PC 76-11. ~ RCSOLUTIOt~ tJO. PC76-11 A RE50LUTIOiJ OF TIIE At~AiIEI~~1 CITY PLAPlIJIPlG COhfh1ISSI0F! RECO~•41EIIUIt~G TO TIIE CITY COUtdCIL OF THE CITY OF AflAHEII4 THAT RECLASSIFICATIOM W0. 73-74-55 (READVERTISED} QE AP?ROVED. lJH[R[AS, on June 25, 197~4, the City Counci1 of the City of Anaheim a~proved Reclassification (~o. 73-7~4-55 to establish CL (Commercial, Limited) Zoninq for a planned commercial park adjacent to an industrial tract, the subject nronerty consisting of approximately 13.6 acres, located at the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue and 14agnolia Avenue, having approximate frontages of 1,270 feet on the nnrth side of La Palma Avenue and 825 feet on the west side of htagnolia Avenue; and bJI~EREAS, Reclassification t~o. 73-74-55 ~aas approved subject to certain conditions being met, including "Tl~at final specific plans shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for their reviei~~ and anproval" and "That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with olans and soecifications on `ile... ; and IJI~EREAS, Variance tlo. 2598, to ~~~aive the r~in9mum number of parking s~aces, maximum building height, and the tem~orary disnlay of banners, was ap~roved in conjuncti~n with Reclassification Plo. 73-74-55; and l•Ii~EREA:i, on December 22, 1975, the Planning Com~nission considered rev'isecl plans submitted in connection ~tiith Reclassification tJo. 73-74-55 and determined that the proposed soecifiic plans v~ere not in substantial conformance with the ori~inal approval of Reclassification No. 73-7h-55 and, therefore, tlie ~roposed specific ~lans ~vere subject to a public hearin!t; and 41HEREAS, the Anaheim Cit~ Planning Cor~mission did hold a public hearin~ at the City I~all in the City of Anahieim on January 19, 1976, at 1:30 p.n., notice of said pubiic hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance ~•+ith tfie provisions of the Anaheim ~~lunicipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed revised plans subroitted in connection with Reclassification No. 73-74-5a, and to investigate and make findin~s and recommendations in connection tliereviitli; and LdI~EREAS, sai~ Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said public hearing, DOES IiEREDY FIPJD: 1, Tliat the petitioner stipulated that the number of curb drive accesses along La Palma and htagnolia Avenues will remain the same as originally approved (eight) and that specific delineation of said drive accesses ~vill be submitted to the Traffic En9ineer for approval. 2. That the petitioner stipuiated thai on-site vehicular access to the separate parcels shall be over easer~ents inside the perir~eter of tlie nro~erty. 3. Tliat the first pliase of constructian v:ill consist of twa restaurants and tv~o office buildings on three separate parcels of an eleven-lot commercial subdivision. 4. That the petitioner stipulated to submit final specific nlans for eacli of the remaining eight parcels of the subdivision for Planning Commission and City Council approval prior to the introductior of an ordinance rezoning said ~arcels. ,, That the Planning Commission expressed concern that certain tradeaffs had been made in the original approval of t"c ~:a~;;c~t r~classification permittinn cortm~ercial uses in an area designated for industrial uses b~~ the Anaheim General P;an; that there was a subsequent tendency for petitioners to expand such tradeoffs thereby necessitatin~ tlie subr~ittal of revised development plans for Comr.iission and Council approval; and that a furthEr modification of the sub,iect cormnercial prnie~t may not be favorably considersd. G. That the petiticmer stipulated that tl~e waivers granted in connection v~ith Variance tdo. 7.598 Yi°re no longer necessary, due to the revised develooment ~lans and, therefore, petitioner would be requestin9 that City Council terminate said action. RESOLUTION N0, PC76-11 ~ ~ 7, That the conditions or ihe original annroval of Reclassification No. 73-74-55, as well as those conditions ~°esultinn froM this public hearin~, shall be complied with fur deveiopment of the subje~t nror~trty. 8, That the proposed reclassification of s~th~iur.~: ;~r~+~e, ti,y is necess3ry and~or desirable for the orderly and proner develonment ot the community. 9. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate to tfie zones and their ~ermitted uses locally established in close proxir~ity to the subject rroperty and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established throughout the community. 10. That no one indicated their presence at said ~ublic hearin9 in opposition; and no correspondence was received in op~osition to subject oetition. 11. That Environmental Impact Report FJo 123 pertaining to development of the subject property was certified by the City C~u~~~cil on June 25, 1975,. and no further documentation is deemed to be required; based upon the nronosal beinn submitted. WOW, TIIEREFORE, QE IT RE50LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Conmission does hereby recornmend to tlie City Council of the City of Anaheim that the subject Petition for Reclassification Wo. 73-74-55 (Readvertised) be apnroved and, by so doing, that Tit1e ~~-Zoning of the Anaheim M~!nicipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from ttie t4L (II•~DUSTRIAL, LI11IT[Q) ZOIVE and to inc~rporate said described pro~erty into the CL (CO'4;~tERCIAL, LItiITED) ZO~~E~ upon the completion of the following conditions ~dhich are hereby found to be a necessarY nrerequisite to the propo~ed use of subject property, in order to oreserve the safety and ~eneral we7fare of the Citizens of tlie City of Analieim: 1. That the completion of these reclassification proceedings is cont9n~en± upon the granting of Conditional Use Permit No. 1-1fi2, and Tentative !~1an of Tract Plo. 8660. 2, That in the event that subject nroperty is to be divided for the purpose of sa12, lease, or financing, a parcel ma~, to record the apnroved division of subject property shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Anaheir~ and tlien be recorded in the Office of tiie Oran9e Cuunt,y Recorder. 3, 7hat mutual ingress and egress easer~ents for vehicular access nurposes sf~all be submiti:ed to and aporoved by the City Attorney°s office and then be filed and recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder conc'urrently ~~~ith the parcel map, as stipulated to by the netitioner. 4, That fire hydrants shall be installed and char~ged, as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief nf the Fire De~artmeni:, nrior to commencement of structural framing. 5, 7hat all air-conditioning facilities shall be nroperly shielded from view, and the sound buffered from ad~acent uroperties. 6, That subject property shall be served by under~round utilities. 7, That trash storage~areas shall be provided in accordance a~ith apnrc~ved olans on file with the Off9ce of the Director of Public lJorks. g~ That final soecific plans shali be submitted to the Planninn Commisrion and City Council for review and approval. g, Tha.t subject nrooerty shall be deaeloped substantially in accorda.nce with plans and specifications on file with tlie City of Anaheim marked Exhibit iJos. 1~ 2, 3, and 4(Revision (~o. 2) and Exhtbit tJos. 5, 6, and 7(Revision I~o. 1): provided, however, that the number and iocation of curb drive accesses from subject property to adjacent public streets and highwiays shall be submitted to the Traffic Engineer. 10. That petitioner request that City Council termina:e Variance tlo. 2F9II. _p_ RESOLUTICN P~O. PC76-11 . ~ ' 11. That prior to the introduction of an oru~inance rezoninq subjECt ~ property, Condition Idos. 1, 2, 3, 3, and 10, above-mentioned, shall be comnleted. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall b~come r.ull and void by action of tlie City Council unless said conditions a.re complied ~~rith within one year from the date hereof, or such furtlier time as the City Council maY !lrant. lp, That Condition Paos. 5, G, 7, and 9, above-mentione,d, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. THE FOREGOTidG RESOLUTIO~~ is signed and approved by me tlxis 19th day of January, 1976. r~~~~ ~''G'`~./~ . ~~ fl .~ d, N N • N.1 P!s C flE SS tl ATT[ST: ~ ( ~~~~J~ . SECRETARY, ANAIIEIht CITY PLANf1IPIG COI1t•tISSI01~ STATE OF CALIFORPIIA ) COUNTY OF ORAi~GE )ss. CITY OF APlAHEIM ) I, Patricia ~. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Lommission of the City of Anahein, do hereby certify that tlie fioregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on January 19, 1976, at 1:30 p.m., by the follo~aing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COF1h1ISSI0I~EP.S: ~3ARPIES, HERBST, JOHi~SOiJ, t~10RLEY, FARANO NOES: COI•11+lISSIONERS: NOh~E ABSENT: COP11•tISSIOWERS: KIfVG, TOLAR 1976. Iii WITNESS 4111EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 19th da,y of January, ~-1?~sc~C~/ SECRE f, PJ HEIti CI PL NNIIlG OM11~IISSIOh! -3- RESOLUTIOtI W0. PC76-11