PC 75-245~ ~ RESOLUrIOP] T]0. PC75-245 A RESOLiTrION OF THE CITY P7~FINNING CONd~'IISSIOtd OF TE~ CITY OF AdAi-IEIM RECOhII+IIQP,ING TO THE CITY Gt~UNC2L OF TI~ CITY OF P~IM THAT PL•TPi'IG'.*: FOR ?t'ix."l.,~SIFICATIdN N0. 75-76-14 BE APPROVID. ~9I~R£AS,• the Cit~s Planning Carmission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verifieci Petition for Reclassification fran SEVII~ITli & OLSVE ODRP~3?Al,Z"!(Rd. 649 South Olive Street, Suite 1200, Los Angeles, California 90014 (Owner); D~ NDLAY OF SOUT[~RN G;LIFORNII~, c/o Alelvi:i A. Pixley, P. O. Box 68, Maywood, California 90270 (Agent) of cP.rtain real propesty situated in th~ City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, descriL~ed as: That partion of Parcel 3 in the C~ty of Anaheim, County of Orange,,State of Californ~, as shown on a map file3 in book 43, page 15 of Pazcel Maps, in the office of the County Recarcler of said Caunty, descri}.~e3 as follows; Begi.nning at the t7ortheasterly wrner of Parcel 1, as shcnm on a map filed in book 19, nage 38, af Parcel Maps, said point c~f beginning being a7.so on the Southwesterly line of Manchester Aver,ue, a radial bearing to said point bears North 55° 08' 37" East; thence, along the Narthw~sterly line of said Parcel 1, South 7J.° 37' 45" West 184.80 feet to *he Northwesterly oorner theseof; thence, tdorth 37° 26' 16" t9est 230.00 feet; tlience North 71° 37' 45" East 1Q4.80 feet t,o the iztersection *iith a ciuve concave Sou~lr,aesterly and having a radius of 2,458.00 feet, a radial line to said point of intersection bears Norrh 49° 46' 49" East, thence, Southeasterly 230.09 ~eei. along said curve, also being the Soutknaesterly lir.e of said aforenentionecl fkusctx~ster Aa~siU.~ through a central angle of 5° 21' 48" to the poin= of beginnin4• WHEF~AS, the City Planning Cannissi.on did hold a public hearing at the City i7a?1 in t}ie Cit~~ of Anaheim or Nov~er 24, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public '!;~::ing havinq been duly given as requised by law and in ac~rdance with th°- p~ovisions of the Anaheim t~nicipal Cale, Chapter 18.03, to hear arxi con_~ider evic:cynce for and against said proposed reclassification aixl to investigate arr3 make findings and recaimenciations in connection therewith; and WI~2E~1S, saicl CcRmission, after due inspection, irnestigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aftes due consideration oE all evideszce and reports offered at saici hearing, dces find and dete.nnine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of the above described propesty fran ::::~: RS-A-43,000 (RESIDFSlPIAL/AGRIC[JLTURAL) ZOf~ to tr,e CL (COl`'A9ERCIAL. L7MITED) ZU~. 2, That the Anaheim General Plan designates svbject property for laa- meditun density residential uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification o£ subject property is necessary ancl/or desixable for the orderly and proper develo~xnent of the oanmuiity. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject prc~x~ty cioes pzoperly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity tn subject property ancl to the zones and their pP..rmi.tted uses generally establish~i througkx~ut the amm~inity. S. That no one inciicatecl their presence at said public hearing in opposition and no c.~orrespomience was received in apposition to subject petition. E;[N.CROAII~~ITAL II/lPi+Ci' REPORT FINDING: That the Planning Camiission dnes hereby reccmaend to the City Council that the subject project be exempt frczn the r~uirenent to prepare an envimrnnental impact report, pursuant to the pravisions of the Californi.a Ernriro~m~tal 4ualitl' Act• RESULUPION N0. PC7~245 ~ ~ NOS~, TI~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the nnaheim City Planning Cattnission dces hereby recamiend to the City C:ouncil of the City o£ Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, that Title lII-Zoning of the llnaheim Municipal Ca]e be ~nPSided to exclucie the above-describeci property frcm the F2S-A-43,000 (R~SIDII~PIAL/~1GRICULTURAL) 7•ONE and to inoorporate said describad property into the CL (CC~7.^'~RCIAT , LIP+¢TTD) 7.dNE upon the follc,wing oonditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prez'~uis~.te to the proposed use oE aubject propesty in order to preserve the safet•,~ and general welfare of the Citize~s of the City of Anaheim: 1. That all engineering rc~uiranents of the City of Ar~aheim aloriy i~finchester Avenue includirx~ preparation of improvanent nlans and installation of all im{~rovenPnts such as curbs and qutters, side4ralks, str~t grading anl pavin9~ cirai.nage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be caapliecl with as .r.equised 1~' ttie City Engineer and in accorciance with standard plans anri specifications on fi].e in the o£fice of the City Engineer; that street lighti.ng facilities along Manchester Avettue shall be installeci as rec~uired by the Director of Public Utilities, and in accorc3ance with standard plans and specifications on file i.n the office of the Disector of Public Utilities; and tnat a Y~n~ in an ~nount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of the above-mentioned requixanents. 2. That trash st~orage areas shall be provided in accordance wi.th a~a-oved plans on file with the office of the Director of Piil~lic Works. 3, TYiat fire hydrants shall be installed and chan7ecl as required and aetennineQ to be necessaxy by the Chief of the Eire DePartment prior tt~ acrmencement of structural framing. 4. That all air conditioning facil.ities shall be properly shielcled fran view, and the sound buifered fran: adjacent pro~sties. 5. That subject property shall Ue servc~ ]7y under.gmund utilicies. 6. That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City L•Yigineer, 7. In the ev~nt that subject property is to be divided for the purpose of sale, lease, or financing, a pazcel map, to recorcl the appmved division of subject property shall be sulmitted to and apProveci by the City of ~lnaheim and then 1~ recorcleci in the office of the Oran9e County Recorcier. 8. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition Nos. 1 and 7, abovc mentioned, shall be canpletecl. The prwisions or rights granteci by ttus rfsc,lution shall becane null and void by actian o£ the City Council unless said conciitions are canplied with within one year frcm the date hereof, or such fuxther time as the City Council may grant. 9. That Condition Nos. 2, 4, 5, and 6, above-mentioned, shall be canpliecl with prior to final 2~uilding and zoning inspections. 27~ FpItEC~ING RESOLUPIOt4 is signod and approved by me this 24th day of tdovanbez~, ~.975. /~:~~!"`'"' ~ S/Richaszi Nbrley Q~If2MAN~ PRO TII~II'ORE ANAHEIM CITY PLAiQNING CONPQ[SSION A'I'ITST: S Aletha Burgess SPCR~i'P.RY, PA~ TEMPORE ANAIIEIM CITY PLA.*INING 00?~EdISSION -2- I~~LtTrION N0. FC75-245 ~ ~ sT~Tr or• c~u.iFO~~+ ) COUtdTY o? oR11NG'E ) ss. CZTY OF ANI~.EiEIP4 ) I, p,letha Burgess, Secretary Pro Tenpore of the City Planning Caimission oE the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passeci arrl aciopteci at a meeting of the City Planning ('-rnmission of the City of Anaheim, held on idovant~s 24, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AS.'FS: Cbi~P+IISSI0I~I2S: f~RBST, KtIdG, MDALEl`, TOI.AR NQFS: CON~MISSIOt~R.~i: NONE F1IISI3JT: CO[~R~'IISSIO~F,S: IIARN~S, FARANO~ JOI-WSO11 IN WITNFSS WF~RF]Oi', I havc hereunto set my harui this 24th day of Novenber, 1975. c.~~ 'Y,~~ S/Aletha BurgPSs ~EPARY PR(i `PENII~OFF. pNpd~~9 CITY PI.Ji1~iNING CODP'QSST~] -3- :2ESpLtJrIO:~I N0. YC:75-245