PC 76-132. + ~ ~ RFS~L!ITI~IJ Hf), Pf,?F-1'i?. A RESOLUT I OF! OF TFIF A~IAI IF. I M C I TY PLAtJq I NG CN1t4 I SS I Q~~ THAT PETITIQt! F~R UhRIAP7f,F. N0. 2~i23 RE rR,~~ITF.p, WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Variance frnm C. FORREST AND FLORENCE E. HAMM~~lD, 1730 5. Anaheim fioulevard, Anaheim, Califor~ia 9Z~05 ~~Wners)of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, C.ounty of Qrange, State of California described as: That portion of the Southi•~est quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 23, in Trn~nship 4 South, Ranae 1Q blest, San Bernardino Base and 1leridian, in the County nf ~range, State af California, hounded anci descrihed as foltows: P.eginning at a point in the Easterly line of th!: Southwest quarter of the Snuth4rest qu~rter of said Section 23, distant thereon 7.4.~ feet Southeriv from the Ilortheast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section, and runnin~ thence Southrrly al~ng the Easterly R4,~(,~ feetththencetSouth quarter of the Southa~est quarter of said Section 3 ~ . li5~ nh~ 3n~~ West F73•~~ feet to the centerline ~,f the State Highway F~ feet viide, as described in the deed to the State of Calif~rnia, dated November 2, 1~13, an~ recorded July 1Q, 1?1~t, in Book 25~, at page fi6, of Deeds, records of salu iirange County; thence tlnrthwesterly along said center line 773.31 feet to Che mnst 4lesterly corner of the land conveyed to F. J. Reeves and H. F. Reeve~, hy deeci recorded in Book 353, at page 2f1, of Deeds, records of said Oran~e County; thence North ~5° 0~' 3~~' East along the Northwesterly line of said land convr.yed t~ ~;eeves 92~!•~7 feet to the p~int of heainning; [Xf.EPTItJG THEREFRO!1 that portion thereof bounded and dESCrihed as follov~s: (3eginning at a point in the centerltne of the State Highway, which is South ttr9.55 feet and South 45° ~f,' 30" West 673.81 feet from the ~lortheast corner of said Southo~est quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section; and runninq thence tlorth 45° 0`~' 3~" Fast 2Q3.°~+ feet; thence Plorth 44° 53' 3~" West 14° Feet; thence South 45° QF' 3~" West 2?;,32 feet to the centerline of said State Highway; thence South 4~° 4a' 3n~~ East along said centerline 14R.33 feet to the point of be9inning. WNEREAS, the City Plannin9 Commissfon did hold ~ puhlic hearing at the City Hall in the City of llnaheim on July 7, ~97~, at ~:3~ P•m•~ notice of said puhlic hearing having been duly given as reouired hy law anc~ in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1~.~3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed vari~nce and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WIIEREAS, said f,ommission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by ?tself and in its behalf, and ~fter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the followin9 facts: 1, That the petitioner nroposes tfie following waiver from the AnahPim 1lunicipal Code, to establish a recreatiorial vehicle stor~ge vard in the CN (C0~IMERCIAL, HF.AVY) 7.Q~~E: SECTIQtJ 1$.~F~.(~2~ - Permitted primary uses. (Recreational vehicle '-'~- storage yard not permitted in a CH Zone.. ?., That the above-mentioned ~vaiver is herehy granted for a period of eight (") years, subJect to review and consideration for extenslons of time to determine whether the ISSP. is compatibie with the surrounding area ~nd, particularly, with any new development in the surroundtng area. 3, That the petitiener stipulated that the driveways or aisles will he blacktopped and that the storage spaces for the recreational vehicles ~aill be gravelled or otherwise treated to control dust~ 4, That t~.•re, are exceptional or extraerdinary ~ircumstances or com~!tions applicable to the ~~:ope~ty involved or to the intended use of the property inat do not apply generally t~ ttie property or class of use in tha same vicintty and zcne. RFSOLIiTlON N0. PC7(°132 Y ~ ~ 5, That the requestP~t variance is necrssary f~r the ~reservati~n an~f en_joym~nt of a substantial prc~erty ri~ht possessed by other proverty in the same vicinity and zone, and ~feniPri to the ~roperr~ :n c~uestion. F. That the rP~urste~ variance ~~~ill not he m:~terially detrimental to the p~iblic welfare or injurious to the propr.rty or ir~rrovements in such vicinity and ~rne in which the property is l~caterl. 7, That no one indicated their presence at said puhlic hearincl in o~~osition; and no corresponctence was receive~i in oppositinn to S~n~e~t petiti~n. E~lV ~ ROTJPIENTAL 1 MPACI' REPQRT F I ND I t1C : That tlie Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anahein that the subject pro.Ject he exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report, pursuant to the pr~visions of th~ California Fnvironmental Quality Act. NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSf1LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Vari~nc~, upon the follo~~~iny conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prereqi:isite b:i the proposed use of Che suhject property in order to preserve the safety an~l general ~•~el`are of the Citi~ens nf the City of Anaheim: 1, That the owner(s) uf subJect property shall pay to the City of An~heim the sum of $2.00 per front foot along Anaheim Boulevard for street lighting purposes. 2. That trash storage areas shall he ~rovided in accnr~lance with anprove~i plans on file with the Office of the Director ~f Puhlic Works. 3, That ftre hydrants shall be installed and charged as requirerl anci determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commenr_ement of structural framing. 4. That subject p!'operty shall be served by urderground utilities. ~, That drainage of sui> ::ct property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfaetory to the City Engince~r. f,. That subject f-op• ~_s ~fiall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on "'•• ~~it~+ ••he City of Anaheim marked Exhibit ~Jo. 1; provided, however, that the drJ~.~;,,,;-L ar a4sles shall he blacktopped and the storage sraces for the recreati~nal vehic:~PS snell he gravelled ar oCherwise treated to control dust, as stipuiated to hy '~he petitioner. 7, That Condition Plo. 1, above-mentioned, shall he complied with prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time that the building permic is issued, or ~aithin a ~eriod of one year from date hereof, ~ahichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commission and/or City Council may grant. $, That Condition PJos. 7, ~~, S, and fi, ahove-menti~ned, shall be complied i,~ith prior to final building and zoning inspections. ~ That this va;lance is granted for a time limitation of eight (R) years to determine whether the use is compatihle vrith the surrounding area and, particularly, with any new development in the surrounding are.a, foliowing which time and upon written request by the petitioner, consideration may be given by t.he Pla~ning Commission as t~ whether the use should be extended. THE FORE;OItJf, RESOLUTION is sigiied and approve y e 7t day of ' July, t97~~, CHAIRMAtJ, At HEIM Y PLANNItdG C~MMISSIQN AT T: e~R~t~/ ECRETARY, A~lAH IM CI Y PLANN NG .QMM td _Z_ RESOI.IITIO~J N0. PC7h-132 ~ ~ ~ STATE QF CALIFORMIA ) COUtdTY o~ ORANr,E )ss. CITY OF ANAHEfh1 ) I, Pat'ricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning f,nmmissi~n of the f.ity of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing, resolution was passerl and adopted at a meettng of the City Planning CommYssion of the City of Anaheim, held on July 7, 1976, at 1:3~ p.m., hy the foll.wing vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: COMHISSIOMERS: BAO1IE5, HERBST, KIt~G, HORLFY, JOHI~'SOFI IIOES: C011MIS510~lFRS: FARANQ ABSEIIT: COMNISSIONERS: TQLAR I`l4JITNE55 WIiFREOF, I have hereunCO set my hand this 7th ~1ay of July, 1°7~. SECRE RY, AP~AHF.1 "1 C I TY PLAHIJ 1 W~ f,nHH I SS I Qtl _3_ RESOLUTION N0, PC76-132