PC 76-136, -~ ~ ~ RF.SQLIITI~W t1f1, PC7~-13f f. P,ES~'}~~:?t~~! OF TIIG A'1AHER1 CITY PLAtIHitl(', f.ON~11551n~1 RECO~~k~~1D f'+~ TO TNF. C ITY CniItIC I L OF THF. C ITY OF A~IAII~ R~ TH~i ~fT.iTIQ~~ ~0^. RF.f,L4551FICnTI~H N0. 7f-77-3 BE APPRnvED :~HfiRE~~~.~, :`_ :+nahclm City Planning Commission did receive a verifie~i Petition For !tarc~?s~ifie~Sion from JQHPI V. AMD NELF~I M. TIIn~1p5oN, 5~? Aveni~ia ~evilla, Lag~m„ Hi~~~, Ca`~'Sf~rnia ~7.~•53 and f.HA-'NA~~ COLLF.~E, 333 N. Rlassell, ~rannr., California ;I.i',%;f~ ~~D~~m+.fs,j; H[STER DEVELf1PMEMT C~~iPANY, J.C. .IAIJIII_IAS, P,Q, P.ox 7.^^~, 1~i51 Q4311 $trCr_f.~ f~ewpnrt Reach, California 925FQ (Agent) of certiin real nrnn~rty situat^d (;c~ 'c':• Ci2y of Analieim, County of (lrange, State ~f C~lif~rnia, descrihed as: That Ror'tion of the NortliPist quarter of Section 7.7, Trn•mship ~t South, Rannr. 1~ k'~st, ~.. B. R. '1., described as follows: t~~!1~nning at an old stal:e and stonc monument se*. hy H. Clay Kello~g in the South li~c~of said tlortheast quarter, being the c~nterline ~f Orangeaiood Avenue. ~lorth `~~° 'SS' West, 1337.`~~ feet West of an old 2" x 4" Redwood stake monument at the :.r~utheast corner of said ~7ortheast quarter; thence I~orth $hO 3n' West F~S.~~ feet, more or less. ~long saici South line to a point ~~+5.05 feet East ~f a 2" x' 4" sedwood post marking ancl tocating the interior quarter corner nf saicl Sr_ctinn, ~~hich interior quarter corner ts 264~,1n fr.et South from the IJorth quarter corner of said Section and 2Fl~~.33 fer.t Fast from the 41est au~rter corner of said Section; thence North ~° n1' ~]" Wr.st GGO feet more ~r less, to a 4" x~~" reda~oncl post; thence South $9° 3~' 2~!" East F~i3.7" feet to the Northwest quarter of the land of Llaude E. Smith an~l wife, as descrihed in that certain flecree anJ Judgnent reeorded September 1, 1~43 in Ponk 120fi, pa~e 2R7 of Official Records; thence South ~° n7' !En" East hFn,2$ feet to the point of heginning. Fxcept the N~rth 154 feet of the West 2F~ feet thereof. WHEP,EAS, the City Planninc~ Commission did schedule a puhlic hearing at the ~ity Nall in the CiCy of Anaheim on July 7, 1~7f, at 1:3~ P•m., notice of said publlc hearin~ having heen duly given as required by la~a and in accordance with the provisions of khr_ An~heim Muntctpal Code, Chapter 1g.~3, to hear an~i c~nsi~IPr evidence for and against said proposed reclassificaCion and to investi~~te and mak.e findings and recommendations in connection therewith; satd puhlic heiring havtnp heen continurd to the Planntng Commission r~eeting of July 1~, 1°7E,; and ~1HEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigati~n anr~ study made by itse;f and i~ its behalf, and after due consfderation of all evid~nce and reports offered at said hcaring. does find anri determine the followin~i facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reelassifleati~n of Chr, ahove-descrih~d property from the RS-A-43,nnn (RESIDEt~TIAL/A~RICIILTURAL) ZO!I~ to the R!1-12~~ (RF.SI~FNTIAL, MIILTIPLE-FAMILY) ZQHF. 2. That the Anaheim ~eneral Plan, as amended, designates subJect ~r•noerty for neclium-density, residential uses. 3. That the petitlonPr sti~ulated to wideniny the easterlv entr~nce fr~m Clementine Street (Troy Street) to thr. subJecr, proJeet to forty (40) feet, includin~ a raisecl median, with thr cnnfiguration of satd entrance to be similar to tlie r~ain entrance on Orangewood Avenue ancl providing an increased turning r~dius f~r Pnterin~ vehicles, plans for said redesi9ned entrance to he suhmiYted to the City Traffic Lngtneer for approval. 4. Th~t the proposed reclassification of sub)ect property Is necessary ancl/or desirable for the orderly and proper development ef the community. S. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property d~es properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally estahlishecl in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their~ permitted uses generally estahlished throu4h~ut the community. !~. That the proposed reclassification ~f suhJect property requires the dr.dication ~nd improvement of ahutting streets in accordance with the Circulatton Elr.ment uf the ~eneral Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will he genPrated by the Intenslfic.ation of land use. RESOLUTI~N N0. PC7~+-13~ . ~ ~ ~ 7. TPa2 ~^ Cn~ lndtcated their presence at sat~ puhlic hrarinn in nn~~sition; an~ rn~~~ c:s~respond^;tce o~as received in opposition. EtIVIRQ~~NEFlTAL !MPACT RCPnR7 ft:»ING; That the Anahei~ City Plannin~ Cc~mr~issinn ~ioes herchy recommend to the Ci~y Council of the City of .4n~,!~eim that the suhJect oroject be exempt frnm the requiremr_nt to prepare an environmental impact report, nurs~iant to the prnvisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. t•IqW, THEREFOR"c~ BE IT .".ESQLVED that thr. Anahr.im City Planning Commission docs hr.rehy recor~mend t~ the City Council of thr. City of Anaheim that suhject Petiti~n for P.eclassification be approved and, hy so ~ioinn. that Title 1°-'~nin~1 ~f thr. Anaheim Hunicipai Code be amen~led to exclude the ahove-~escribed pr~nerty frnm the P.S-A-~!3,nn~ (RESIDENTIAL/Af,?ICIILTURAL) 7.OtJE and to incnrporate said ~1^scrih?~I property into the RM-120n (RF.51~F.HTIAL. M~ILTIPLF-FA'11LY) 7Q~lf. unon the fnllo~•iirn conrlitions o~hich are herehy fo+md to be a necessary prere~uisit~ to the pron~sPCi u5~ of suh.ject property in or~ler to preserve the safety and aeneral ~~1f~rP nf th~ Citiz~ns of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the ovmer(s) of subJect property shall deed to the City ~f ^nnheir~ i strip of lan~1 4y feet in width from the centcrline of thc strect along nrnngm•~n~d p,venue and 5" feet in width from the centerline of the street alo~g Clementine Street (Troy Strect) for street wideninct purp~ses. 2. Thit all ennineerinra reauiremen4s of the City of Anahein al~nn ~rangewood Avenue and ClemenKine Strcet (Troy Street), including prepiration nf inrrnvement olans and installation of all im~rovements sueh as u~rhs and gutters, ~ide~•iall;s, street gradincl and paving, drafnage faciliti~:s or other appurtenant wnrl;, shall he complied with as reu~ired by the City E~gineer and in accordance a~ith standard plans an~l specifications on file in the Office of the City Engine~r; that strcat li9h.*.inc~ facilities alnng ~rang~wnod Avemie and Clementine Str~et (Trny Street) sSiall be installed as rer~uired by the Director of Puhlic Utilities, anrl in accor~lance ~oitli stand~rd pl~ns and specifications on file in the ~ffic~ ~f thr. :iirPCSnr of Public l~tilities; or that a hond, ccrtificate of de~osit, lettrr nf cr~dit, or cash, in an am~unt and form satisfactory to the Clty of Anaheim shall hr. nnsted ~•~it!~ thr. City to guarantee the ~nstollati~n nf the atiovr_-mentl~n~~~ r~~i~ i rr,ments. 3. That the ormr,r(s) ~f suh.~Pct property shall pay to the City of ^nali~im tlie sun of sixty c~nts (h~G) per front foot along Orangr.a~ood llvenue and Clenr.ntinr. Strer.t (Troy Strer.t) for tree pl~nting pur~oses. 4, That trash storan~ ireas shall bP ~~r~vided in accordance ~~ith aprrnverl plans on file ~aith the Office of the Director ~f Puhlic 41orl;s. 5. That fire hydrants shall he Installed and char~ed as requirr.~i and determi::ed to ?~e necessary by the Chief of the Fire Departmr.nt prior t~ conmr.ncr.r~r_nt of stru~tural frar~ing. 6. That subJect property shall he served hy undergrnund utilities. 7. That prior to the ;ssuance of :~ huilding permit, the confic~uration ~f ~he ~ropo3ed easterly entrznce to suh.Ject property from Clementinr. Street (Troy Street) shall be widened to forty (4!1) feet, including a raiseci median, ancl constructr-d similarly to the maln entrance on Orangewooc; Avenue ancf pr~vidinn ~n increased t+;:~ning radius for entering veh~cles, and plans for said redesinne~i entranc.: si:-sii i;a submitted to the City Traffic Engineer for approval, as stipulated to by the pe!ikioner. B, TF~at drainage of suhJect nroperty shall he disposed of tn i manner satisf~ctory to thP City ~ngineer. 9. TIsuS the owner of suhJect property shall p~y to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park and re~creatton in~lieu fees as deterr~ined to be approprtate by the City Council, said fees *~ be paid at the time the building permit is issued. 1~. Prior to the lntroduction of an ordinance rezoninn suh)ect ~rop^rty, Conditicn Nos. 1, 2, and 3, abnve-mentioned, shall he completed, The provisions ~r rights granted by this resolution shall hecome null and void by action of thr City Louncil unless sald conditions are complied with within one year fr~m the rfate hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. _2_ RESOLUTIO~I t!(1, PC7(-13G ,.~ ~ ~ 11. That Condition 1los. h. ~, and R, ah~ve-menti~ned, shall he cnmiliP~ with nrior to final huildina and z~ning inspections. T!iE F(1?F~;01!!!: R[SOLUTION is stgned an~1 anprnvP~i~~m~this t~t~~lav of July. 1~76. ~~ % % ATTEST: (.7 , ~~-e-~cJ SECRETARY, l1MAHEIM ClTY PLl1~~Illtlf, COMHISSInt! ST4TE OF CALIfORN1A ) COIINTY (1F QRAtJf,F )ss. C I TY nF AtJAHE I N ) I, Patrlcia B. Scanlan, Secretary ~f thr, Anaheim f,ity Planninq Commisslon, dn hereby certify that thc foregotng resolutinn was passed and a~lopted at a n~etinn of the Anah,eim City Plannincl Commissi~n, helr! on July i", 1^7F, at 1:3^ ~•rn„ by the follnwing vnte of 2he members thereof: AYF.S: COMMISSIOtIERS: OARNES, KIHG, NoP.LEY, ToL/IZ, JnNNS01~ NOES: CQNHISSIQNERS: NOI~E AOSENT: CnMHI5510N[RS: FARANQ, HF.R.PS"f I~J IJITNF55 WIIERFQF, l have hereunt~ set my hand this 1^th ~I~y of July, 1~7~. ~ i..i~,~J~'• /~~AC~G~QiN~ SECRFTARY~ AtIAHF.i"1 CI Y PLANNI~I~~ CO'1MISSI~ff ..g- RESOLUTION NQ. PC7~-136