PC 75-25~~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC75-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO~IIIISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTIyG AND RECOMMENDING TO THE ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO ANAHEIM MUNICIFAL CODC, TITLE 18 - ZONING, PROPOSING TREE PRESERVATSON IN THE (SC) SCENIC CORRIDOR ZONF.-OVERLAY. WHEREAS, pursu3nt to Canyon Area General Planning Task Force recom- mendations regarding tree preservation in the Santa Ana Canyon area, it appeared appropriate that the City should establish specific regulations in the (SC) Scenic Corridor Zene-Overlay to restrict the removal or dPStruction of significant stands of specified Crees; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim City I'lanning Comm3s'sion did hold a puhlic hearing at the City Fiall in the City of Anaheim on February 3, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly givea as required by law and in accordance with the provision.~ of the Anaheim Mutticipal Code, to hear and consider eviderce for snd against said proposed Code Amendments and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commtesion, after due inspection, invesCigarion and study made by itself and in its behalf, and a4tEr due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said public liearing, DOES HEREIIY FIND: 1. That the Santa Ana River/Santiago Creek Greenbelt C,onnnissian by letter dated January 30, 19i5, recommended approval of the proposed amenZment to the (SC) Scenic Corridor Zon~- Werlay, to require deve]cpment to preserve specific viable tree t~~pes within said zone, subject to review by che City's Department of Development Services. 2. That the following proposed amendment tn thF Anaheim Municipal Code to pruvide for preservation of s,pecified significant trees in the (SC) Seenic Corridor Zone-Overlay was considered and nppearA to be appropriate: SECTION 18.84.036 - Tree Preservation Preservation o£ s•lgnificant stands an3 single specified trees in the Scenic Corridor ia intended to presesve the natural beauty of the Santa Ana l,anyon Pnvironment, increase the visual identity and quality of the area, and protect the remaicaing natural amen.itiea from premature rewoval or destruction. .010 Definitions In. the context of this ordinance, the following words shall ha~-e the meaning respectively ascrihed to them: "Specimen Tree" is hereby defined as a Eucalyptus varieties (eucalyptus), Quercus varietiea (oak), Schi-~us varieties (pepper), or Platanus varieties (sy~gmore) tree with a trunk measuring eight (8) inches or greater in diameter, measured at a point four (4) fect above gr.ound level, which haa been found by the City of Anaheim to Se of high value because of 3.to type and/or historic association. "Stand" is hereby defiued as five (5) or more Specimen trees located on any parcel of land. -1' RESOLUTION N0. PC75-25 , - ~ ~ .020 Scope It shall be unlawful to cut down, destroy, or remove any Stand of Eucalyptus Specimen trees or any single Oak, Pe~per, or Sycamore Spe:cimen tree growing within the boundaries of the Scenic Corridor Zone, unless prior approval has been grac~ted by the Uevelopment Servi.ces Department. .021 Criteria for Approval. In ctetermining whether or not to grant approval £or removt~l or destruction of a Stand of Eucalyptus Specimeti trees or any single Oak, Pepper, or Sycamore Specimeti tree, the decision shall be based ou one of the following: .0211 The replacement of tl~e Stand of Specimen trees or single Specimen t:ree with trees from tbe following specified :List: Area In Ten Botanical Name Cemmon N~sme (10) lears Albizia Julibrisain Silk Tree 500 Alnus Rhombifolia White Alder 300 Arbutus Menziesii Madrone 500 Brachychiton Aerifoliwa Flame Tree 300 Ceratonia Siliqua Carob Tree 300 Cercis Oc~identalie Western Redbud 175 Choriaia Speciosa Floss Silk Tree 175 Cinn~nomum Camphora Camphor Tree li5 Cupania Anacardioides Carrot Wood 300 Erythrinu CafEra Kaffirboon Coral 500 Eucalyptus Species Gur~ Tree 75 Ficua Spccies Fig Tree. 300 Glediteia Triacamthos Honey Lacust 500 Jacaranda Acutifolia Jacarand,a 700 Kolreuteria Formosana Chinese Flame Tree 5U0 Liquidambar For.mosana Chinese Sweet Gum 300 Pinus Canariensis Canary ]:sland Pine 175 Pinus Coulteri Coulter Pine 300 Pinua Halipensie Aleppo E'ine 700 Pinus ~diata Monterey Pine 50d Platanu~s Ra~cemosa Califorriia Sycamore ?00 iterocarya Stenopteza Chinese Wingnut 700 Pyrus Kawaka~:t Evergrec:n Pear 50~ Quercus Agrifolia California Live Oak 300 Salix Babylonica Weeping Willow 500 Schinus Molle California Pepper 500 Tipuana Tipu 1`;ipu Tree 500 Ulmus Parvifolia SempArvirec~s Ch;n~~.se 51m 500 (Walnut) Juglans Californiea E. Ca. Slack Walnut 500 .022 Getablishment of good cause for re•,aval ~r destruction of the Stand of Specimen treea Ar e9•ng~~ Spec.imen tr~e, based on nne or more of lhe following cY3.k8r1a: .0221 Disease.3 trees whose condition is a aourcc o£ present danger to healthy tr~es in the imnediaCe vicinity, providing a certificate attesting auch fact has been filed wiCh the City uf Anaheim by a licenaed tree surgeon authorized to do business within the city. .0222 Trees whose general liealth and condition are a source of presenC danger of falling in reapect to existing or proposed structures, and int~r- ference with utility ~ervice. -2- RESOLllTION I~O. PC75-25 ,~. ~ ~ ~ .0223 Trees sa weakened by age, ~isease, storm, fire, excavati~n, r.emoval of adjacent trers, or any injury so as to cause imminent danger to persons or p:operty. .070 Appeal Any decision made regarding approval for remoual or destruction of. any Stand of Specimen tree may be appealed by the. propercy owner or affected resident or property owner in the City of Anaheim to the Citv Council. NOW, THEREFO.itE, BE IT RESJLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does her'2by adopS: and recnmmend to the AY~aheim City Council aduption of amenAments 'to the Anaheim Hutti;.ipnl Code, Title 18 to add Chapter 18.84.036 - Tree Preaervation, a~i sec fo.tl. abcs~e. THE FOR~~QItiG RESO'LUTIOM is signed and approved by me Ghis 3rd day of February, 1975. ~ ~ s Hell ANAH TY P 'ING COMMlSSION ATTEST: ~ • ~ S~CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS~TOy STAT~ OF CALIFOP;IIA ) COUNTY OR OF.ANGE ) ss. CITY OF AN~A~+~EIFS ) I, Patricia B. Scan'Lu~, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of thc: City af Anareim, do hereby cert•ify Chat the forege~ng r~.salution was passed and &dopted at a m~eting of th2 City Planning Comwiasion of zi.e t:iLy of Anaheim held on February 3, 1975., at 1:30 o'cloc-k p•m., by the f~l,-sow.ing vokc of tha memL~rs theteof : AYES: COMMISSIOi~ERS: FARANO, GAUER, JOIINSON. KxNG, MORLBY, TOLAR, HERIIST NOES: COI4SISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TONE 1975. IN WITNESS WFIERI;JF, I,have hereunto set my I;and this 3rd day ~f February, ~~~.~.u~.~ a... ~ J SECRETARY ANAHEIM CT,TY 'PT~AIJNING CAI4MZSSION -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC75-25