PC 76-106~ ~
A RESnLUTIn~t OF TNE A~I4NE1~1 LITY PLA~it~IN~ CQ"1~~ISc~nr~
THAT PETITIncI FOR CQtlnITtO!IAL U5~ PER41T tm, if7.4 RF nF~11ED.
WHEREAS, the Anahr.in Clty Plannlnn Commissinn ~lA rPCPiv~ ;~ vr,rifiec~
Petition for C~nditinnal Use Permit~from ~LEtl~I K. 9ALLIFT, 1911 S. West Strnet,
Anaheim, f.aiifornia '~7~?'l~i (~~•mer); AP,tl~l.~ BALLIFT~ 1711 S, West Street, A.n~h~ln,
California 92n~4 (A5~nt) ~f certain rr~l nro~ertv situ~'e~1 in thP Citv ~~ ~n~hrln,
County of ~ranae, State of California ~lescrfhe~l Ts: ,
The 1lortherly ?~3.~n feet of the Eastrrly 2i5.~~ fr,rt ~rt ihe 1lortheast ~uarter nf
the Northeast quarter of tliP Northeatt auarter of Sectinn °1, Trn•mshin h S~uth,
R~nc1e 1~ uest. in t~~e Ranchn San Juan Cajon c1r Santa l1na, as shoa~n ~n a'~ao
recorrlPd in !Sook +i, Paqn_ 1~ of '115cellaneous Mans, in t~~e nf°ice nf t!~e Cnunty
Recorr9er of sai~i Orinae Countvy Califor~i~.
Fxceoting therr.from that pnrtion th~rP~f descrihnd as fnlinr~s;
Deginninc~ ~t the 'lort!~r.ast cnrner ~f s~ld Sectl~n ~1, s:~!d c~rnar hetnq t~~e noint
of intersection of the cPnterlinr. nf 9a11 Road a~ith ti~e centerline of 4fest Str~~t
as sh~n on that cr.rtain ~1ap fileA in ~~o~ ln~ Pane 4~~ of Parcnl ~!aps, in the
Office ~f the CountV RPCOrder ~f s:+i~i Crnintv; t''iencr South n~ 1,' S?" Fast ~lnng
said centerline of Uest Street, a distance of 2'1?,~~ fPet; thPnce Srnith n^O 3~'
42" West Darallel with said cnnt~rllnr. nf P.all Roi~l a ~Iistance of 7.l~,nn fer.t;
thence tJorth ~~ 1;' S°j West rar~llr.l with sai~i centerlinr ~f WPSt Street ~
distancn of 2'13.^^ feet to a ooint ln satd centPrline n` Hall Road; thence Il~rth
C9° 3~' ~~2" East alonq said centerline ~f Aa11 Road ~ dist:+rce ~F 21'~.^~ f~~t t~
thc Pnint of Reninning.
WNF.~FAS, the City P!annin~ Commisslon diri hold a puhlic hParlnq ~t [hP P.itv
Hall in the C(tV of p.nahcim nn '1ay ^li, 1~7~, at 1:3~ n.m., noCicr of said nu!~Ilc
hearfng having been duly ctiven ~s requirnA hy laa~ and t~ A~CnPf1RnC!! ori''~ ttie
prnvisions of the An~heim 'lunicini) Code, Ch~otr.r lfl.~i, t~ hrar an~1 consl~lrr
evidence for and aqainst sai~1 nr~nosed conditional use ind to inv~s[iqatr. and mr!~.r.
findings and recommendattc+ns in connr.ctlon ther~v~ith; ~n~f
WHERF.AS, said Lormisslon, after due t~spection, lnvestlaation ~nd sturlv mnde
hy itself and in its heh~lf, an~1 after dur.. tonsideratinn nf ~11 evidence and reoorts
offcred at sa(d hearin~, doPS fin~i ~n~i r~PtPrmine the follnritnq f~ct5:
1. Tfi:+t thr prorosr.~i nse is P~~nerly one fnr rihich a cnnditinnai use
permit is authorized by Code Section 1'.4".~>~.n3~, to wit: ~erni*_ a~ult mrwles in a
mc>tel in the f,-R Z~nc.
2. That the prnp~sal is n~t com~xtihle ~•~1th ex~ctinn uses in the suh~ect
commercial-recreation area; that ttir, suh(PCt nrnr~erty ( surrnundr~i hy faMilv-
ortented recreation-typ~ facilities; and that grrat numhers ~f ne~n1~ are ~ttrattn~+
to the suhJnr,t area beciusr. of this family-nriente.d reputati~n.
3. That, if a~proved, the suh,iect ~mposa: v~c+uid set an undesir~hle
preceAent for future similar renu~sts in tl~r c~mmerclal-recrnotion are~ nf the Citv
of Anaheim.
~~. That the prop~sr.d use will advr.rselv affect t'.r. :~~11~inina land USP.S and
the growth and development of the area in ~+hich it is propc+sed to ~e lncat~d.
5. That the size anrl shapc of the site ~r~n~s~~ for tlie use is nnt
adequate to allc~w [he fu11 drvelonMent ~f the nroposed use in a manner not
detrinental to the p~rticular arPa nnr tn the peace~ heal[h, safetY, and qeneral
welfare of the Citizena of the City o~` Anahefm.
~~. That the c~rantinn ~f the Conditienal Ilse Permit will he d~trinr.ntal to
;he peace, health, safety ~n~! genPral wrlf~~'e of the Cttizens nf thr. Citv ~f A~i~h~im.
7. That one ~1) p~rson aopeared at sai~1 publie hearin9 in onnositlnn; th~t
one (1) person indicated opp~sitinn via telenhone; ~nd that ~~~ (~~ l~ttcr w~s
received in opposfci~n to the suhject petitinn.
RES~L~1T104 Hr, rc76-te6
~ That the Director of the Planning Dr.n~rtnant h~5 r+Pt~rnin~~ that th~
prop~se~f activity falls within the definiti~n nf Secti~n .'..~1~ CI.155 1, ~f the Citv
of Anaheim C,uidelines to the Requirements fnr an Cnvir~nnental Impact neonre an~1 is,
thr.refore, categorically exempt from the requirenPnt tn filr_ an EIR.
r~ntd, ri+rn~r-or,E, [iE IT RC•SQL'~[D that thP Anaheim City Planninn f.mm~issinn
rlnes hereby deny subjr.ct Petition for Conditinnal llse P~rmit ~n thP I`i3515 ~f the
aforei~enti~ned findinqs.
T!IE FORL•;Oitl~ f'.fSOL~ITIQ~f is sic~necl an~i ~nprnved Fv r~r t~iia 7.l~r.h r~ay nf
+tay, 1~7F. ~
CI~P.I"'1P.li, AP!AF!FI" fITY PLA'Rllt~~, C~~~~~ISSI~tI
~.~~~,~ ~~.~..~~
SECR[TARY, At:ANf I'! C ITY PLAt~ti I tl~ Cf1'~'? I SS I f111
COUP~TY OF oRAtIr,E )ss.
I, Patricia [3. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Pl~n~in~ Commissinn ~f the
City of An~heim, clo hereby certify that the f~reqoinc~ res~lution o~as ~asS~ri ind
adopted at a meetincl nf the f,ity Plann~ng Coiamission nf the Citv o.° Anahrim, ti~lri on
May 2~t, 197(, at 1:3n p.r~., hy the folloa~inq vote oF the mrmhers thPrenf:
AYES: CQ~1."115S1~II[!'.S: B^,r~IES, NFRRST, IcltJr, TOLAR, rr,.^.4~'0
I~i L'IT`IESS WhIFRff~f, 1 havr_ hereunto sr.t ny han~1 this ~~~th d~Y of NaY, 1^?F,
C~"~t~J.~~~-~ -~'"~./
SF.CRFTA".Y, A'IAHEI!1 f,ITY PL~IP!I~Ir, f,~~°~15f1~~~
-'- RFS~LIir~ny ~~n, Pr7~_~nr.