (RFSID~dTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZOTdF. ancl to inwrporate saici describeri
property into ttie CL (Ca~II~RC~I,, LII~¢TED) ZdNE upon the following eonditions which
are hereby found to be a necessary ~rerequisite to the proposed use of subject
property in order to preserve the safety anci general welfare of the Citizens of thc:
City of Anaheim:
1. That the awner(s) of subject propert-y shall deed to the City of Anaheim
a strip oE lancl 53 feet in widtli frcm tl~e centerline of the street along Za Palma
Avenue for street widening purposes.
2, That all ~gineering requiranents of tlie City of A2~aheim along La PaLna
A~~enue inc;ludiny preparation of improvenent plans am] ~x:~tallation of a].1
ir~rwc~nents such as curas a~xi gutters, side~ralks, stree?:. gradin~ a+x'i paving,
cirainage facilities, or other appurtenant ~.~ork shall be ocmpli,xi with as requised by
the City Engineer an~3 in acoordance orith standard plans anci specifications on file in
the office of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities along La Palr,~
Avenue shall be installecl as requiseci by the Director of Public Utilities and in
acoordance witli standard plans anci speci£ications on file in the office of the
Airector ~f Public Uti.lities; aml that a l~onci a.n an amaunt ancl form satisfactory to
t1~e City of Maheim shall be ~ostc~c' with the City to guarantee the installation of
the abovc rnentioneci requirmients.
3. That the a~mer(s) of subject pro~erty shall pay to the City of Anaheim
the swn of 60 cents per fr~nt foot alony La Palma Avenue for tree planting purposes.
4: That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approveci
plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works.
5. ihat fire hyclrants shall be installeci ancl charged as requised arul
detexmineci to be necess~y by the ChieE of the Fire Department prior to crnmsncanent
of structural i•rarni.ng.
6. That al.l air r•~:xi. :ioninq facilities shall bE propesly ,hieldr~l fran
view, anrl the sound kr,~;;PSC~ '.~~un a9;arn~t pro,oerties,
7. Th3t ~ub:ctt pr~per.ty shall be served by underground utilities.
8. That a 6-font masor;ty wall shall he wnstructed alony the south aiYi
west psoperty lines.
9. Tl~at drai.nage of subject propert.y s}iall t~e disposed oE in a m~-u~ner
satisfactory to the City ~ngineer.
10. That appropriate waster assessnent fees as determineci by the Director
of Public Utilities shall be paici to the City of 1lnaheim prior to the issuance of a
builaing nPr*~+; t.
11. That the owner(s) of subject praperty shall rc~uest tt~t Planniny
Cartnission tesrninate Comiitional Use Permit Ne. 262 anci that City Council tezminate
Variance rlo. 2421.
-2- F~SOLL7PIGN N0. PC75-231
12. That subject property shall be developec: precisely in accordance with
plans anci specifications on file with the City of Ananeim marked FSchibit No. 1;
pro~~•i1ec1, txw~ver, that tlie proposeci centrally-located ciriveway on La I=a]ma Avenue
shall be aliyned with the driveway access of the future camx~scial shopping center to
the rwrth across La Palm Avenue; that a mcxlian ~livider shall be installeci in front of_
tlie suUject property along Ia Pa]ma Avenue in wnforniance with City sYaix3arcis; that
the two (2) rsnaining driveways proposeci to Ia Palma Avenue shall bc right-turn only
ciriveways; ami that plans for said street and driv~ray impmvenents shall be
suk~nittecl to tlie City ~agineer for appro-ual, as stipulated to by the petitiorer.
13. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezonimJ subject pmperty,
Comli.tion Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 11, aUove-mentioned, shall be oanpleted. The provisions
or rights granteci by this resolution shall Ueoune null and wid by action of the City
Council unless saicl oonditions are canplied with within one year from the date
heseof, or such furthe~ tirne as the City Council mzy grant.
14. That Condition Nos. A, 6, 7, a, 9, ancl 12, at~ove-mes~tion~.?, shall be
oanplieci wi.th prior to final building and zoning inspections.
TI~ FOFtEGO~dG RGSOLUr2~:I is signed and approved by me this l~th ciay of
NovenUer, 1975.
LRiP.IR~~Tr\?I~ A~1I~I1d CITY Pld.i~7PIII1G ~Il•72SSION
COUt~'PY OF' OFiI1NG~ ) ss.
CITY OF AP1F~~r,d )
I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretaiy of the City Planning Crnmission of the
City of Anaheim, do hereUy certify that the foregoing resolution was passed ancl
adopted at a r,~eeting of the City Planning Cartnission of the City of 1~naheim, held on
Novenber 10, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the follrnaing wte of the rtianUers thereof:
P70~S: COt~'~SSIO~]EFiS: NCX~
r7 WI'PidFSS Wf~F, 2 have hereunto set i~ harxl this lOth day of Wwm~er,
ir~ • ~ ~./~.(~Li~stJ
-3- F~SOWPION N0. PC75-231