PC 76-139;;. _ ~ ~ RES~L~ITION N0. PC7~-13~ A RES~UITIOM OF THE A~JAHEIFI CITY PLA~lHiNG Cl1i!MISSIP!I THAT PETtT10!: Ff1R COMDITIQ~IAL IISE PERHIT ~IO, 1F3~~ RF RRAtlTED. 1JHERFAS, the Anaheim City Planning Conmissi~n did rer.eive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from IJILLIA!4 P. AND EM'1A S. BRF~DFR, t~•2^ Ric!ry, Anaheim, California °2~Q2 (Owners); EL!1ER S. CIiIL05, 41 Maui, Sant~ Ana, California 927~9 (Agent) of certain real property situated in the City of Anahein, Coiinty of Orange, State of California descrihed as: PARCEL 1: The k'esterly 5~+ feet of Lot 1 of Tract No. 2227. in the City of Anaheim, Countv of Orange, Statp of California, as shn~•m on a:nap thereof recor~ie~1 in book 11'i, riages 23, ?h and 25, Miscellaneous Naps. recorcis of said Orange County; EXCFPTIN~ TiIF.REFR0~1 the PJortherly i~~.~n feet therPOf. PARCEL 2: The Easterly 51f.00 feet of the 4lesterlv 1~°.~n fPet of Lot 1 of Tract ~ln, 227', in the City of Anaheim, County of ~range, State of California, as sho~•m on a map thereof recorded in boo~: 113, Pa~es 23, 24 and 7.5, Miscellaneous Maps, records nF said Orange County; EXCEPTIM~ THF.REFRO'1 the Mortherly t~n,nn feet thereof. PARCEL 3: Tlie Easterly 5f~.~~ feet of the IJesterly 1~2.~~ feet of Lot 1 of Tract No. 2222, in the City of Anaheim, l'.ounty of Oranqe, State of California, as shown on a map thereof recorderl in hook 113, pa~es 2'i, 7_~~ and 25, !liscellaneous Maps, recorrfs ~f said Qrange County; EXf.[PTItlf; THEREFRQ~1 the Northerly 1~~,!1n feet thereof. PARCEL 4: The Easterly 51~.~~ feet of the Westerly 21F.~r1 feet of Lot 1 of Tract !I~, 7.7_72, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californi:+, as shoam on a map thereof recorcled in book 113, paaes 7.3, 2h ~nd 25, Miscellaneous Maps, recor~ls oF said O;ange Count.y, P~RCEL 5~ The tlor.*.herly 10~ feet of the Westerly 1~2 feet of Lot 1 of Tract No. 7.2?7., in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, StaYe of California, as shorrn on a mzn thereof recorded in book 113, pages 23 to 7.5 inclusive, Hiscellaneo~is Maps, records of said Orange County. W{iERF.AS, the City Plan~ing Commtssion did hold a ruhlic hearing at thP City Hall in the City of Anaheim on July 1°•, 1~7.5, at ~:3n p,m., nottce of satd public hearing having been duly olven as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim 1".unicipal Code, Chapter tfl.~3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said prnposed c~nditional use and to invr.stiaate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; ~nd WNEREA5, said Commissi~n, after ~lue inspection, investigati~n and 5tuciy made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the '~~llo~•iing facts: t, That the pr~posed use is properly one fQr which a conditlonal use ~+c:rmit is authorized by Code Section 1`~.~+5.05~•1F0, to wit: construct an R~-unit mntel. 2, That the petitioner stipulated to proyide trash sturage ~reas as required. RF.S~LUT I ON FIO. PC7F-13Q - ~ ~ 3. That the petitioner indicated that all sinnin~ would he in acc~r~anc~ with Code standards. ~F. That the pet!tioner stipulated that no access would be taken from the adjacent alley to the north and, furthermore, that a six (F) foot hic~h masonry wafl will he constructed alon~ the northerly property 1ine, as shown on Fxhibit No. 1 (Revision No. 1). 5. That the petitioner stipulated to restricting the kitchenette facilities to eight (8) cubic foot (maximum size) refrigerators, t~ao-burner dr~o-in type stoves with minimal size warming ove.ns, ancl sinics. h. That, although the policy ,of the Planning Commission Ts to allo~~ a limited percentage of the motel units to have kitchenettes, the petitioner indicated that the past and future policy of their company was to retain all tfie motels they construct and, furthermore~ to construct all of the m~tel units with kitchnet~es for ths convenience of the customers, and that they had constructed one such moCel in the City of Anaheim ~ahich was operatin9 successfully tJILF10UL ~oning violations pertaininq to permane~t occupancy or lenc7th of tenancy. The petitioner stipulated that the maximum length of tenancy in the suhJect motel units oiill riot exceed t~ao weeks. 7. That the proposed use, as granted, will not advPrsely affPCt the ad)oining land uses and the groaitli and develormr.nt of the area in which it is pror~sed to be located. ~, That the size and shape of the site prnp~sed f~r the use, as nranted, is aclequate to allo~o the full development of the proposed usP in a manner nc~t detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safet/~ and general ~velfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 9. That the Conditional Use Permit, as granted, and u~der the ccr~:!itions imposed, a~ill not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and geiirr~l o~eltare of the f. i t i zens of tlie C i ty of Anaheim. 10. That no one indicated their presence at said puhlic liearing in opposition; and no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. E~~VIRONME~ITAL IMPACT REPOBT ~RlDItIG: Tnat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy recommencl to the City Cou~cil of the City of Anaheim that the suhject pr~ject be exempt from the requlrement to prepare an anvironmental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. tl041, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant sub,ject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon thP follo~•~ing conditi~ns which are hereby founrl to be a necessary prerequisite to the pr~posed use of the subJect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner(s) of suh]ect property shall pay to the City of Anahetm the su~ of sixty cents (60t~ per frent foot aiong Katella Avenue for trPe planttng purposes. 2. That the owner of subJect property shall install street trees in the public parkway alana Easy Way in accordance with City snecifications and suhJect to the approv;~l of ths Superintendent ~f Parkway Naintenance. 3. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of two dollars (S2.00) per front foot along Katella Avenue artd Easy IJay for street lightir.g purposes. 4. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance wtth approved plans on file with the Office of the Director of Public Works, as sttpulated to by the petitioner. 5. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and det~rmined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior t~ commencement of structural framing. 6. That any parking area lighting pro~osed shall he down-ligfited and directed away from the northerly property line to protect the adJacent residential USP.S. -2- RESOLUTIOt! NQ, PC76-13Q ~ ~ 7. That subJect pr~perty shall be devel~ped suhstantiallv in accorcl~nce with plans ~nd specifications on file with tlie CiCy of llnaheim markerl Exhihit Nos. 1 (Reuision 1), and 2 through li; nrovided, however, that Icitchen efficiency units with a maximum of R-cubic foot refrigerators, t~ao hurner dron-in :ype stoves ~•itth warminn ovens, an~i sinciie compartment sinl:s may be installed, except that the mana~er's unit will be allo~•~e~1 to have full kitchen facilities. 0. That Condition Nos. 1 and 3, abovc-mentioned, shall he cor~nlied ~•rith prior to the commencement af the activity authorized under this resolution, or nri~r to the time that the building perMit is issued, or within a period of one year frnm rfate hereof, whichever occurs first, ~~r such further time as the Plannin!~ Commissi~n and/nr City Council may grant. ~1. That Condition Flos. 7.~ ~~, ~, and ?, ahnve-mentioned, shall h~ complied ~•~ith pr+nr to final building and zoninn inspections. '1~, That the maximurn len~th of tenancy in the mot~~l units shall not ~r.cee~i taio (7.) ~•~eeks, as stipulated to by the petitioner. TIIF FDREGnIt~G RESOLUTIntI is sioned and approv~d y me this 1°th ~lay of July, 197~. CNA I R!1flll, A~JANF I C I TY PLA~IM I 1!~ C~~±N I 5S I ~'~' ATTEST: ~~~~ ~ SECRETARY, ~IIAHEIM f,1T P ANNltlq COt1"115510~! ST~TE f1F CAL I FQRPI I A ) COU~ITY ~F QRA~IGE )ss. f, I TY ~F AtJAIiF I!1 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan~ Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Comr~issi~n, do lierehy certify that the foregoing resolution was rassed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commisslon, held on July 14, 1~7~i, at 1:3~ p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYF.S: CQ;qMIS510PlEP,S: BARNES~ KitJR, TOLAF;, t10ES: CQMHISSIQPlERS: MORLEY~ JQHNSQh ADSEtlT: f,OMHISSIONFRS: FARANO, HERP.ST IPI WITNE55 WFIEREOf, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of July, 1°7~. ~~~,~,~~~ SECRETARY, ADI~HE I!1 C ITY PLA~P! I!?G COMM I SS I-Tld~ -3- RFSOLUTIOP! H~. PC76-13~