PC 76-126~; ~J RFSnLUTIrnt ~in, Pr.7~-»~ ~ A RES~LIIT I QII OF THF AH/1Nf. I M C ITY PLA~IN I t~r C~'1N I SS I ~~~ TNA7 P[TlTlnrl FnR f,MipITIDt1AL I~S[ P[R~11T ~l0. 1~7.3 RE DF!JIF.n, b1f1ERE115, the Anaheim City P1anninn Commissinn of the f.ity nf qnahPir~ did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Ilse Permit from ~~ R DISTRIRUT~°.~, c/o ROBERT A. LOCKE, JR., 318n Id. Lincnln Avenue, Anaheim, California ?2p~2 (Owner); H. CHAHDERLAItd, 72Q~ Melrose Street, ~3~5, Buena Park, f.alif~rnia ~~~2.1 (AgPnt) nf certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County. of ~range, StatP ~f California described as: The lJest 19f1 feet of the ~lorth 7.1F feet ~f the blest half ~f the `Jorth half nf the Northwest qi~arter of the Northnast c~uarter of Secti~n 14, in Township ~~ South, Range 11 West, ln the Rancho Los Coyotes, in the City of Anaheim, as ner man recorded in book 51, page 11, Miscellaneous !1a~s, in the office of the co~mtY recorder of said county. EXCEPT those Portions nf I_inc~ln Avenue and 4!estern Avenue, as conveye~t to the State of California by deeds of record ar~~nn thPm heing deo~i recorded January 7.~, 1956 in hook 33h~t Pa9P 3~~~ Official Rr.cords, in thP offir.e of the count~ recorder of said ~ran~te County. bJHERE•A5, the f,ity Plannin~ C~mmission did sche~li~lr. a ouhlic hearinn ~t the City Ilall in the City ~f Anaheim nn June 21, 1~7~~, at 1:3n p,m., notice of sai~1 puhlic hearing having heen duly ,ryiven as renuired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim ~li~nicipal Code, Chapter 1P.03, to hear and cnnsider evidence for and against said pro~osed c~nditional use and tc+ investigate anri make findings and recommendations in connecti~n therr.~aith; sai~1 puhlic hearinn having heen continued Yo the Planning Commissi~n meetinc~ of ,1~~y 7, 197F; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigatinn and sturiy m:~de by itself and in its belialf, and after ~iue consideration of all evidr.ncP and rPports offered at said hearing, does find ~nd determinp the foll~~•~ing facts: 1, That the pr~poserl use is properly one for ~~ohich a conditinnal use permit is authorized by Cocle Secti~n 1P.87.~?3, to viit: permit truck and trailPr rentals from a service station site. 2. That the pro~osed use is denied on the hasis th~t the An~heim City Planning Commission does herehy determine said use a~ould he ~letrimental to the existinc~ service station use ~f the pro~erty and to the adJacent ~ropertiPS for the following reasons: a. That the proposal ~aoul~i infringe upon the existing ~rimary use of *_he service sta*_ion site, sald primary use heinq the sale ~f fuel and luhricants; anrl also that the suhJect site is comnletely develope~i with the existing service station and ~~~ould he overdeveloped if the nroposal aiere an~roved. b. That the retitioner indicated the maxim~im numher of rental vehicles at the site would vary, possihly exceeding the naximum number proposed and, theref~re, may result in zoning viola*_ions for a mi~imuM of two days a week, particularly aieekends; and, furthermore, the petitioner lias indicated it ~aoulrl he difficult t~ control the maxi~um number of rental vehicles on the sitr., and that previnus vi~lations of tne Code pertaining to tfie numhQr of rental vehicles on service station sites have occurred. c. That approval nf the proposal would set an un~lesirahle nreeedent for future similar requests. d. That, althou9h the suhJect site is suitahle for thP maximum numher of rental trailers and trucks permlttecl by Code, said sit~: is nnt suitahle for m~re than said permitted numher of such vehicles. e. That the proposed use is consldere~l inarrropriate at the suhiect location. RESOLUTI01l IIO. PC7~-12~ f. Tha~thc proposPd use will adver~y ~ffect the a~Joinin~ 1~n~ • .1 uses an.1 thP gr~a~th and ~PVPlupment of th~ area in which it ~s propose~ t~ he l~catP~. g. T:~at the size and shape ~f the SItP. oroposed for the use ts not adequate to ~lloo+ the full developm~nt of the rroposed use in ~ manner not ~eCrimental to the particu~ar area nor to the peace, health, safPty, an~ ~eneral welfare of the Citi~ens of the f.ity ~f Anaheim. h. That the granting of the Conditional ilse Permit will he detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welf~re of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. ~ 3, Tfiat no onP in~icated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and no correspon~ence was received in oprosition to suhJect petiti~n. EIlV I RONMEi~TAL I!"PACT RFPnRT F I ND I t!G : That the Director of the Pl~nning DPpartment has determined that the proposed activity falls within tlie ~lefinition of Section 3.~1~, Class 1, of the City of Anaheim C,uidelines to the Re~uirements for an Envlronmental Impact Report and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the reauirement to file an EIR. N~W, THERfFORF., BF. IT RFSOI.vE~ that the Maheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit on the basis of the aforementioned `indings. THF FOREGO R~R RFSOLUTIOtJ is signed and approved y me this 7th day of July, 1976. CHAIRMA~I, APIAHEI .ITY PI_AVNItI~ C~'1MISS1~~~ ATTEST: SECRETARY, ANAHEt~1 CITY PL~HtilPlr, COM!11SSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COl1HTY QF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANANEIH ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secreta!ry of the City Planning f.ommission of the City of Anaheim, do herehy certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetirg of the City Planning f,ommission of the f.ity of Anaheim, held on July 7, 1~176, at 1:3~ p.m., by the foltowing vote of the memhers thereof: AYF.S: CO'1MISSIQPlERS: ~ARAIJO, Y.INR, MORI_FY, JOHMSOPI IJOES: CQMt115510P1ERS: BARNES, HERRST AIiSEtJT: C0~1~11S510HFRS: TQI.AR IN WITPlFSS IJfIERE~F, 1 have hereunto set m;~ hand this 7th day of July, 1q7F. SECRETARY, ANnNE I!1 C I TY Pl.A~IN I tlr, CO~~~~ I SS I ~~l _~_ RESOLUTION N0, PC7F-12F