PC 76-10.' ~ ~ ,,, RESOUJTI011 I~Q. PC76-1~ ,1 RESULUTIOI! OF TIIE AMAHEI'1 CITY PLAWfII~I~ CO'1~~ISSIOp REC014h1E1d'JI(IG TO T!IE C?TY COUtlCIL OF TIiE CI7Y QF AIIAHEI~•1 TIIAT TIIE R[QUEST FOR DELETIO(J OF C0~7DITTOI~S PERTAIhII14G TO CEi~ET[RY ROAD BE DISAPPP,OVED. • l•111EREAS, t{ie oetitioner submitted a request ~or an ar~en~imen+. tn the conditians of arproval cont~ined in City Council Resolution (!o• ~?.Gn and Ordinance. ~lo. 9G3 adopted in connection ~~~ith Reclassification Ilo. 5~-55-1? on o~onertv consistin9 of approximatel.y 0.7 acre, located on the nartli side nf 'Lincoln Avenue betv~een La Plaza and~Cemetery Road, havin~ anproximate frontaces of 14~ feet ~m the north side of Lincoln Avenue, 7.15 feet on the east side of i.a Plaza, ~n~i ?.~Q feet on the tvest side of Cemetery Road; and 411{EREAS, the pEtitioner requests deletion of the follo!~inn canditions (:dos. 1 and 3) of tl~e above-numbered resolution and ordinance: 1. Tliat there be no entrances on Cemetery.Road. Tliat that portion of Lot h used for narkin~ nurposes shall be fenced alon9 cemetery road ~vith a 3-foot ornamental fence to enclose the narking area; and 4~lIIEREAS, the Analieim City Planning Commission did hold a nublic hearing at tlie City {iall in tfie City of Analieir~ on January 19, 197f, ~t 1:3~ o.m., notice of said public I~earing liavin~ been cluly given as required by la+~~ and in accordance with tlie provisions of the l~nalieim Pluniciral Code, to hear and consider eviclence for and against saicl proposal to amend thz conditions of anrroval of Reclzs~ification No. 54- 55-12, ar,d to investi~ate an~1 make findin~s and recomr~endations in c~nnection tiierewitii; and ~dIIER[AS, said Commission, after due insnection, invest9~ation anrl study ma~ie by itself ancl in its behalf, ancl after due consideration of all evicience and renorts offered at said hearing, UOES 11ERECY FIidD: 1. Tliat one (1) ~erson aopeared at said nublic hearin~ renresentinq aporoximately six (6) residents and/or property o~~~ners in the immediate area nresent in opposition; and tt~o (2) letters ancl a aetition containinn annroximatelY fiftv (5~) signatures, all in oppositi,on, tvere received. 2. Tiiat apnroval for ingress and earess to the sub.iect ~ronerty over Cemetery Road woulcl create a iiardsliip for the acl,iacent residential pronerties an~1 is not necessar~~ for the advantageous use of the subject nro~ert,Y. 3. That Cemetery Road is not a feasible entrance to tiie subiect oroperty. 4. i{iat it anpears tliat soiae of the cond9tions of the oriqinal approval nf tlie reclassification nf subject nronerty liave not been met and, in narticular, tliat i:he three-foot high fence alon~ Cemetery {toad to enclose the parking area has not been constructed. 5. That tiie above-mentioned tliree-foot high fence is necessary and appropriate to adequa~ely contr•ol the traffic ~enerated from tiie use of the sut,iect pronerty, althougfi said fence need not be ornamental; ~nd tliat tlie cable nresently being used to close the entrance onto Cemetery Road should be replaced immediately bv the wall. G. That ti~r pronosil is not necessary and/or desirable for the nrderly an~i t~roper development of the community. 7. That the ~ro~osal does not properly relate to tiie zones an~i their perriitted uses locall.y established in close proximity to subject nronertv ancl tn the zones and tl~eir ner~r~itted uses qenerall.y established tiirounhout the cor~munity. 3. 7he Uirector nf Planninq has determine~i that the nronnsPd ~ctivitv falls within the definition of Section 3.~.1, Class 1 of the City ^f Mahei~ I2ESOLUTIOid q0. PC76-10 ~ ~, Guidelines to the Re~quirements for an Environmental Im~n:,c~ Report and is, therefore, % categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. t~Q4J, TII[ItEFORE, BE IT RESOLV[U that the Anaheim City Planning Cominission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City o` Anaheim that the request to delete certain conditions of approv~l of Reclassification No. 5~4-55-12 pertaining to Cemetery Road be disapproved on the basis of tlie foregoing findin~s; and, further, that the Planning Comrnission does hereby recommend that a three-foot high~reaDnof wall, in lieu of an ornamental fence, be constructed to enclose the parking ~ tlie s~bject property adjacent to Cemetery Road to eliminate any access to Cemetery Road from the subject pro.pert.y. . • TII[ FOREGOIqG RESOLUTION is sianed and approved by me this 19th day of , . January, 197G. - ' • `! ~/ ~l~'~ `~F- CII IRI•1 IJ, A~IAIIEItq CITY PL NNItIG CO!1t1ISSI0~l ATTEST: ~ ~~~~ SECRE('AR , till HEII4 CIl'Y LA~I(~If~G COPih1ISSI0W STATE OF CALIFORUTA ) COUidTY UF URAI~GE )ss. C•ITY OF AtJAHCIt1 ) I, Patricia 6. Scanlan, Secretary o` *he City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do liereby certify that the foreg~in, resolution..was ~assed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commissior~ of the ~ity of Anaheim, held on January 19, 1976, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COt114ISSI0NERS: BARNES, FIERaST, JOIINSUN, KIP~G, t40RL[Y, TOLAR, FARAPIO NOES: C011t4ISSI0PJERS: P~ONE ABSEWT: COP~11•tISSIONERS: NO(~E IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 19th daY of January, 1976. • ~ ~~s " ~ /~ ~ ~~cJ SECRETARY, At~AHEIt4 CITY PLAYP~IWG C0~•1t1ISSI0t~ _2_ RESOLUTION N0. PC7f-10