PC 75-263.. . ' ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC;5-263 RESOLUTIOPJ OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CO~lDIT10NAL USE PERMlT N0. 157x BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the Clty of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from WEST ANANEIM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, 3~33 ~d. Orange Avenue, Anaheim, CA 9zg04 (Owner); AHERICAN MEDICORP, INC., A~:tn: STEUEN DEMETER, 5429 McConnell Ave., Los An9eles~ CA 90066 (Agent) of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranye, State of California, described as: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH IIALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, Of THE NORTf1EAST QUARTER OF SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RAFIGE 11 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANG~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51 PAGE 11 OF hiISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFfICE UF THE LOUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' BEGINP7IIdG AT A POINT Wi Tf~ SO[TIZi LINE UF S11ID SOUrfii'AS'P Q(k~PER~ SOifPH 89° 35~ 38" VJEST 190.00 FEEP FR0t4 Tf~ SOLTPETFI~ST COF~R Tf~70F% TI~NCE SO~Ji~i 89° 35' 38" WE.,''T 80(3.35 FEET AIANG SAID SO[IrH LIt~ TO_THE SOilPI~1~.ST OOFd']Eft OF TF1E P~EST 5.00 ACRES OF SATD SOUPH I~p,LF: TFIE[~TC~ NORTfi 0° 16' 52" WEST 428.50 EEET A~lJNG TE~ EAS'r L'LI~ OF SAID «ST 5.00 ~ TO THE SOU!'~PSTERLY LTNE OF TEIE I~AtID D~'~ID IN Ti~ F7NF1T~ ORDER OF pIX~IDP1~q~TIpN ImCORDED JUNE 11, 1962 IN BOOK 6140 PAGE 399 of OFFICIAi~ RE700RDS: TE~]CE P10KPH 67° 48' 35" F•F1ST 333.76 FEET ALL76iG SAID SOUf~AS"i~+Y L~ ~ T~ ~~~'~G OF A CUI2V~ TF~I~IDI ~VE NO~Y HI1VIAlG A RADIUS OF 1830.00 FEE.T: TE~t1CE I10~Y 259.60 FEGP AIA~TG S~21ID CfJRVE ZR~JC3i A CINPRAI' ANt~,E OF 8° 07' 40" TO Tf~ TZORTH LINE OF SAID SOVTii F~.LF; Tf~~CE NOKPH 89° 36' 19" TAST 68.79 F'EEP AIA~JG SAID N~17PH LII~ ?U A POINr SOUPH 89° 36' 19" WEST 368.00 EEE,T FnLINI THE N~R'I'~IEA-ST l`~RNEF2 OF SAID SO[JPH Fg1LF; TF~biCE SOLIPH 0° 10' 15" F7i.ST 293.75 FEE~: TE~JCE NO12TH 89° 35' S'1" EAST 177.00 FEE'p; Tf~T~'CE SOfT1Ri 0° 10' 15" FAS'P 191.67 F'F~T; Tf~~CE NORTH 89° 35' S7" FT~.ST 2L.00 E~LT; THE[~,'~ 9qUPti 0° 10' 15" EAST 180.00 FEE.T ~ THE FOINP 0~' S~G• E}~PT Tf~ SOUPH 45.00 FEE'P OF THAT POIiTIGN Tf~'12DOF INCI,[7D~D WlTfial THE FAS'P 10.00 ACRFS OF SAID SOiTPfi I~1T~. WHEREAS, the City Planning Comnission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on October 29, 1975, at 1:30 P.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and fn accordance with the pro- visions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, Lo hear and consider evidence for andagainst said proposed conditi~nal use and to investigate and make f~indings and recommendatlons in connection therewith; said public hearing having been con- tinued to the Planning ~ommission meeting of December 22, 1975; and WHEREAS, said Gommisston, after due inspection. investfgation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evi~ence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the propoSed use is properly one for which a cond9tional use permir is authorized by Code Section 18,4~.050<170, to wit: permit a hospital addition. . 2. That the proposed riospital addition. increasing the total beds at the lJest Anaheim Comnunity Hospital ~to 'lryl, is hereby gran~ed on the basis that official 1975f~approvingSthecapplicattion~for~~6nacuteucareHbedshtolbenadded tocthedexistDnc~ember 12, facility. 3. That the proposPd use ~iJ1 not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the partlcular area nor to the peace~ health. safety. and general welfare of the Citizens of the Gi~Cy of Anaheim. 5. That the grantirg of the Conditiona7 Use Permit under the conditions imposed~ ~rill not be detrimental to the peace, health~ safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. RESOLUTI0~4 N0. PC75-263 ~ . ' ~ ~ 6. That no one indicated their presence at sajd publlc hearing 1n oppositjon; and no correspondence was received in opposition ta sub~ect petition. EP~VIROM~IENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDIN6: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recomnend to the CitY Council of the City of Anaheim that the sub~ect pro~ect be exempt frem the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. WOW, Ti1EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant sub~ect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions vihich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the ~afety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the Office of the Director of Public Works. (2) That subject property shall be developed sub'stantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3. (3) That Conditi~n Nos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall be complied v~itti prior to final building and zoning inspections. (4) That this conditional use permit is granted for an addition to the existing ho~pital., and the total number of beds for said facility shall not exceed 171. TI~E FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me tnis 22nd day of December, 1975. ~~ {{ , IT L tJNII~G COMI SSI N ATTEST: ~~~~,8 SECRET RY, N HEI CIT PL IJN N C M SI STATE Of CALIFORNIA , COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Cortmission of the C1ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoirg resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Cortmission of the City of Anaheim, held on December 22~ 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARPIES~ HERBST, JOHNSON, KING. MORLEY~ fARANO I~OES: C0~4MISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT:COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR 1975. IN IJITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han~ this 22nd c7ay n'~ L`ecemt~er, ~~~~~~/"' ~NN~~4 SSI N E ~ .p_ RESOLUTION N0. PC75-263