PC 76-103~ ~
!1 RF:SOL~ITI~tt DF TFIE AWAI~Eir1 CITY PLAtIrilF~r, Crn1~ilS~tn!~
TNAT P~T!Tlotl FnR RECLASSIPtCP.TIOr: N0, 7~-7f,-3. ar nPrn~~r~~,
bIIiEP.EAS, the Anaheim City Planning C~mmissinn rli~l rr.r.~iv~ a verifie~l
f~~tition for Reclassification frmm ~~Arir Y.f1L~f171EJ5Kl, 11'i~j'1 4!. ~lymnic, ••4^i, Los
/ingeles, California ~!1~~~~+; ~~~~~IDAn A. A'~D ISA.^FL A. Rin~, 11?^ N, St~tP f,~11Par.
Roulevard, Anaheim, California ~7.`~~7.; l•lA~~~h LF.I? ST.At!KFY, ili5 N. State Collenp
Boulevard, Anaheim, California ~7"~:'.; ~USTJI'~I[; E~4!AR~ PODF, JZ., 11~~7 tl. StatP Cotlr.qc
Boulevard, Anaheim, California Q2`?~2• GFRT,^•'IDF ~` S7F.IGIIF..^., et ~1, 171f~ F. ^rnar+vray,
Anaheim, California `12R~3 (Ownersi and DYA~ILY+~ DEVF.L!1PMrHT Cn„ 11~1in W, ~lymnic,
"301, Los Angc~es, California ^'l'1~~t (Agent) nf certain rcal nrr~pr.rty SIYIIACP.CI in t'~e
C?ty of Aniheim, County ~f Oran~r, State of California descrih?d ~s:
That portton of the IJortheast quarter of the Soutlie~~st quartPr of the Sotithrist
quarter of Sectlon Two, To~•mship Four South, Range Ten 1•1est, in th~ City nf
Anaheim, in the Rancho San Juan Ca,jon de Santa Ana, as shrn•m nn a map recnr•~P~1 in
hook 51, page 1~ of Niscellaneous Maps, Recor~is nf said Oranae County, dPSCrihnd
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the East line ~f said Section Two, ~•"~ feet, ~lorth of thP
Southeast corner of sald Section T~•~o, running thence l•lest 11'~ `eet; thencr !~ort'~
45 feet; thence East 11~ feet; thence South ~'S fr.et to the point nf heninnin~;
and also
The East 2~~0 feet of the tJorth half of the ~lortheast qu~rt~r of the Snuthe~st
quarter of the SouthPast quarter of Section 2, in Too-mshio !~ S~uth, °nnne 1~
47est, ~n the City of Anaheim, in the Rancho San Juan Cajnn de Santa Ana, as s~n~•~n
on a ma~ recorded in bool< il, nage 1!1, Miscellaneous !1aos, rec~r~ls nf Oranne
EXCEPTlFJ~ TNF.REFR~N thr. I~orth 235 feet tiiereof; ALS~ EXf,fPTl'~~ Tl~~it~F".^'! th~t
portion descrihed as folloars:
[ieginning ~t a point on thr. East line ~f said Section ~, 1^31 fPr.t Nnrth ~f thP
Southeast c~rner of s~id Sectinn 2; thence 41est 11~ feet; th~ncr. Crutl~ t~ thF
South line of thr_ North half of the Northeast quarter ~f ttir. 5~:~thea~t ~u~rter ~`
the Southeast quarter of the said Secti~n 2; thence East al~nr s~i~l South line t~
tlie East line of saicl section; thence North along said E~=: lin~ to th~ n~int ~f
beginning; and also
PARCF.L 1: The South 75 feet of the North 2'i5 feet of the Fast 2('1 fePt of the
North half of the Northeast quarter nf the Southea~st quartPr nf the Soutlir.~st
quarter of Section 7., Township 4 South, Ranne 1!1 b~est, in the Citv nt An~hr.im, in
the Rancho 5an Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, ~s sho~•m on a map thr.rr.of r~cnr~lerl in
book 51, Page 1~, Misceilineous Maps, records of said Oranar. Crninty; an~i alSC+
P1IRCEL i: 7hC Sn11Yh )i feet ~f the North lrn f~et of thr. Fast 1?; f~et nf thr.
tdorth half of the ~Jortheast quarter of the Southeast nu~rter nf the Sout!~~~st
quarter of Section 7., To~~mship 1~ South, Ranqe 1~ 41est, S, t;. P. b 11,, in th~ Citv
of Anaheim, in the .^.ancho San Juan CaJon de Santa Ana, as shoi~m on a man recor~ie~+
in book 51. page 10, 111scellaneous 11aps, records of said Orange Count•>•; ind als~
PARCEL 1: The t7orth °5 ~eet of the Eest 1R5 feet af the P!orth r:;ie-half of the
Ncr;he~st quarter nf the Soiitheast quarter of Che Southeast quart.r~ ~f Secti~n 2,
in Township 4 South, Ran9e 1~ ldest, in the I:ancho San Juan Cajon de Santa An~,
f.ity of AnaheiM, as shown on a mao thereof recorderl in n~or. ;1, paae 1^,
'liscellane~us Maps, records of said Oranc~e County.
WIiE'REl1S, the City Plannin~ Comnission did ho1~1 a puhlic I~earin~ :~t the Citv
Ilall in the City of Anaheim on 11ay 7h, 1°7~, at 1:,',~ p.m., notice nf said puhlic
hearin~ having hPen ~iuly given as required by la~•i and in ~ccnrdancF ~~~it'i thc
provisions of the An~heim Municipal Code, Chapter 1?.~3, to hear and cnnsidr.r
evidence f~r anc! aGainst said prooosed rer,lassificatinn ~nd to invr.sti~ate ~n~l m~kp
findings and recommen~iations in connection there~aith; and
Rf SQLUTI~t~ PIO. PC7(-1~3
~ ~
Wf1ERE115, said Comnission, after due insnrcti~n, invPStin~tion inrl st~i~~v ma~~
by itself anrl in its behalf, anrl after r~ue cnnsiderati~n nf ~11 ~virl~ncr in~ r~nnrts
offered at said hearing, does find and determine thr, follrn•~inq `~r.ts:
1. That Yhe petitioner proposes a reclassificatinn nf the a~+nvr.-dnscriti~~1
property from the RS-A-43,f10~ (RESIDFNTI,4L/AGRICtiLT11RAL) 7.0~7E to t~~e CL (M~~~+r^~ir,i.,
LIMITEQ) 7~'JE, to expan~f an anprnvecl sh~ppin~ centr.r.
2 That the An~heim General Plan, as anen~led, rinsign~tPS the ~rnpr.rty ~n
the ~~est side of State Colle~e Boulevard betwecn °.onnr.ya ~rivr. an~1 L:~ Palm~ Avrnu?
for mediurn density residential an~1 general commercial uses.
3. That the p!'O~OSP.(I reclassificati~n of suhject m m~erty is ~PCP55%tfy
anc!/or desirable for the orderly and pr~~Pr ~lPVel~pm~nt of *_he community.
4, That the proposed reclassificatinn of suh~ect ornpertY ~nPS nr~pPrly
relate t~ the zones and thr.ir permitted uses lnc~lly est~tilished in cl~se nrnximitv
[~ sub.ject property and to the zon~s and their ~rrnitte~ uses nr.ner~llv estahlishr~~
throuGhout thr_ community.
5. That the propnse~i reclassification of SIIIIiP.CC pr~nert~r rPnuires rb~
dedicatfi~n anci improvement of ahutting streets in :~ccord~nce with the Circiiliti~n
Element of the General Plan, due tn the antici~~ted increasr. in traffic +~~hich will hr.
generated by the intensificati~n of land use.
6, That the Planning Commission do~s !ierehy determine that th^ nr~nns~d
raised and landscaped median, witli nermanr_nt irri~~tion f~cilities, in St.-+t~ Cn11~nP
Roulevard would miCinate nntential traffic conflicts gener~tr.d I~v triffic ~ntArinn
and exitin~ the suh.ject ~ro~erty.
7. That no one wis oresent at said nuhlic he:!rin~ in ~poositinn; in! nn
correspondence o~as received in opp~sitton t~ suhJect nptiti~n.
That the Anih~in Ci2y Planning Lnnnissinn rinr.s hr.r^.h~~ r~cmm~~n~i tn the f,ity
Council that thr. sub,jr.ct project he exemot frnm tiie reauirr.ment tn nr~narr. in
rnvironmental impact repnrt, ~ursuant t~ the nr~visinns nf thP Cali`nrni•~
FnvirnnmPntal Ouality Act.
NOW, THERf.FORE, RF 17 RFS!?I.~If~ that th~ Anahein f,itv Planninn C~nr~issinr.
does herehy recommen~ to the City Council of the City ~f An~hrim that suh~Pr.t
Petition for Reclassification he annrovecf anei, hy so d~in~, that l'itln 1"•-7nninn ~F
the Anaheim ~lunici~al Co~le he amer.cir_.f tn r,xclucie th~ ahr.v?-dr.scri~ed nrnonrtv frnm
the rs-n-43,aon (RESIDF.PITIAI/AGRIC~~LT!~RAI.) ZQ~IE and to inc~rnnr~+te sai~~ ~Ir,crih~,+
property into the CL (f,0'i~~ERf.iAL, I_I'tITE~) ZQtIE unon the f~ll~!rin~ cnnditinn5 ~~~~•~c~~
are hereby frnm~1 to he a necr.ssary prerrnuisite to the nrnnns~~i ~~s~ ~f s~ihject
prooerty in order tu prr.servr, the safetV en~i nr.neral a~elfarP nf t~~P ~iti~Ans ~` thp
City of An~heim:
? That the owner(s) ~f suhject prnpertv shall r1ee~1 t~ the f.itv c+f M1.nahPin
a strip of•land fifty-three (53) fr.et in widtli from the centc,rline nf th~ atr~Pt
alonn State Colir.ge Boulevar~i and thirty-toio (32) fr_et in o~idth frnr~ th~ r.rntr.rlinn
of the street along Romneya Drive,for street widening ~urn~sr.s.
?., 7hat all e~ainer.rina reouirem~nts of the City of Anahein alnnn Stat~
College Eoulevard and Romneya Drive,includinn ~reparation ~f im~rnvPment n~Ar15 ~nd
installition of ajl imorov~ments such as curbs anrf ~uttPrs, sidei•~alks, strrPt ara~finn
and paving, rlrainage facilities or nther ~pnurt~nant work, st~all he c~~nlir.r~ oiitli ~s
required hy the City Enpinrer and in accor~iance with st~ndar~l ~lans ~n~i
specifications on file in the Cffice of the City F.nqineer; that strr.et linhtin~
faCilities alonq St:+te College Boulev~rci and Romneya Drive s'iall he instillr~t ~s
rPquired by the 9irector of Puhlic Utilities, ard in accordancr_ i•iit5 st~nr~nr~! r,lnns
and specifications on file in !•he Office of the ~irector nf Puhlic ~~tilities; or that
a bnm,l, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, nr cash in an ar~~~mt ~mi P~rr~
satisfactory to tlie City of Anaheim shall be postAd v~ith the City tn nuarantrr the
installati~n ~f the above-mentinnr.~l re~uirements.
3, That the o~•!nFr(s1 of suhject prnpertY shall piY to thP f.itv nf 11n~h~ir~
thr, sum of sixty cents (60~) per front foot alonq State Colle~r Houlev~r:l ~n~{ ^•ncnrva
~rive fnr ;ree planting pur~osPS.
-2- CI cnLiiTl~~i ~~n, f^7~-1~'t
~ ~
4. That trash storage areas shall he provided in accordance with approv~d
plans on file with the Office of the Director of Public Works.
5. That flre hydrants shall be installed and charged as require~l and
determined to be necessary hy the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement
of structural framing.
fi. That subJect property shall be served hy under9round utilities.
7, That drainage of subJect property shall he disnosed of in a manner
satisfactory to the City Engineer.
8. That the existing well on subJect property shall be sealerl an~1 canned
in accordance with the requlations established by the DirPCtor of Puhlic UtilitiPs.
q. That the developer of subJect property shall install a raised,
landscaped medtan lncludinc~ permanent irrigation facilTties in State Colle~e
doulevard as required and approved hy the City Traffic Engineer.
10. That subJect property shall be developed substantiallv in accord~nce
with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked f•.xhihit No. 1.
11. Prior to the introduction o~ an ordinance rezoning suh.Ject pr~perty,
Condition Nos. 1, 2, and 3, above-mentioned, shall he completed. The provisions or
rights granted by this resoluCion shall become null and void 6y actton of the City
Council unless said conditions are complied with within ona year from the date
hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant.
12. 7hat Condttlon Nos. ~t, 6, 7, 9~ A, and 1h, above-mentioneci, shall be
complied with prior to fin~l building and zoning inspections.
TNE FORECOItlR RFSOLUTIOti is signed and approved hy me this 24th riay of
May. 1976.
I, Patricfa B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planninq Commission nf the
City of Anahei~ti, do herPby certify that the foregotng resolution ti~as passed and
adopted at a mt~eting of ttie City Plannin9 Commission of tlie City of Anaheim, held nn
tlay 24, 1976~ at 1:3o p.m., by the folloaiing vote ~~f the memhers thereof:
~4 WITIJE55 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 24th riay of !1ay, i°7~.
Qa.~~.~J ~`_~s~.G.~r~
_3- RESOLUTIQG P1~, P~7(-1~~