PC 76-102~ ~ RCSOLi~Ttnt! No. PC7~-in' A RESDUITI(1~I OF TH~ A'IAIiFIM CITY PLAtlNING Cn~+r~~ccln~! RF.CntiNFNt11 t~~ Tn THr. ~ ITY Cnllnr, I L nF TI!E C ITY OF AWAIIF R1 TH11T PFTITI~II F~R RECL~:SIFIC/11'f0~1 Pl~. J,-7{~-35 BE APP.",~11F.n, WNERF.AS, the Anaheim City Plannincl Commissi~n ~id receive ao^(rifLns Petition for Reclassification 4rom ALAP! R. TALT, ~i155 Flo~aer Street, Suite , Angeles, California q~017 t~Wner); N.E!I~~ETH NELSO~t - MELSQt! D~~!EL~PMENT CO'1PAflY, i?~~'~1 Irvine Boulevard, Suite H, Tustin, California 97.~~i~ (Aqent) of certain re:~l {~r~oPrtv situated in tfie City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California dPSr.rihe~l as: PARCEL 1: The tlorth half of the [ast quarter of thP ~~~rthPast auir~~r of the ~Jorth~•~Pst quarter of Section 1.~E, Townshi~ ~~ South, RangP 1~ lJest, in the Rancho San •luin Cajon de Santa Ana, as sh~~•rn on a Map r•ecordc~rl in ~~ok 51, ~~nr.. in nf Miscellaneous Maps, records of Qrange County, California. Excepting therefrom the Easterly ';~.'~~ feet thereof. Also excepting therefrom the tJortherly 53.~`1 feet there~f, Also excepting therefrom that p~rtion descrihed as Parcel 11~.1 in the ~iee~1 t~ the County of Orange recorded September %~, 1477. in honk i~'ilr,~ p~~~ f.h~ ~f Official Records of said Oran9e County. PARCEL 2: The Easterly l+5.~~ feet an~f tlie tlortherlv 5'~.nn feet ~f the tlorth half of th~ East quarter of the I~ortheast quarter of Che Northr~est quarter ~f Section 2~', Township ti South, Ran9e 1~~ Uest, in the Rancho San Juan Cajn~ de Santa Ana, as shown on a Map recorded in Boo{: 51, page 1~ of Niscellanernis Maps, recnrds ~f Oranae County, California. Excepting therefrom those portions ther~~f descrihed as Parcel ill, 111.2, and Y3-11? in the deed to thP County af Oranne recorded January 11, 1~7'i in bool< 10510, page 1~4 of Official Records. WHEREAS, the City PlanninU Corm~ission dld hald a puhlic hParing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on May 2~i, 1~17F, at 1.3^ P•m•. notice of sai~1 nublic hearing having been duly qiven as required by laa~ ancl in accnr~fanc~ v~ith the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chaptr.r 1°.~3, to hear and c~nsider evidence for and against said prornsed reclassification an~t to investi~atr. ~nd mal~e findings and recommendations in connection th~reoiith; and IJIIEREAS, said Commission, after due insoPCti~n, inv~sti~ation and stu~lv nade by Itself and in its behalf, and aftPr due considr,rati~n nf all evidencP anrl rr.n~rts offered at said hearing, does fin~{ and ~letermi~e the fnlloo~inp f:~cts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a r~:cl~sslfication'nfEth=nah~hP-deRNrl^nn property from the RS-A~•43,~~n (P.ESIDE.TIAL/A6RIf,IILTUR11L) . (RESIDF~~TIAI, ~!ULTIPLE-F~I111.Y) ZGt7E. 2, That the Anaheim f,eneral Plan, as aMendPd, d~sianates the suhjPCt property for medtum density rasidential devel~nment. 3, That *_he pr~posec! reclassification of suhiect prnperty is n~c~ssarv rsnd/or desira6le for the orderly and proper ~ievelorment nf ti~e community. ~+, That the proposed rPClassification of sub.ject pronerty ~oes nr~nrrlv relace to the zones and their pNrnitte~l usPS locally estahlished in close nroximi[y to subject property and t~ the zones and their nermitted uses genr.rallv estahlished Lhroughout the comnunity. 5, That the proposed rectassification of suhject prnperty renuires thr dedication and impravement of ahuttinq streets ln acc~rdance ~•!~th the Circul:+tinn Element of the ~eneral Plan, due to the anticipited increase in traffic ~•~~~ir.h a~ill he Generated by the intensification of land use. RFSOLIITIQ~I tl~. PC.7~-1^? ~ ~ ~. That thP petitinner stipulateri tn c~nstr~~ctinn a six ~~) fnnt liiah masonry wail along the south side nf Om~g•a Averue, ~s shoam ~n Area ~Pvelopment Pl~n Mo. Q~~, Alternate 2; tn also pr~vide reas~nahlr. l~ndsca~inq o-~ith minimiim fifter.n (1~) qallon trres on a minimum of twenty (2~j f~ot centers, inclurlin~ irrinati~n facilities, in the park~~ay or nlanter al~ng t~e full distance ~f sai~f a~all; ~n~l to enter into a per~etual maintenance a~reemr.nt ~•~ith the City nf Q.n~hr.i~ f~r thr. landscaping. 7. That, in accord'nnce with Citv Council Policy H~. ~!~?, snnn~i attentuation measures shall he prnvidr.d adjacent t~ Rall °oa~l, 3. That no one indicated their presence at said puhlic he~rinn in opposition; and no ccrresrondence +aas received in opp~sition t~ suhjPCt ~Ftiti~n. EI~V I ROIIMENTAL I1IPACT REPORT !' I tJ~ I11 ,: That the Anaheim City Planning Cmm~ission does herehy recorimend t~ thr CitY Council that the sub.ject rroiect he exenot frnm the requirement to prPrare an environmental impact rr.nort, pursuant t~ the pr~visions of the Califnrni~ Environmental Quality Act. PJOIJ, TNE•^,EF~RF., E3E IT RI:SQLVf.~ that the finaheim City Planninq Cor~riission does herehy recommend to the City Councit nf the CitY ~` Analieim th~t suhject Petition for ReclassificaLion be apprnved anc1, hy s~ doina, that Title t^-Zonin~ nf the Anaheim Hunicipal Coiie be amended t~ exclude the ahove-descrihed nrnrertv frnm the R5-A-l~3,~~~ (RESID[tITIAL/I1~RIf,IILTIIf'.AL) Z~~IF and to incoroorate said ~lescr?hed property into the R'1-12!1'1 (RFSIDENTIAL, HULT~PLE-FAHILY) ZONF upon thP fnlinwinn conditions ~•ihich are herehy found tn he a necessary orere~uisite to the nrnnnsP~i use of subJect property in order to preserve the safety and qe~eral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheir~. 1. That the ~wner(s) of subject prnpPrty shall deect to the City ~f 11n~hr_im a strip of land forty-five (Ji5) feet in width ~long Sunl;ist Street, ftftv-three (53) feet in ~aidth alon9 fiall P,oad, an~i a strip nf l~nd twe~ty-five (25) feet in wirtth northerly of the centrrline and twenty-four (2h) feet in riidth snutherly of thP centerline along Omega Avenue for street ~aidenin~ ~urryoseS. 2. That all engineerinn renuirements of the City ~f Anahein alnng Sianl;ist Street, Ball f?oad and Omega Avenue, including preparation of imnr~vemPnt ~1ans an~1 installation of all improvements such as curhs and q:;tters, s'id~w~lks, street Gradinn ancl pavinn, drainage facilities ar other arpurtFnant worl:, shall he complied with as required hy the City Engineer and in ar.cor~lance with standird ~lans ~nd specifications on file in ttie Office of the City Engineer; that street lightin~ facilities along Sunl:ist Street, Ball Road and ~mega Avenue shatl he instatlad as required by the llirector of Pul~lic ~ltilities, and in accordance with stan~iar~l nlans and specifications on filP in the Office of the Director of Puhlic Iltilities; or that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash in an amount and fr.rm satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall hP r~sted with th? f,itv tn ~u~ranter the installation of the above-mentioned requircments. 3. That the owne.r(s) of subject nropertv shall pay to the City ~f f~n~heim thc sum of 60 cents (6!1C) per front foot al~ng Sunkist Street, Rall Roart anrl ~mepa lvenue for tree plantinq purp~ses. 4. That trash stora~e ar~as shall he nr~vided in accor~fance witli :~nnrnved plans on `ile with tiie Officr• nf t:~e Directnr of Pulilic Works. 5. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charned as re~uireci anel determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Denartment nrior to commencement of structural framinc~. 6. Th~t subiect property shall he serve~l hy underarounrl utilitirs. 7. Tl~at dralnage of subject property shall he disn~sed of in ~ m~nnr.r satisfactory to the City En~ineer. ?.. That the owner of suhject pronerty shall nay to the City nf Anahr.im th~ appropriate parlc and rer,r~~tinn in-lieu fees as determined to he ~nnropri~tP hy thP City Council, salci fees tn br ryaid at the timr. the huilrlinn rermit is issued. 9. 7hat these reclassification nroceedings arP nrinted sutiject tn completion of annexation of suhJect praperty to th~ Cit~,~ ~f Anahr_im. _Z- RESnLi~Tl~~l ~i~, f'C?(-1~2 ~ ~ 1~. That a six (G) fo~t mas~nry wall shall be constnictr_~i ~l~n~ t~» sniith sidc of Omega Avenue as shoo-m on Area Development Plan ~J~. ^~i, Alternatr ?; that reasonable landscapinq with minlmum fifteen (15) qallon si~e trrPS ~l~nt~~i n minimum of twenty (2Q) feet on center and includlnG irrigation faciliti~s, shall hr installr~l in the parkiaay the full distar.ce nf s:iicl wall, ~lans f~r s~id lan~lsr.anin~ tn h~ submitted to and approved 6y tlie Superintr.nciPnt ~f Parl:o~aY ~laintenance; an~i that tl~~ owner(s) ~f subJect property shall enter into an agreement a~ith thr. f,itv t~ perpetually maintain the above-mentioned landscaped narkw~y, the anreement tn hr, i covenant to run with the land, as sti~ulated to hy th~ petitinner. 91. That, in accordance with City Council Policv ~~o. 5~'?, s~~in~; attenuation measures shali be pr~vided ad.jacr.nt to R~ll Rnad. 12. Prior to the intrnduction of an ordinance reznnin~ suhjPCt nrnnPrty, Condition 11os, t, 2, 3, and 9, ah~ve-mentioned, shall he cmm~lPtec~. The nrnvisions or rights granted by this resoluY.i~n shall becor~e null and void hy actinn nf the f.itv Council unless said conriitlons arr. complied with within nne year fron thr ~late hereaf, or such further time as the City Council may qr~nt. 13. That Condition ~los. ~t, ~i, 7, iQ, and il; a~~mr.-mentioned, shall h~ comnlied with prior to final building and ~oning insn~ctions. TfIE FQ'?EGOItJr, {~F_SOLUTIOfI is signed and a~nrnved hy mP this 71~th ~iay nF May, 197h. ~ ~i'~~'_""" " CHAIR~~AH, AF!AHEI'~ CITY PLA"I~~I'Ir, Cn~+~415Si^" AT7CST: ~~~,8.~~~ SF.CRETARY, AMAHE IM C ITY PI.Atdt! I t!G Cr.;!~1155 l Orl STATE OF CAL I FORPJ I A ) COUMTY OF DRANpF. )ss. CITY OF A~IAHFIN ) !, Patricia R. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planninq Commissinn of thr City of Anaheim, do hrrehy certify that thr_ foregoing res~lution was nassed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commissl~n of the Citv nf An7heim, hel~+ ~n Hay 7_~F, 1976, at 1:3~ P.m „ by the follow!n~ vote of the membPrs thereof: AYES: COMHISSIOWF.RS: BAR~lES, HERPST, KI~~G, TQLAR, FARAt10 NOE•5: CQtqMISSI0NER5: I~OF1E ACSEtiT: f,OMM15510~7ERS: JQH~JS~tI, !44RLFY iM l~llT~lESS WHERFOF, ! have hereuntn set my hand this ?hth r~ay of May, 1^7(. ~~~ SECRET,a.RY, AllAIIE I H f, I TY f'LAt!E~ I ~~ , r.n~a~~ i ss i nri -3- i!~~t~L117111t1 ~~n, Pc7~-t n?