PC 75-254~ ~ RESOLi1PIdN 2~YJ. PC75~-254 A Rt50LUt'IO~1 OF Tfff: CiTY PT~T1t~Na1G CCY~T'IISSICTi7 OF Ti$: CITSf ~' N`II~F~IM TFAT PEiITIOci FOR VARIAt7C~ N0. 2.766 HE GRANPII: Wi~i~'AS, the Cit;~ Planning C~anission of the C' _y af Anaheim di.d re;eive a verified Petition for Variance fran TF.}Q~•A*QAF~i~i I~TS, ;t~.. 380 Anaheim Hi.lls Road, Anaheim, California ?2807 (O4mer) : A4II~a~ iLiLiB, a~. 380 Anaheim Hil] s Raad, Arkiheim, California 92807 (Agent) of certain real proi'~rstY situated in the Cit~ of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of t',alifornia, describer3 as: A7.1 that certain land situated in the State o_° Californi.a, Cwnty of Orange, City of Anaheim, described as follows: Propose~: Tracc :?o. 8905, bei.ng a subu~:ision of the followirx,~: That portion of the lands allotted to Juan Yorba and Pauls Peralta de Dan.nguez as descxibed in tl~e Final Decree of Partition of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, as per map of partiti.on remrcled on Septen~er 12, 1868, in Book "B", pa~e 410 of :TUdc~nents of the 17th Juciicial Distrir~t Court, of Los Angeles Cwrsty, State of G3lifornia, described as follaws: Beg.inning at the most North•:sly oor.ier of Panx:l 1, as shown on a map fil ~3 in book 50, page 43 of Parcel Maps, recon3s of said OrarigP County; thence along the boundazy of saici Parcel Map, South f33° 25' 15" t4est 258.~9 feet, South 70° 51' S7" West 338.29 fe~t anci South 61° 10' 37" W.est 45.00 feet to a Point on a mn-tangent curte ooncave Sout}n~sterly wit~ a radius of 600.00 feet said curve being the centerline of Anaheim tiills Road as shown on said Parcel Map and said curve being ouncentric with that cer.tain curve cited as being ooncave West~sly with a raciius of. 555.aJ feet to a central arx~le of 60° 05' 18" in the Westerly bourxiary of Parcel 1 of dee3 reoordefl tday 16, 1972 in bcok 10128, page 922 of Official Reoonis of said Orance Cwnty, a r.adial to saicl point be~'~rs North 61° 10' 37" East; thence iJortNwest~'ly along sai~i wncentric curve a distance of 74.3G feet through a cen'sal angle uf 7° 05' U3"; thence parallel and concentric with said Westerly boundaxv the foilawi xJ courses: tangent to said last mentioned curve North 35° 55' 26" ~4est 1)9.84 feet, Nortlaaestexly along a tangent curve concave Northeasterly having a radiu~ of 595.00 feet a distance of 144.23 £eet throuqn a central argle of 13° 53' 19", a tanqent to said curve North 22° 02' 07" Nlest 489.56 feet, Tdortherly along a tzngent cvrve concave Easterly liaving a radius of G05.00 feet a~istance of 371.42 f~:et throu9h a central am31e of 35° 10' 30", tangent t~o said curve Tbrth 13° O8' 23" 1'as: 171.97 feet, Norther'.y along a tangent curve ooncave Westerly having a radius oi' 621.00 feet a distance of 236.31 feet through a central angle of 21° 48' 09", tarxJeTt to saici curve North a° 39' 46" West 321.19 feet, and Northei'ly along a tarxlent curve concave ~asterly having a radius of 763.00 feet a dista.*~ce o1` 43.01 feet througt a cesitral angle of 3° 1's' 48" to the westerly prolongation of that certain bearirxi sriown as "N II4° 34' 02" E radia.l" at the Southwest oornns of Parc:el 1 as shown on a nap £iled in bonk 54, page 5 of Parcel Maps, reoorcis of said Orange County; tk~,~s~ce alonq said pmlonged line t~orth 84° 34' ~2" East 51.00 feet to said Soutkn~est corter; thence along the boundarY of sai.cl Parcel 1, Sauth 75" 45' 00" East 209.72 feet to the t7ortln~esterly terniinus of that cert.~zin oourse sYr3wn +~s "Pd 3° 42' 45" W 7~i2.96 feet" on a map filed in book 41, Page 40 of Recor.ds of sai~3 Orange Cwnty; then~:e along the bourciary of said Recaxrl of Survey, South 3° 42' 45" :East 762.5'6 feet, Sou• h 29° 38' 12" East 763.99 f~et, South 79° A7' 29" East 310.42 Eeet, North 10° :,3' S6" East 1Q0.03 feet, South 79° 57' 14" East 99.93 feet, South 14° 17' 18" west i'00.56 feet arr3 Srn:th 79• 57' T.7" East 100.11 feet t~o the Northerly bounc7a-•'y of f arcel 2, as shown on a map filed ir• book 57, Pages 6 and 7 of Parcel Maps, reoords of said ~Drar~e County; tlyence along the bourr3~'iry of sair? Parcel Map South 66° 33' S6" Aest 206.57 Leet and South 13° 44' 57" E~zst 48,13 feet to the point of beginnim3• ~, `.he City Planni.xJ Ca~ission did holci a public hearing nt the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Decenl~r fl, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of siid public hearing having been duly given as required by~ ].aw and in acoon~u:~e with the provisions of the Anaheim Nhuiicipal Ca3e, Chapter 1R.03, !-n hear at:i oonsfder evidencE for and against sa?:3 propose3 vax'iance and tA irrvestigate azx] ma}e firxiings a.txl rearrtn~dations in conne..'tion tt~erewith; arri RE.~.OWfION N0. PC;75-254 ~ ~ WF~S, said Ca~mission, after due inspec.-tion, investigation and study made by itself a~l in its behalf, and aftes due consideration of all evidence arri repc>rEs offere3 at :,aid hearing, does find and detarniine the following facts: 1. Ttat the petitioner requests a variance fran the ~lnaheim Municipal Code to construct a 25-unit 31 lot RM-AOOtl(SC) subdivision with the following waivers: a. SF.CTION 1II.31.063.024 - Minimian building setback abutti.r~ on~amily residentia_l ~zo (20 feet required; 2, 5, il, IB,~9 feet Pi'aPP~~) b. SEGTION - Miniiman distance betw~.n bui.ld' s. 10 eet requsred; 5 eet proposed) c. SEGTI~I - Minumstt buil ' setback from an arterial ~hi ~y 50 eet re.~~,r ; 0, 0 arui 4~t~proposed) 2. That these are exceptional or extraordinary circimistances or wndit:.ons applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the pmperty or class of use in the san~e vicinity and zone. 3. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial. property right pos3essed lay other property ir- 'tlie same vicinity ancl zone, and denied to the pmperty in question. 4. That the requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvanents in such vicinity and zone in which the prc~sty is located. 5. That the petitiorJ:x stipulated the drivevrays wnse not to be considered as nrivate streets. 6. That the petitioner stipulated that no trees tinuld be rerovedo 7. That the requestesl~,raivers are granted in the interest of good planning ancl the Planninq Ca~mission had previou:>ly qranted sueh rec;uests for waivers. 8. That one (1) person a~red in opposition and one (1) letter was received in opposition to subject pet~tion. E3~TVVIR~fII~~l'PAL II~ACT REPORP EIIdD~IG: That Envirormental 7~act Report No. 159 supplenenti.ng Master F3iviroranental ~npact Report No, 80 having been considered this date by the Cit~y Planning Crnmission (evidence, both written a~l oral, presented to supplc3nent saici draft Fnvirornnental Impact Report No. 159 does confonn to the City and State Guidelines arr3 the State of Cal'.fornia Enviroranental Quality Act ar~d based upon such information does hPSeby reanmenci to the City Council that they cesi:ify said EIP, is in canpliance with said EnvirorIInental Quality Act. NpW, Tf~F2~F''JRE, SE IT R6SOLUED that the An~heim City Planning Ca~mission does hereby grant subject Petition for Vari.ance, upon the follaaing co;ulitions which are hereby Eouxxl to be a necessary prerequisite to the pra~osed usp of the subject propesty in orcier to presesve the safety and general welfare of• the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this Varianc~ is granted subject to the oanpletion of Reclassification No. 75-76-20, noFr perrlirx3. 2. That subject property shall be developed substantial].y in acco~3ance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim mar;:ed E~shi.bit Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, aixi 5. .3. That the petitioner stipulate3 the drive~ys were not t,o be considered as private streets. 4. That the petitioner stipulated that nn trees would be renover.~. -2- 1~~ION N0. PC75-254 . ' ~ ~ TF~ FOI~Y3paIG RESOLtTPIGN is signed a~l approved by me this 8th day of De~enber, 1975. ~S/Flc~ Farano~J ' 'eyl~r,v~ ~ C~S~+~I~ II C PIANNING WNH~IISSION ATPESP: //C'~-~ SfAletha Burgess ~.~ , SEX:RE''i.~t PRO TB+IPORE ANF1F~It4 CITY PI~AiJrIIIVG C~I~'A~SSSIGI STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) OOUI3TSt OF OFANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAFIEIM ) I, Aletha Burgess, Secretary Pro Te~ore of the City Planning Ccmmission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cxstifY t1'iat the foregoing resolution was passed an3 adopted at a meeting of +1~e City Planning Camtission of the City of Anaheim, he2d on Decem~s 8, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., I~y the follaw.ixig wte of the menbers thereof: . AYES: CONA92SSIO~fiS: F3AH~'S, EARAI30~ F~[ffiST~ FCII~1G, JOHNSUN~ Nt~Ri1:Y, TOIAR NOES: CONfMISSIdNF•RS: N~ ~ ABSENT: G'ONP'QSSTONERS: NfA~ Il~I PlIT[~SS WE~RDOF, I have hereunto set i~ hand this Bth day of Decenb~s, 1975. C~~ R/ . S/Aletha Bur'4ess S~PARY PRO TE[~7PORE ANAHEIM CITY PL~IaIING OOi+P~ffSiIOtJ -3- RESOIITPIfJN N0. PC75-254