PC 75-251 ~; RESOLLTPIf7TI 2~. PC75-251 A RTiSQLiTrI017 OP 'TEIE CITY C~I,AI~IING CC(+'A'LiSS20?~l OF 'Tf~' CITY OF At~~IM Tf~e1T PLT1'PIOtd ~R CO~7DIT~0'9RL USE P£•.?tMIT N~. 1583 P,R DINII~ WHEIiP'}LS, °the City P1antting Cannissinn of the City of ~lnaheim did receive a verifieci Petition for Conditional Use Permit fmn 70IPd PTtI13~1, 837. S. Knott Street, Anaheim, California 92i204 (O4mer); L'LLT3d E. V.4t'I :SQiI~YCK~ 2175 Nlallul Drive, ~255, 1lnaheim, California (Aqent) of certain real pro~erty situateci in the City of Analieim, County of Oram3e, State of California, descril~er3 as: Lots, 1, 2, 3 arici 4 of ?'ract 2701, in the City of Anahe:im, County of Orange, State of California, as sha•m on a maP recorded in k~ook 115, ~ages 5 am9 6, Mi>cellaneous- tdaps, recorc'is of Or3nge County, Cali.fornia. HTE~RF,AS, the City Planning Cam~i.ssion did hold a pub~ic hearing at the City fIall in the City of Anaheim on ?)ecenber 8, 19i5, at 3:3R p.m.,, notice of said g,il~lic hearinq having ]x~e.n duly qiven as required k~y lak and in accordance with the provisions oE the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1£3..03, to heaz' and consider evida~ce for aau'i against said p~.~oposed oonditional use and t,o investigate and make fi~ulings anci recaimendations in aon~ec~tion therewitlz; and F1I~FtEAS, sai.d Catmission, afker due ins~ection, investigation and study made by itself and in i~s behal£, ancl ~ftes due oonsideration of all evidence an3 reports offered at said hearing, does firai ami detertnine the Eollowing facts: 1. That the Faroposeci use is properly one £or tahich a Cc.nditional Use Pexmit is authorizeci by Code Sections to pennit a mocleling studio lirniteci to persons 18 y~ars of age or ~older. 2. That the proposeci use wi11 adversely affeet the adjoining lartii uses ancl the growt}i and develonment of the arc:a in which it is proposed to be lcoated. 3. That the size and shape of the site pmpos~ci for ihe use is not adec7uate to allc~w the full develoImenc of Eiie proposc~l use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health~ safety, arid 9eneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the grantiny of the~Conditional Use Peimit will ]~e detrimental ts~ the peace, healtli, safety, anci generaT ~+~lfare of tlie Citizens of the City ui Anaheim. 5. That granting of. the C~nditional Use Pernut will Ue contrary to the deed restrictions on subject property. 6. That three (3) persons appeared in oP~osition to subject petition. ENVI1iCPd~fi11L L~TPALT RFF~ORT FIfID.T'.~dG: That Uie Director of t~e Planning Departrnes~t has detesmined that the proposec3 activity falls ~aithin the definitia~ of Section 3.01, Class 1 of the City of Anaheir:l Guiclelines to the Rcr~uiranents for an Snvironmental Impact Report anl is, therefare, catec3orically exc3npt frem the recM1iiranent to file an FI:R. ~~~ TI~REFhRE, ~ IT RESOL~P•.I7 ~liat the Anaheim City Planning Crnmission daes hereby reoarrrn..nd to the C:'cy Council of the Ci.ty of Anaheim .that subject Petition for Conclitional Use be denied on the ~'^sis of the aforenentioned findimJs. Tfb FYJREGOItdG RESOLUi'ION is signed and a}~pmvecl by_me this fith day of i)ecenber, 1975. S 1 Farano l/~ CIU~IRMAN, ATIAEIG CITY P ODI~9i'TZSSIU.^I ATPF.ST: l ~~.~~~~/c+w ess SF~fARY PRD 2T,fa'~1RF AI~~It•1 CIiY PT1~L~ING CtSMIISSIOtd ItESOL[TPICAI N0. PC75-251 , ~ ~ ~ ,. STAT~ OF CALIFQR[1tA ) CnUNPY OF ORAt~GE pss. CITY OF ANAi~'I ) I, Aletha 3urgess, Secretary P~o Te~ore o~ the City Qlanning Ccsmtis5ion of the City of Anaheimr do herebY certi.£y ~hat the fore,~oing resolutian c~ras passed a~ adopteci at a r~eting oE the City Plannin4 Crnmission of the City of Analieim, held on ~e,.^snbes B, 1975, at 1:~30 p.m., by thA following vote of the menbers thereof: 11Y~S: C~Y•4dISSIOt~i~Se" Sl~R[~S~ FAFANOr F3GRBS"P+ KI:1G~ JfSI1NSON~ MJRIEY~ TOIAR IdOES: COU4~IISSIOI~RS: A?0:~ ' AB.S~3tPs CtA4~SSI0I~FiSs NUJ~ IN WIR'I~SS Wf~ItGOr , I have hFseunto set my hand this 8th day of Deccinber, 1975. L~~T~~ S/Aletha Bm.-gess SI7CRETARY Pl~ T13~1POFtIi pd~F1IiGTtQ CITY PT~1t~]NII1G OOt~Y~ffSSI~7P] . . -2- RESOI,UM~I N0. PC75-251