PC 76-123~ ~
RLSnLnTlnrt hlo. Pf.7ti-1?3
A RESf1L~lTln1~ OF TIiF. A~~Af~FIM CITV PLAtl~ll'J, f.~4'~ISSI~~~
WHEREAS, Che Anahr.im City Planning Comnission ~ti~i recr,ive a vPrified
Petition for Conciition:~l Ilse Permit fron ADUF.NT~IRF; I!1'I, I~lf„~ P.~, Box 11~~, S~nti
kna, California 97?Q2 (~amr.r); TIIF GRAY LIWf. T~~!R5, 12n7 W, Third StrPet, L~,s
Angeles, California ~^:~17 (~gent} of cPrt~in real prnnert~~ situateci in the Citv oF
Anaheim, County nf Orange, St~te of California descrihed as:
Parcel 1:
That portion of the Southwest onc-quarter of the ~lortheast onP-quarter of sectin~
22, To~anship << South, Range iQ West, in the Ranr,ho San Juan Cajon ~iP Sant~ An~,
city ~f Anaheim, cnun[y of Orange, state of f,alifor~la, as shovm ~n a nap
recorded in boo~: 51 nage in of Miscellaneous Maps, in the officr, nf thr. rnunty
recorder of said coun*_y, ~iescribed as folloa~s:
Commencing at the South~~est c~rner of land describe~i in Torrens TiYle cPrtificate
No. 47 on file in the nffice of ehe Re9lstrar of Titles of nr~nqe County,
California, said p~int bein9 on the North and S~uth nne-quarter section linP ~f
Section 22 and distant Pl~rth ~° 1~,' 35" West 42.^3 feet frnm the 3ntersection of
said line with the center line of Cerrit~s Avenur. as deserihed in deed to tl~e
county of Orange, recorded July 15, 1~2~ in book fi(+1. pane 7.!17., nf ~eeds; thPncr
North 0° 16' 25" 4lest along said !::~th and South one-quarter section line a
distance of 41f1.73 feet; thence N~rth Ra° 57~ ~~" ~ast ~~,~~ FP,P,L tn a noint nn
the Easterly line of Ilarhor Rlvd., as descrihed in i~1~Pd to the city of Anah~im,
recorded December 3~, 1~55, in baok 333~ Pa7~ ~33 of Offictal Recor~is, said nnint
being the true point of beginning; thencr. Plorth 'O~ 5a~ ~~" East 7.~in,~~ fr.r,t;
thence Horth ~° iG' 7.5" West 1!17..11 feet; thence South °'~ j7' ~~" West 1.~~~.^~
feet to a potnt on thr. easterly line of Harhor Dlv~i., ~5 in sai~1 deed to thP city
of Anaheim; thence South (1° iG' 25" East along sai~i Pastr.rlv line of Harhor
Blvd., a distance of 1~7.11 feet to the true point of heginntng.
Parcel 2:
' All that certain lan~i situatpd in the city of An~helm, st~tP nf Cali`nrnia,
county of Orange, described as foll~ws:
That portion of the Southwest one-quarter of the t~ortheast onP-~uarter of Sectinn
22, Township ~i South, Ran~e 10 lJest, in thP Rancho San ~~»n Ca)on de Sant~ ~na, as
shown on a map recnr~ied ir book 51 rage 1~ of MiscPllaneous Mans, records nF
Orange County, California, ~fPSCribed as follows:
Cc~mmencing at the Southwest corner ~f tand descrihed in Tcsrrens Title ce~tificate
No. 47 on file in the office of the Registrar of Titles of ~r:~n~e County,
Caiifornia, said point being on the North end South one-quarter section line of
Section 2T_ and distant PJorth ~° 1F' 7.5" West h?.93 feet from the intPrsection nf
said tine with the center line of Cerritns Avenue as descrihed in ~ieed to the
county of Oranae, recorded July 15, 1^7( in hook ~~~i2 na~e 7.~2 of Ceeds, thenr.e
Hor•th ~° 1h' 25" West along said IJorth and South one-quarter section line a
distance of 410.73 feet; thence tJor~ch H°° 57' nn~~ East 3nn feet ta the truP point
of beginning; thence continuin9 PJorth ~iaO 57' n~" East 3tn,Oq feet to thr, East
line of said land descriherl in Torrens Title ceriificatr. No. 47; thencr. North
0° iF~' 25" West 7_7.L•.sl feet [o the m~st s~utherty corner of land ~i~scrihed in
deed to thc state of California, filed f!o•vemher 1, 1^5~, as rlocument ~~~. 1.1~~? in
the office of the Registrar of Title of ~renge f,ounty, Catifornia; thencP North
G6° 00' 15" West 2[;.29 feet to a line p~rallel with and distant 33.~~ fPet
Southerly measure~l at right angles from the Northerly line of l~nd dr_scrihr,d in
Torrens Title certificate tlo. 14~1~i ~n file in the office ~f the RPnistr~r nf
Title of Orange County, Calfornia; thence along said parallel line South '~~~ 57'
00" W~st 305.45 feet to the beginnin9 of a tangent r.urve concave ~lortherly having
a radius of 295.~f; feet; thr.nce Westerly alonn said curve, thrnur~h ~ central
angle of 5° 44' 27" an arc distance of 7~.5~ feet t~ a Iine that hears ~Jnrth
p° 16' 25" west from the true point of heginnin~, a radial 11rr. throuqh sai~i
point bears South 5° ~~1' 77" West; thr.ncP South n° 1h' 7.5" F.ast 1~~~.~~~ fr.~t;
thence South ~i9° 57' nn~~ West 2.nn feet tfience South f?° 1G' 25" Fast 1~7.,11 feet
to the true point of heginning.
EXCEPTIt~, therefram the Easterly 1.~Q feet.
RfSnUlTlnu FJO, PC7F-17.3
~ ~
WHFRf~S, the Ci[y Planning Commissi~n ~tid I~-~l~l a puhlic h~~ring i[ th~ f.itY
Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 1.1, 1~7~, ~t 1:3~ P.m•, nnticP nf sai~1 ~uhli:
hear i ng h~v i r.g been du ly ~ i vPn as requ i rPd by 1 a~•r ~n~l i n icr.nrrlancr, o-~i th the
provisions of the Aniheim Nunicipal C~de, f.hap[r.r 1°.~'i, [~ hr,ar an~i c~nsiAr,r
evidence for and against said pronnsed cr.nditional use ~nd t~ invr_sti~late and make
findings and recommendatinns in connection t!+~rea~ith; ~nd
WNF.REAS, said Comnissinn, after du~ inspr.cLinn, in~~estination and stn~{y maAr.
by itself and in its behalf, a~d after ~tue consider~tion ~f a11 evidence ~nd re~orts
offered at said hearing, dor.s find ancl de:err~ine th~ `ollo~~inr, facts:
1, That the pr~posed use is properlv nne fnr ~•ihich a conditinnal usN
pcrmit is authorized hy Codr. Sec[ion 1~.l~P,n5n,72n, to a~it: permit a hus ~lepnt in
conjunction with a service station in the C-R (Cormnr.rcial Recreation) 7.one.
~. That the prnp~sed use +•~ill a~iversely af`r.c: the adj~ining lan~ ~ises and
the growth anel davelopment ~f the ~rea in which ii is pr~nose~f ta he located.
3, That the size an~l shape ~f the site proonsed for the use is n~t
adequate to allor~ the full dev~ln~ment oP the n~'~n~~~d ~ise in a mannPr n~t
detrimental [o the particulir ~rea nor to the ne:+cr, health, safety, anrl naneral
welfare of thP Citizens of tlie City of ~naheim.
4, That the grinting of the f,nnditional Use Permit will he detrimental to
the peace, health, safety an~l general ~•~elFare ~f the C~tizens of the CitY ~f Anaheim.
5, That the suhjr.ct location is hr.rPby ~1etArmined M he inapnropria:e for
the proposed us~e on th~ ba5is nf tr~ffic safr.Yy for the nrovosed bussr.s utilizing the
site and the vehicles traveling on the arljacr.nt streets sincr the nroperty is
located adJacent to a heavily-travPled arterial hipho~ay, since the prnperty is
immediately south of a freeway off-ramp, and furthcrmnre, since thr.;•r is nn
signal ization at 1larhor Roulr.vard, an~t ~lanchesCer Avenur. to contrnl the traffic an~i
thereby mitigate the potential traffic haz~rrls.
F, That the sub,jrct IocnCinn is further ~ietr.rnined tn he inaf+propri~te f~r
the proposed usr on the hasis nf thc nerson~l sif~ty nf pedestrians nenerated hy the
proposal; namely, the p~tenti:+l conflicts het~•~ePn pedestriin ~n~1 vehicular traffic on
Harbor Boulevarci since there is no si~nali~ati~n tn contr~l pe~tes[ri:~ns attemnti~~ to
cross Ilarhor Boulev~rd and on-site since the sitr wou1~1 c~nJunctivrly he ukilizr,~1 ns
a service station.
7, That the suh_ject pr~perty, ~•~hich is prPSently develo~e~i as a minimal
service staticn site, would be extrrmely overhuilt ir the prnposal were annrnvr.d;
and, furthermore, the additional usr. a~ould intr.rfere with th~ primary use of the
service station site.
f3, That nne (1) ~ers~n a~pearPd ~t said public hr.aring in ~~pposition; ancl
one (1) letter was receivr.~l in opp~sition t~ suhject petition.
That the Anaheim City Planning Commission ~1oes hereby recort+mend to the Clty
Council of the ~ity of Anahcim that the suhJect p miect he r_xempt from the
requirement t~ prepare an env4ronmental imp~ct repnrt, pursuant to the provisions of
the Californla [nvironmental 2uality Act.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVC~ that the Anaheim City Planninn Commission
does hereby deny sub.Ject Petition for Conditional Ilse Permit on the hasis ~f thP
aforementioned findings.
June, 1~76.
and approveA hy me is 21st day of
~ i~
A SE~. ~
_2_ RESOLUTI(111 ~10. Pr.~6-tz3
~ ~ ~
C6UtvTY OF ORA~J;~. )ss.
I, Patrici~ B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anahrim f,ity Pl~nni g Cc~mission,
do hereby certify thaL the fnreg~ing resolution ti~as passP~i anrl a~npted at ~ me~ting
of the Anaheim f,ity Plann~n9 Commission, he?d on June ^1, 1~7F, at 1:30 p.m., hy the
follaain9 vote of the memhrrs thereof:
Af35EttT: COMMI SS 1011ER5: JQNtI50PJ
ItI UITt1E55 41NF.REOF, I have hereunt~ set my han~f this '?lst rlay of Junr., 1~7(.
~%~lf ~ ~ ~~~~~Q~~
SF.CRE7ARY, A~IAH R1 CITY PL1t7Nl!1~ f.~M'11551~~I
-, RES~UITI~'1 "~n, PC?~-123