PC 76-109~ ~
RES~U~TIntJ Nn, PC7F-ipq
A 2ESOL~iTI~~~ ~F TIIF. l1NANE•i'1 CITY PL~~FII~I, C~~?'1151~N
THAT PETITI~ti r•n^ ~~n~inricr ~~o. ?."1~ t'E ~Rn,!ITED.
\111F.RF.AS, the Anaheim City Plannin!1 Lomnission did receivr, a veriFiecl
Petition for ~iariance from LAb~REllf,f•. A. HIIf,I;F.~ITHAI.F.,r,~ ~,~n Val~ncia Drive, FuliPrton,
f,~lifornia A?.~:55 ~~~•mer); JAMfS TAYL~R, 1f~1 W. CrescPnt ~vPnur, AnahPim, f.alifnrnia
~2"'1; and L. A. RASf,fl, ~~~.( San Dieno !1ission 4oad, San '11eqo, Calif~rnia ^21'1"•
(Agents) of certain real nron~rty situated ir, the Citv of /;naheim, Countv of ~ranqe,
State of California describe~l as:
The East 1R2.~~ feet of the South l~l.n(1 feet nf the South half of the South~•~esr.
quarter of thP tlorthwest quarter of Section ~, Trn•mship •'~ South, R~n~c: 1~ l,~es*.,
in the Rincho San Juan Cai~n ~I~ Sant~ Ana, Citv ~F ~nahrir, as ner nav recnr~ie~i
in book 51 pa~e 1n of ~4iscr_llanenus Naps, in the nfFice of the c~i.mtv rr.cnr~Pr r,F
said county.
EXCEPT that portion thereof lyinq Nort'~wPSterly ~f the foll~~~inn descrihe~l linA:
Rc~inning at a point on the Il~rth line nf sai~ l~n~i '~~rth Zn~ 3n~ ~r,~~ Faat '~.^^
fnet froM the Ilorthwest c~rner therr.nf; tliencP .~S~outh 4~° ~i' 1~"r~~nnt pQ~Z~ frnr~
to a point on the West line. nf sai~l lan~ S~u2h ~ 1~ 5, C~st 7.,. et
the Northwest corner thPreof.
WI!F.RFAS, the City Planninq Cnmmissinn ~Ild h~l~l a nu~lir_ he~rinq at t~~r f.itv
Hall in the City of Anahrim nn Mav ?~', 1^7~, ~t 1:3^ P.m., nntice ~f said ~n~lic
hearing havinq heen duly aiv~r~ :+s rPmiirrd tiv la~~ ~mf in ncc~rd~nce ~•~ith the
orovisions of the Anahelm 9unici~al Co~le, f,hapter 1'~.^i, tn hp~r i"'i f~n~i^rys
evidence for ~nd aaainst said ~rcnnsPd varianr.~ an~' tn investin.~te and make
~nd re~commPndatinns in c~nnrctinn thr.rna~ith; ~n~f
WHE.REAS, sai~ Corimission, after diic insnectinr., invrsti~ation ari~ s*~~~'v mi~i~
hy itsel'f anrl in its h~half, inrf after ~lur. cnnsi~lr.ratinn of all Pvirl~ner. ~nr1 renorts
offered at said hearinn, does fin~l and .1PtArminP Y.hP `nll~~•rinn facts:
1, That the petitionr.r rrnp~ses the f~ltn~•~in~ ~~aiver frnm thP ^.nihPin
4ur.icipal Code, to estahlish an aiitmm~Cive tune-un far.ilit~:
SECTIf1PJ 1`~,~t~~,n~n - permitte~l ~rimarY uses (~~~t~ rrtnair nnt
a nermi[ted orimary us~ in the CL ?~ne
7. Th~t the ahnvr-nenti~nerl a~aiver is hereh~ ~rant~~~ on t~e hlSIS that the
p mposed use is suEtahle f~r the suhject pronr_rty in~i :+rea, an~1 that a ~r~vinus
variance for a comparahle use ha~i been appr~ved on sutiJrct nrn~erty `nr ~n ~utnn~tiile
tires, hatt~ries, an~1 access~rir.s SaIPS :+n~1 install~ti~n facilit~~ 4!ith r~ ann~rrnt
adverse im~act.
3, That there arr. excr:nti~nil nr Pxtrinr~linarv r,I~ri1l~Sta~CnS ~r c~n~~itinns
applir.ahle tn the property inv~lve~i ~r tn the inten~lnrl us~ nf t`~e nrnnertv fh~t ~~
n~t apply clenerally tn t~ie nr~pert~~ or cl~ss ~f 115P. in thr san~ vir,inity and ~~nr.
LI, That the requested variance is nec~ssary for t~•~ nreserv~tinn nn~l
enjoyment of a suhstantial prnpertY rinllt ~055P.SSP.(I I~V ~Yher nr~nrrtv in [~~r. camc~
vicinity and z~ne, ~n~f deni~d to thP nrnnerty in nuestion.
5. That tiie reoi~PSt^~~ v~riancr. will nnt he r~~tPrlally ~~~trinrnt~i t~ t!iP
aiiblic welfare or iniuriiws to the nronert~ or imprnvr.ments in sucti vicinity an~ z^~o
in ~~hich the ~rr,rer•ty is lncateri.
F, That the petiti~ner stioulate~i tfi:~t nn he~vy enginP ~~iorl• i•~nii?~ hr
perfnrMed ~t the suhiPCt location.
/. That the ~etitinner sti~ulated tli~t autmm~r.ivn nirts woulct hr: snl~~ nnly
in connection with repair ~•~orlc pr,rforme~i and that n~ salrs nf ~arts a~~u1~1 hr.
aclvertise~l to the pul~l ic.
'~, That the ~etitinner stipulat~~1 that thr.rr. i~~c+ul~l bn nn nvnrniciht stnra~r
of automobiles on the si~h.ject pr~n~rCy.
RF~~I_iiTln"I rf,7~-1~~
~ ~
4, That the pPtiti~ner sti~ulatP~ to renuPStin~ terminition of ~larianc~
No, 2(h£i, which is superc~ciP~l I~y tliP ~rantin~ ~f suhjr.ct viriancP; sai~! :PaUP.SC t~ he
submitted in writin~ to the City Council nrior tn Citv Council rPVieoi ~f thn SI1~`I~Ct
1~, That no onr indicate~i their presencr. at said nuhlic hearinn in
onposition; and no corr~spnn~lPnce a~as receive~ in o~nnsiti~n tn suhject pPtitinn.
That the Anaheim City Planninn Coromission d~~s hr.r~hy rec~~en~'. t~ the f,itY
Council that the suhlPCt nroject be exempt fr~m tnr. renuirer~Pnt t~ nrPnarr. ~n
environmental tmpact rPport, nursuant to the nrnvisl~ns o° tlir. Califnrni~
F.nvir~nmental O.uality Act.
NOII, TII[~[FClP.C, Bf: iT RES~L~f~.~ that thP Anaheim City planninn f.nmmtssfnn
does hr.reby grant sub~ect P~titi~n `or Variince, upnn tlir. foll~~•~inn cnnditi~ns a~hirh
~re h~r~by found to be a nr.cessary nrereauisite to t~~P nt'~~nsrt~i usP ~° rhr. sutiirct
property in order tr, nreserve the safetv ~nd nenr.ral ~uelf~rn nf thP f.itizens of thc
City ~f 1lnaheim:
1. Tliis variince shall be nrintPd suhject tn t`+e ternin~ti~~ nf ~iiriinc~
;~o. ?.I+ha, and a I~tt~r r~auestinn sairl termination shall hP suhmitteri prinr to ~itv
f.nuncil reve~^~N ~,1' the suhJect pronnsal, as stinulated to hy the netition~r.
?, That thr. ~wnPr(5) o` suhiect ~ mnerty shall pay to thr fitV nF llnah~in
the sum of~(.~ cents (~'1t) per `r~nt fnnt alnn~ Cr~scent Avenue in~~ Loira Strr.nt f~r
tree Dlanting p~~rpnses.
3. That suhject pr~nerty shall h~ rirvel~ned suFSt:~nti:~llv in acr,nr~~ncP
t•!ith ~lans and specificatinns nn file t•~ith the f,itv nF Ana!~eir~ n~r~•.rd Exhihit N~s. 1
and :'.
1i. That Conditinn Il~s. 1 an~l 2, af~vP-r~encinn~~, shall hA eonnlird ~aith
prior t~ the comr~encemrnt r.f the nctivitv iuthnrizec~ un~~r this rasnlution, nr nrinr
to the time that the huildin~ ~ermit is issun~i, or aritl+in a n~riod nf one vear frnn
rlate herenf, a~hichever ~ccurs first, ~r such fiirther time as the Plannina Commissinn
may qrant.
5. That no heavy engine wnrl: shal' he pPrformr.d ~t the suhjr.ct lnr,ati~n,
as stipulated to hy thr, petiti~ner.
Fi, Tliat no sales nf p~rts shill h~ a~lvArtised tn the puf~lic, as stipulite~
to by the petitinner.
7, That there shall hr no ~verniqht storagr, ~f ~utomnhiles on the suhiect
property, as stipulate~i to by the ~ctitioner.
TIIF. FORL•~~IMr RfS~I_tIT10~1 is si~nPd ind at+nr:+vr~1 hy me this ?.~~th cliv nf
,~~Y~ ~Q~~.
CHAIRH^ ~, AIlAI'F.I~I CITY PLA!RII'~~ Cm~~7~!::,I~'~
, ~~6~G~r,.~r~~,.~
SEf.RETAR , A'lANE I'1 C I TY PI.At!li I N, C~N'1 I SS I 0!'
_~_ RFSnLIITi(1N rln. PC7f-ln~
ti . .
~ ~
COIRlTY DF f1RAd~C )ss.
CITY nF ll'lAHF.I"1 )
I, Patricia f~. Sc~nlan, Secrr.t~rv nf thr.. f,ity Pl~nnina f.~mmissinn nf thr.
Ci[y nf Anaheim, do hr.rPhy cr.rtify that the f~rPCl~inq resnlution N175 n~5~~~1 an~f
adooted at a me~tin~ ~f the Citv Planning Cemmissinn ~f thr f,ity nf Anah~im, hr,l~~ nn
4~y 1.~~, 197(+, at 1:3`~ P~m., hy the f~llo~•!inn vnte ~f t'~e mrtnhers ther~~f:
AYES: COMMISSIO?IE",5: f3ARtIES, HfRRST, I:I~Ir,, TnL~,^,, Fn^,n~~n
tJOES: co~u+issio~~tr,s: nn~ir
ARSfIlT: C(1"1`IISSI01lERS: J~H'150q, NnRLEY
ItJ ~lITt~E55 WIIERF(1F, I liavP h~rrunt~ sr.t mv hin~ this ?~~th ~av ~F 'tav, 1~7~,
~ ~ /~~t..~Q~c~
SFf.^fT!1"Y, A!:/1!~r~~1 f,IT`~ PL~,~~t~~•"+ fn.n~~cr~r~•~
-3- 4~S~LUTIrnI ~lo. rC7~-1nn