PC 75-273~ RESOLUTION N0. PC75-273 A RESCtUTION OF 7HE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TI;hT PETITION FOR VARlAPlCE N0. 2740 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Pianning Commiesion of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance from BLAND HUFFMAN, 1156 Linda Vista, Orange, CA 9z667 (Owner); GILBERT A. THOMAS, 17621 Irvine Bivd., Suite 101, Tustin, CA 92680 (Agent) o~f certain real property situa;ed i~ the City of Anaheim, Co~nty of ~range, State of California described as: • All that certain land situated in the Statc of Calitornia, County of Orange, City of Anaheim, described as follows: PAItCIiL 1: The Northerly 107.50 feet of thc Sout}:erly 17G.Q0 feet of the Sdester].y 102.50 fcet of the liastcrly 2(i2.U0 feet oL tlic Nortlieast quartcr of tne Soutlieust quarter of the P:orthcast quarter of Section 15, To~onship 4 South, 1tanEe 11 l•!est in the itancho Los Cqyotes, City of Analieim, County ot OranFe, State of Ca?.ifornia, as ~er map recorded in Eook 51, pa~e 11 of ltiscellancous P[aps, in ttie office of the County Recorder ot said Coiinty. PAP.CEL 2: The Nortlierly 103.00 feet of the Soueherly 17G.OQ feet of tl~e ldesterly 114.00 feet of Chc Fasterly 376.00 fect of• tlie i7ortlieast quarter of the Southeast quarter of tl~e Northeast quarr.er of Section 15, Township 4 South, 2ange 11 k'est, in [he Rancilo Los Coyotes, City oF Anaheim, County of Oran~e, State of California, as per map r~corded in llook 51, pap,e 11 of l~iiscellaneous AIaPs, in the office of tl~e County l:ecorder of said County. PARCCL 3: That portion of thc Iiortlieast quarter of tlie Southeast quarter of the i1orL-heasC quarter of. Section 15, Townsl~ip 4 South, Range 11 4dest, in the Ranclio Los Co~otes, City of Analieir.i, County of Orange, Sca~e of CaliEornia, as per map rc- corded in Boolc 51, pap,e 11 of ificcellaneous Ifaps, in ttie oftice of t}ie County Recorder of cai.d County, described as follows: Beginnin~ at a point on C1ie ~outhe~ly line of said idortheast quarter of tile Soutlti- east quarter of the P7orthcast quareer Soutl~ 89° 37' 17" iJest 376.00 fect from thc • Southeast corncr thcreot; thencc tiorth Q° 16' 15" West 102.00 feet parallel taith the East line of said P:ortheast qunrter; thence Sou[h 39° 37' 17" ldest 55.00 feet parallel witlt said Southerly linc; thence SouC!i 0° 16' 15" L•'ast ~t3.50 feet rarallel ~aitli said Last line; thence Soutli 44° 40' 32" i;est 21.23 Eeet to ttie *lortherly line of the Soutt~erly 45.50 feet,of said Idortheast quarCer of the Soutlieast quarter of tlie Nortl~eas[ quartcr; t:ience South 89° 37' 17" Idest 49.00 Eeet along said rortherly linc to the 4lesterly line of the I•:asterly 495.00 ~feet of said Nortlieast quarter of tlie Southeast quarter of tlic ~lortheast quarter; thence 5outh 0° 16'15" East 43.5~ feet along said ldesterly line to said Southerly line; thence ;lorth 89° 37' 17" rase 119.00 feet to the point of Ueginni.ng. PARCGL 4: The Soutlierly GS.50 feeL• of Che Tdesterly 102.50 feeC of the Easterly 2fi2.00 feet of the Ivortt~east quarter of the SoutheasC quarter of tlie Nortlieast quarter of Section 15, To~anship 4 Soutt~, i:an;e 11 S•IesC, in tlie Ranctio Los Coyotes, City of Anaheim, County of Oran~e, 5tate o~ California, as per map recorded in 3oolc 51, page 11 of t•liscellaneous :•taps, in tlie office~ of tiie County P.ecorder of said County. PAP.CtL 5: The Soutlierly GF_.50 feet of tlic P.~sterly 159.50 feeC of tlie ilortiieast quarCer of Che Suutlicast quartcr of thc iJortlicast quarcer o£ Sc~tion 15, Ta~~~~sliip 4 South, l:angc 11 f•lest, in the i:anciio ].os Coyotes, CiCy of Anahcim, Cowlty oI Oransc, State of Califo:nia, as pcr map recorded in Book S1, page 11 of h[iscellancous t•laps, in tlie office of the County l:ecorder of said County. PARCEL G: That poztion of thc P:ortheast nuarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter ef Section 15, Torrnship 4 Soul•li, Ranve 11 I~'est, in the Rancho Los Coyotes in tlie City of Anaheim, County of Orangc, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 51, pa~e 11 of ~tiscellaneous I•fars, in tlie offic~ of tlie County Recorder of said County, descriUed as follows: . RESOLUTION M0. PC75-273 ~ ~ ISeFinninE at a point on elic SouCherl.y 11ne oC snld NurLl~a~;:~t ~~uht'ccr oE Lhe SouGiiea.+~~ qua*i~r of thc Northeast quartcr, Sou[li tI9° 37' 17" lJc~t, S7G.00 fce[ frota the Souti;- ;~ast corner thereof; tl~ence l•lorth 0° 1G` 15" lJest 102.00 [cet parallcl ar£tis thc E.:eterly line of• said ~ortlieast quarCer tn thc Crii^- •~i~iii5:. af be~inninr; tlicncc Seuth R~~° ~7' I.i" WeSt 55.(1;) fec~ PaT111c1 uiiCl~ ~ai:I Southcrly linc; Ct•c.:c+~ ~'~'!.t9~ t1° lb' 15" I:atit, 3&.S~J €ec~., .n:sr.:,x.lr,~l wiru r,;c~ c?~t~:;rs~~ line; 'tlicncc Soutl~ 44~ :- :,2" 41c:;t 21.23 fee:~~ ~9 tiie ~uLc~tticriy Iine o[ '~€;n a.u's.:an,x3y kY,,50 fcet of said ~'mrt~!4 ;~~rtcr of tlie Suu~itc~s~x Rva~=a~: ~: tltie i::,~`tt: ;~ +~~~rtct•; ~;~~~acc Soutli s` ~ 3t' ;., Wes't 49.00 £r_ci: along sai~! ~orthcrly line to tlic ?:e~ c; ;++" c~E :I.r. 1:astC,' q t~95,; '! fect oi saici ~.oitL•- • ea_!' quarter; tliencc ~urtli 0° l.b` iS°' ry~~~ 1~'Q•~=~~ f,>~r.~ ~long s;:::> idestcrl,y I?^~e ~o the Plortherly line of the Souths~t~Y i.,5i;.'~97 feeE ~a' .:~~~'t•r' T:orthc;^-'~ quarrc t ishe _t j ' • . ' ~?,:'a't :: ~. ~ n(.1 Y C e C Southeast quax~er of G}~~ r;~;~l~~rYsr ~uartcr; thence d:e~:'2 ~9° "~ -~-" alon~ said \ortherly ?ine cc a poi~~t \orth ~6 J~i' 15" 1Jce~t s~,'i~i :eect €r~co th~ ':r':"-• point of Ueginnin~; thence Soutli 09° 16' 15" liasr 74.0(1 fe;:;l ~ao thr• rrs~~> ;~r:t.`.t :~.. beginning. PACCCL 7: 'Phe Norcherly 107.50 feet of the Southcrly 176.OQ fi:;:t of the Eastcrly 159.50 ieet of tlie Northeast quazter of rhe Southeast quarter oE the P:ortheast qu3rter ' of 5ection 15, Toi•nship 4 South, 1'.ange 11 ldect, in•L•he Rancho F.os Coyotes, CiCy oE ~:- Analicir~, County of ~rlnrc, Statc of Californin, as per nap recorded in Book 51, paEe 11 of .:iscellaneous :Iaps, in the office of thc: County Recorder of said County. ~t~ PARCCL S: The Soutlierly 73.00 [eet oE the WesCerl;~ 114.00 feet of the Eastcrly 37G.00 `. ~fcet of tlie :~ort?ieast qu:ir~er of t4ie Southcast quarter of [lie ~lortheast quarter oE Section l5, To~mship 4 Soutl~, Range 11 F'est, in Clie Panchu l.os Coyo[e~, City of Anahe3m County of Oran};c, State of California, a5 p~r map recorded in Book 51, pa~e 11 of ~•tiscellaneous Plaps, in tile office of ti:e County Recorder of said County. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on December 22, 1975, at 1:30 p•m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Nunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findinns and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation an.d study made by'itself and in its behalf, and after due conslderation of all evidence and r•eports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests the follow(ng waivers from the Anahetm Nun(cfpal Code. to establish an 8-lot, multfple-famlly subd(vision: (a) SECTION 18.01.130 ~ Re ~otsmtothavetno~publicnstreet frontag~treet. (b) ScCTION - Minimum number of arkin s aces. (64 required; 1 proposed. 2. That Walvers 1-a and 1-b~ above-mentioned, are hereby granted on the basis that the petitioner demonstrated that a hardship would be created if said walvers were not granted. ' • 3. That the ~ubject property has been unlawfully subdivided into eight lots and approval of this varlance, and satisfactlon of all the conditlons, thereof, will bring the development Into conformance wlth the Code requfrements. 4. That there are exceptfonal or extraordinary circumstances or condttl~ns applicable to the property im~olved or to the intended use of the pr.operty that do not appiy generally to the property or class of use In the same vicinlty and zone. 5. That the requested vartance ls necessary for the preservat(on and enJoy- ment of a substantial property right possessed by other property In the same vlcinity and zone~ and denied to tha property in questton. 6. That the requeste6 variance will not be materially detrimental to the pubiic welfare or 1nJurtous to the property or improvements tn such vlcinity and zone fn which the property Is located. -Z- RESOLUTION N0. PC75'Z73 ; • 7. That no.one~dicated their presence at said~bl(c hearing in opposition; and no correspondence was received in opposition to subJect petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: . That the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Clty Council of the City of Anaheim that tn~ subject proJect be exempt from the requirement to prepar~ an environmental lmpact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Q~~ality Act. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESGLVED that the Anaheim City Plann!ng Commtsslon does hereby grant subject ?etition for Vartance, upon the foltowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequ(sfte to the proposed use of tne subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens , of the C(ty of Anaheim: ~ (1) That trash storage areas shali be provided in accordance with a~proved plans on ft~e with the Office of Yhe Director of P~blic Works. (2) That fire hy~rants shall be Installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chlef of the Fire Department prior to commenceme~t of structural framing. (3) That drainage of subject property shall be disposed~of In a manner satisfactory to the Gity Engtneer. (~~) That a final tract map of subject property shall be submltted to and •approved by the City Council and then be recorded in the Office of the Orange ~ County Recorder. (5) That all lots in subject proJect shall be served by private utilities in appropriate e.asements with Joint agreements as approved by the City Attorney, and that said easements,shall be ftled and recorded in the Office.of the Orange County Recorder, concurrently with the final tract map. (6) That the ffnal tract map shall be recorded wiChin a period of one-year from the date of approval and orior to the sale of any ind3vidual lots in the sub- division. (7) That subject pr~perty shall be developed substantially in accordance wtth plans and speciflcations on file with the Clty of Anaheim marked Exniblt ~Jos. 1 through 7. (8) That Condition Nos. 1~ 3, and 7 shall be complied with prior to the approval of a final tract map. 7HE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOP! is signed and approved by me this 22nd day of December~ 1975• ;'/~~ CHAIRMA ~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ATTEST: ~ ,~ CLs~~.cJ ECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. • ' CITY OF ANANEIM ) I, Patricia 0. Scanla~, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereF~+ certify that the foregoing resolutton was passed and adopted at a meeting of che City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on December 22, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIQ~ERS: BARNES, HERBST, KING, MORLEY~ TOLAR, FARANO NOES: COMMISSIONERS: JOHNSON .. A9SENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN k~lTNE55 W~EREOF, I have hereunt set my hand thts 22nd day~of December, 1975. ' . -CQa~..O-R-.c.~ ,' ECRETARY, HNAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC75~273