PC 75-253~ ~
S+~'AS, the City Flanning Ccmni.ssion of the City of Anaheim did receive a
verified Petition £or Conditional Use Pernut fran TEXAO~-A:~1I~:II~I FIILiS, aIC., 380
An~heim Hills Rflad. Anaheim. California 9280i (Ownes); ANAf~IM HLTJS, INC., 380
Anal~eim Hills Roaci, Anaheim, Califoxnfa 92&07 (P.gent) of certain real propertY
situated in tl~ CitY ~E An~heim~ County of Ora~e, State of Californta, described as:
p,i7, that c~e,°tain iv~t situateci in the State of Californi.a, CountY of Orange, City of
Anahe3m, described as foliuws:
Proposed Tract No. 8905, 'being a subdivisi.on of the follaaing:
~,at pox~cion of the lancls allotte3 to Juan Yorba and Paula Peralta de Dominguez as
descra.beci in the Final Decree of Partition of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, as
pPS map of partition rec.~orded on Septe~ber 12, 1668, in Book "B", page A10 of
Jucigments of the 17th Judicial Distyict Cairt, of Los Angeles Caunty, State of
California, described as follows:
IIeginning at the most Northesly a~rner of Parcel 1, as shown on a map filed in book
50, page 43 of Pa~::~1 Maps, recoz+ds of saici Oram3e County; thes~ce along the bour~dary
cf sai.d Parcel Ma~:, South a3° 25' 15" West 258.59 feet, South 70° 51' S7" West 338.29
feet arxl South 61° 10' 37" West 45.00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve oonca~re
SouthwesterYy with a radius o£ 600.00 £eet sai.d curve being the centerline of Anaheim
Hills Read as shown on sai.d Parcel Map azxi said curve being ooncentric with that
certain curve cited as being ooncave Westerly with a radius of 555.00 feet t~o a
central angle of 60° OS' 18" in the WesterlY boundary of Parcel 1 of deed reoorded
May 16,. 1972 in book 10128, page 923 of Offici.al Reoords of sai.d Orange County, a
radial to said point beaz~ North 61° 10' 37" East; thence Northwesterly along said
ooncentric curve a distar.ce o£ 74.36 feet through a central an,le of 7° 06' 03";
thence parallel airi concentrie with said Westerly boundarY the following arurses:
tanqent to said last mentio~ed c~uve North 35° 55' 26" West 109.84 fc~:..
Nortlr~esterly along a tangent curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of SyS.CC
feet a distance of 144.23 feet thraigh a~atsal angle of 13° 53' 19", a tangent to
said curve Nortli 22° 02' 07" West 484.66 fee*, Northerly along a tiarigent ;vrve
wncave Easterly havis~ a radius of 605.00 feet a ciistanee of 371.42 feet thrwgh a
central angle of 35° 10' 3C", tangent to said a~rve No~ 13° QS' 23" East 171.97
feet, Northerly along a tangent curve ooncave Westerly having a radius oE 621.00 feet
~ ciistance ot 236.31 feet thrwgh a central angle of 21° 48' 09"~ tangent to said
curve North B° 39' 96" West 321.19 feet, and 2iorthcsly along a t:ar,a~ent cuzve ooncave
~asterly having a radius of 763.00 feet a distance of 43.01 £eet thrcnx~i~ a central
angle of 3° 13' 48" t~o the Westerly prolongation of that c~rtain }~'iix~ ~lxx~m as "N
84" 34' 02" E raciial" at the Su~L'rwest corner of Parcel 1 as sYrn~m on a ma~ tilod in
book 54, page 5 of Parcel Map3, r~..rords of said Orange County; thence alon; s~id
prolonged line North 8A° 34' 02" East 51.00 feet to said Southwest oornes% th~nce
along the boun3ary of said Parcel 1, South 75° 45' 00" East 209.72 fm*_-to the
Northesly teuninus of that crstain oourse showr- as "N 3° 42' 45" W 762.96 feet" ois
map filed in book 91, page 40 of Reoords of S~rveys, reconds of said Orange County;
thence alonq the bow~dary of said Reoord of S~rvey, South 3° 9~' 45" East 762.96
feet, South 29° 38' 12" East 763.99 feet, Swth 79° 47' 29" East 310.42 feet, North
],0° 13' S6" East 100.03 feet, South 79° 57' lh" East 99.93 feet, South 10° 17' 18"
West 100.56 feet and Scuth 79° 57' 17" Fdst 100.11 feet to the Norttp~'ly bourxiarY Of
pa~cel 2, as strhm on a map filed in book 57, p:,~e~ 6 arrl 7 cf Parcel Maps, reoords
o~ said Orange County; the~ce along the boundary of said Parcel Map South 66° 33' 56"
i+Test 206.57 feet and South 13° 44' S7" Fast 48.13 feet t~ the point of beginning.
WI~ItE'TS, the City Planning Camussi.on 8id hold a public hearing at tlroe City
Ita1p, in the City of Anaheim on DecenbPS 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public
hearing having been duly given as requireci L~;! law and in acooxdance with the
provisioms of the Anaheim Miu~icipai. Co3e, Chapter 18.03, to hear and oonsider
e~.~idence for and against said proposed oorriitional ~~e a~ui tn uivestigate azxl make
fi.rriirrgs arrl reoartnesr3aticros in oonnection therewi.ths ~
Wf~i'1~5. said Ccamission, aftes due insrxction. imrest.igation and study made
by ltself and in its behalf, ar~d aftPS due consideration of all evidence atxi reports
offerad at said hearing, does firxi an3 detezmine the following facts:
F~SpUJPI(xI Np. PC75-253
Z. 1't~at t',~proposai usc~ is properi'y on~or w:~ich a(7~nditional Use
Pe~nit is au•ttnrized by Caie Section 18.31.050 bo peanit construr:tion, of ~ four-vnit
moclel hrme axtu_ilex•
2. That the pznFosed use will not aclve~sely affect t2h= adjc~ini~s~ lan uses
and the qrawEh and develo~rmt of fhe area in which it is px~cipos~ed ~to be locater3.
3. That the siz~ and shape af tl~e ~i~e proposExi for the use a.a •a~iequate to
allow the fu1.1 ci_welc~g~~t of the prom:~ use f.n a mann.^r no~. detrur~r-~tal to the
particular area nar to the peace, hea3~th. s~fetY~ ~nd 4enxaZ v~].fare of ~the CitizPnC
of the City of Anaheam.
4. That the c~anting o£ the Cosxlit~c~nal. i3se P~ssnit undes the corrYiti.ons
in~poseci~ if anYr will not be detximecat~zl to ti~ ~`ace, }~c.al.th~ safetg/, axr.3 general
w~elfare of the Cit.izens of tYae City o~ Ana:sim.
5. That U~e ~r_titioner sti.pulatad the ciriv~?~ys were not to be considered
as private streets.
6. That the petitioner :ndicatect no tr~ees wrni2u be rarr~va3.
7. That one (la ~:'son apyx~r.'~i in ~~osition arid one (2} ~ettps vras
received iz opposition to sukrject petita-cn.
Ttiat ~nviromnental 7mpact Report No. 159 saPPlenenti.rx~ Mastes Envirotarental.
u~act Report No. 80 having been wnsidered this date by the C~ty Planning
Camiission (evidence, both written ar~d oral, presented to suPPla~nt said draft
r.'Y~viroranental Impact Report Pto. 159 does oonfonn tn the City arxi State C#iidelines and
the 5tate of Californi.a Enviroraneztal 4uality Act and based upon such infoanation,
does hereby reoa~mend to the City Council that they certi~Y said EIR is in ocmp~iance
with said Envirormental Wality 11ct.
N~,1~ TI~pItE, BE TT F~'SOLUID that the 1~naheim City ?lanning Cannission
does l~ereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Pessnit, uPon the followiix,~
oorxiitions whiah are here~y found tr~ b~ a necessary prerequisite ~. ~~ proposed
use of tl~e subject ProPertY in orciex' t~o preserve the safety arxi general welfare of
the Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1. 'i7r~t frash storage areas sY~all be providefl in accordance with apprav~l
plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works.
2. That fire hydrants shall Ue installed and chan3eci as reguirod azri
~e~_rmined to }~e necessary by the Chief of the Fire Aepart~ent prior to crnmencenent
of structural frami.rx,~.
3. That subject pm~estY shall be servc:d by underground utilities.
4. That drainage of subjc~t PropertY shall be disposed of in a manner
satisfactory to the City ~gineer.
5. That publ.ic uti].ity c3senents st~all be granted as re~uired by the
Uirector of Pu}~lic Utilities.
6. That this oorr3itional use petimit s'nall renain in full force and e£fect
for a peri.ai of tv.o (2) years fmm the date hereUf or until all of Yhe hcmes in Tract
Na. R905 are initi.ally sold, whi.chever occurs ~irst, or such further time as the
p1~~v~irxJ Crnmissi.on arxi/or City Cowtcil may grarit.
7. That a borxi in an ~nount aricl fonn sati.sfactory to the City of Anaheim
a~,y~l~ ke pps~,fld wa,tkz the city to guarantee the rcmwal of the malels in the event the
f~,:~a2 tn~~ of ~act Na. 8905 is rrt reoorded.
8. ?'hat r~je~t FmF~Y shall be developed suUstantially in acoordance
with pians and spucificati.on.g on fi,le with the City of Anaheim marked 'r~chi.bit Nos. l,
2, 3, 4. ani 5.
9. That Condition No. 7, abov~r-trientioned, shall be oanplied with prior to
the ~ce~s-t of the activity autMrizeci ~nder this resolution, cu' prior to the
time that tk~ building pe~mit is issued, or •aithin a pexiod of one year fran date
hPSeof, whichevPS occurs first, or such f:urth~s tame as the Plannirn3 Ca~migsion
arxi/or City Cwncil may grant.
10. That fire `; 3rants shall be installed and clsarge~i as re~uired and
deternrlned to be necessas.Y ~l' t~e a%ief of the Fire Depart~ne~t ~.+rior to aam~encems-t
of structural. fr~nirg.
-2- RESOIx7rI0N :~0. PC75-253
~ ~
11. That the petitl.oaer st;rn,s,ted the drivc~.ays were not to be oonsidered
as private streets.
12. That the petiti.oner stipulated no trees wou.ld }~e retmved.
Tf~ FO:rT~GIIJG F~50LUTIUCd is signed and approved by me this $th da~ nf
Decenber, 1975. n
SJF1 Far
/~S~? - _.~P~'~'~
s/Aletha B~^3ess
ptg~IM CI*gy pLAN[~IG COi~'A72SSI<h`7
CO[7N7°! OF ORAt~1GE ) ss.
I, Aletha Burgess, Secretary, Pz~a Tc-r~c~re of the City Plarming Oamtiission of
the City of Anaheim~ do herebY certif.Y that the forog6ing zesolatian ~ pas~ anl
at a meeti..ng af the City Py~nning Ca~'~ssimn of the C3ty of An~hei~nr held on
Decenbes 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the foll~wxrscJ vete of the nr~xzs ~hheY'e~~:
pg.q~,'I~: OLIM+SISSICR~ItS : I~E
- at WITt1ESS ~F, I t9av~ 4ier~un~o set my 2~tsd this 84:h c3ay af Dr~etiber.
1975. I
Cy~~r~ r~C~~~~~
,$~A~.4''~}Id ~ G~SS .
~TARY lm ~S9EyQla'''.
At~1FiEIlti CTTY P'~.?hi`II~ t1T'~. G~MbSSIt,~t
-3- FtESOI,STPIQN N0. PC75-253