PC 76-108~~
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RFS~LUTIO"! t~0. PC7~-1~
A BF.S~LIITI~~J nr Ti~r AtIAH~I!1 CITY PL~H'~I~I~ f,~~t'41551n!!
TIIAT PC71T10~~ F~P. VAR111!ICF. PI~, 2"'~'1 RC DFIJIF~.
WIIEREAS, the Anaheim City Planninn Lommissi~n ~iic1 rr.ceiv~ ~ v~rifie~
Pr.tition for ~lariance fmn n. E. JAHE~, 17^5 W. nrange Avenue, ~nahein, Califn^f~^
~7.301 (~wner); B. C,, HIIRPF.R, 1~!!'7. 4!estchester flrivc, ~tantnn, Calif~rni~
(Anent) of cerC~in real nr~perty sit~iated.'in the City nf ~4nnlieim, Countv ~f ~rannP,
StatP of Californi~, descrihn~i is:
Lnt 7. of Tract 7?~, in tlie CitV nf Anaheim, as rPCnr~r.rt in P.~ol: ??, Pan~ 1
'~iscellanenus '1aps, in the o~fir.e of the rrcnrder nf s~i~ County.
IdHFRFAS, the Citv Plannina CornMission riid hold a nuhlic tiearinq at the Cit~
I!ill in the City of An~heim on May 2k, ln~f~ at 1;3n n,n,, n~ticr, n` s~~~ mi~11r
hearing h~ving her_n duly niven is rr.nuired bv lat•~ :~nr1 in acc~r~lnnc~ ~•!ith th~
provisions of the Anaheim !lunici~al Code, Chanter 1".~3, to hear an~~ cnnsider
~vidence for and aqainst s~i~! ~r~~nse~ v~riance ancl to invPSti~itA a~~ mal•r. fin~linnc
and recommpndatlons in cnnnection therpa~itFi; ~nc1
61HFREAS, said Commissinn, after due insnection, invPstigation an~1 stii~~ ~~~P
by itself and in its behalf, and after ~fue cnnsiderati~~n of a11 Pvi~i~ncr. ~nrl rr.~nrts
nffered at said hearing, ~1nes finrl an~i dPtPrmine the fnlln~•~in~ facts:
1. That thr. pPtitinner prc>poses the folloa~inq r~aiver frnm the ~nahein
1lunicipal f.~rle, t~ permit outdo~r stora~r. nf truclrs an~l tr~ct~rs:
SC:CTI~N 1".21.~3~ - PermittPd :+ccessorv uses to a rPsidencr.. (~utri~nr
stor~ne nf tr~clcs an~i tract~rs nnt nermitte~!1
2 That the ahove-~entinned ~•~aiv~r is herr.hy ~1~nie~f nn th~ h~sis th~r, ttiP
Anaheim Seneral Plan designates suhiect pronertv f~r lro•~ ~~nsitv re.idrntial u~rs an~1
the proposr.rl use is of an in~ius*.ri~l-con~erci~l nature ~n~i, Furthermnre, tti~ nrnnnser
use o~nuld he detrimental t~ th~ surrnundina resiciential are~ due t~ ~ nntenti•il
incrr_ase in noise, dust, fur.linn nf V01'IiC~eS~ ~n~l traffic alnnn ~ran~P A~~~nuP.
3, Th~t there are no excenti~nal ~r Pxtranrdtn~rv circumst:+nces nr
conditions applicable tn the pronerty i.nvolvr..d nr tn thP intendr.d usP nf U•P ~rnn~rtv
that do not apply 9enr.rally to the pro~ertv or class of use in th~ samP vicinitv ~n~~
~;. That thr, requeste~l variancr is nnt ner.rssarv f~r the rrPSrrv~ti~n an~i
enjoyment ~f a suhstantiil property right possPSSe~i hy othPr ~rnnerty in the samP
vicinity and zone, an~1 denierl to the property in ~uestinn.
~, That the r.~~~1P.5CP.fI v~riance will be materiallv detriment~l t~ the
public o-ielfare nr injurinus t~ th~ pr~nertv nr im~rnvnments in such vicinity nn~i ~nne
in which the property is loc:~ted.
(,. That three (3) nersons apoeare~l, reprr.senting ~~~r~xi~it~lv t~•~rntv-
eight (7.') ,:ersons present at said ouhlic hearing ir, np~~siti~n; that ~ n~titinn
signed by aoproximately one hundrrd an~1 thirty-ei~ht (13"•) arr;~ resi~~nnts an~i
propr.rty owners in oppositi~n ~aas received; and that no cnrresn~ndence ~~as r~ceive~l
in oppositi~n to suhiect petiti~n.
E`1V1A~tIMEt7T11L 1~1P~CT "fPOS:T Fltl'1l~lr,:
That the P.nahei~n f.itv Pla~~n~na Cnmmissinn ~lor,s hefr.hV recnmmend t~ th~ Citv
Cnuncil that the subiect prnject he exempt from the renuirem~nt to nr?n~rr ~n
envirnnr~ental inpact r~~nrt, nursuant t~ thP pr~visi~ns ~` the f.~lif~rni~
Environmental Quality Act.
RF~~LIiTIn!I ~!^. PC7!-1^8
~ ~
N~W, THF."EFORF, B~ IT RfS~l~lf:~ that the An~heim City Plannin~ f.nr~r~is5lcin
does hereby deny subiPCt Petitinn for Variance ~n thP h0515 nf thr af~rer~~ntion~~
TI~F F~RE~~ I t! + R~SOL~!T I ~tf 1 s s i qn~d ~n~i a~~rove~ hy r~r th i s 7~ith ~1av ~f
~1ay, 1 ^76. ~~ ~ ,
CI~AI ".M I, ANh•~iF. I'1 C'iTY PLA'!'I I t~~ C^'~'! I S`' I^"
~ , ~Q/lt.~f.r/J1i
SF.CRF.TARY, AIlAH[I'1 CITY PLA~Itll,l~ Cn~u1ls,In~i
I, Patricii [~. Scanlan, Secretary ~f the Citv Pl~nnin~ Cnr~*isci~~n nf >;ti~
City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fnreg~tng resnle~tirm was n~~:~•c~ an~i
adapted aC a meetin~ of thP City Plannin~ Commis;~orr~^" thr. Cit~' of Anahetm, hPi:'~ ~n
May 2~~, 197~, at 1:3~ P.m•, hy the follnaring vnte ~f tnn e~:?!r•1~ei°s therr.n°:
AYf.S: CO`~!11551(1PIf."5: BARt1f5, HERpST, Y.I~I~, T!?LAR, FARA'~~
~IQES: COMN I SS I QPJE't5: tJ(1tlf.
ACSEpT: f,nH!11SSIn!JF".S: JnI~~iSn~!, ~1nRl_FY
IN WITtIFSS WIIERf.~F, i have hereunto set mv h~nd .his 2~~th ri~v nF !1av, 1"7~.
-2- ~f~~V~T10~1 !~o. rr.~~-t~8