PC 76-140~~ ~ : ~ ~ RESOLIIT I ~N t~n, pC7~-i l~n A RESOLUT I nN OF THE AMAHE 1 N C I TY PLAIIN I"!~ Cat1h I 55 I n~1 TffAT PETITIO~I FqR COtI~ITI~PIAL !JSF. PERHIT M0, if,37 BE G^..4tITE~. 1.q!EREAS, the Anahelm Ctty Planninn Commtssion diJ receive a verifie~l Petitinn for Conditionai Use Permit from FREDFRICY. 7. RFITLER A~!'1 HAIIRIf.F. 7.IF~LF^., ?8R~ Santa Nonice Rautevard, Reveriy 'rliils, Ca1lf~rnia ~0212 (~wners); N~~TN ~R~!!CF C~UNSY RF~IONFL OCCUFATIOh PRO,RAM. AtLn: ~ary Pearman, ?3F~ 1•1, La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, Calii=ornla q2P~1 (AgenT.) of certain real property situ~tr.d in the City of Anaheim, C:~unty nf Orange, State of California descrihe.d as: Lots 21, 22, 23 and 2~i of the Eutalyptus forest Tract. as shown on a map recorded in hoolc 5, ~ages 29 and 3~ of M'1sc~:ila*:oous Haps, recor~is of Oranoe Connty, California. Excepiing fr~m sa'rd Lots 73 and 24, the 5oa~the!rly T35.~~ feet Cherc:of. WHF.REAS, the CEty P12inr+inq Commission did h~id a puh~ic hearing at the CitY Nall in the City of Ana~telm o~~ July 7?. iQ75, at 1:3~ P,~., notice of said ouhlic hearing having heen duly given as vequ+Ted h•-~ law and in accordancr, with the provisions of [he Anaheim tlunicG,~~~1 Co~i2~ Chypt~r S~'~.~3, to hear an~i consl~iPr evidence for and against sa{d nrtipo'sed c+~nditional use anrl to invPStipate and make findinc~s and recommendations in cc~n~cct~~n therewith; and ~+HF''''~+~, said Ccimnisslon, after ~ue insnection, investig:~tion and study ma~ie hy itself and 1r. ats 'ochat`, and aft~~ due consideratioii of all evidence and re~orts offered ai said h~a~'1~g, does rind and determine the follo~•~ing facts: 1. That the propnsea Jase is pronerly one for which a conditional us~ permit is authorized by Code Section 1~?.(i1,n5n,07~, to v~it: permit ~n aut~m~hilr. repair and painting faciiity in an existing industrial comnlex. 2. That the petitioner stipulated that the proposed trainin~ facility for autom~hile repair and painting will be operated ~nly fivP (5) days a wPelc (Munday through Friday). 3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the acl?oinin~ land use~s ~ncl the growth and development of the area in which it is prnposed to be located. h. That the size and shape of the site Proposed for the use is arle~uate t~~ allo~a the full development of the proposed use in a minner not detrimental t~ the particular area nar to the peace, health, safety, and ~eneral ~•ielfare of the f.itizens of the City of A~ah~im. 5. That the granting of the Conditional ~Ise. Permit under the conditions imposed will not be detrlmentai to the peace, health, safi.ty and generai welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6, That no one indicated their presence at sald puhlic hearing in opposition; and no correspondence was received in oppositlon tn suhjr.ct petition. FtdUIRONNEPJTAL IMPAC7 REPQRT FIPI~IN~: That the Dlrec2~r of the Pl~nnin~ Department Fias determined that the proposed activity falls t~~ithin the definition of Section 3,~1, Class 1, of Che City of Anaheim ~uidellnes to the Requiremr,nts for ~n Env?ronmental Impact Report and is, thereforr., categorically exempt from the requirement Co file an EIR. ~I~W, TfiEREF~R~, BE IT RFSOL`IE.O that the hnaheim City Planning f..ommission does hereby grant subject PeYitinn for Conditional Use Permit, upon the followin~ conditions which are hereby found to be a nr_cessary prerequisite to the pro~osed use of the subJect property in order to preserve: the safety and generai a~elfare of the Citizens of the City of AnaFieim: 1. That subJect property shall be developed substantially in aceordance with plans and specifications on flle with the City of Anaheim marked Exhihit Nos. 1 and 2; provided, however, that any outdoor storage sFiall 6e completely enclosed by a s?x-foot high chainlink fence intera~oven with redwood or cedar slats. RESOLtiTfON P10. PC7f~-140 ~ . ~ ~ 2, Tha; there shall be no outdo~r repatr or ~aintin~ of automoniles on the suhject property. 3. That the proposed autumohile rr,pair and palnting trainin~ facility shall be operated five (5) days a week ~nly (!londay through Friday), as stipulated to by the petltioner. TIIE F(1RF.~OING RES~LUTI~tJ is signed and ~rprov. y me tliis 1^th day of July, 1~7~. ~ CHA I R'tAtl, AMAI~F I TY PLA~1tl I P!~ CnM~1 I 55 I DN AT7FST: ~~~~,~ 56~^~U~x~~X~ SECR.F.TARY, AMAHEIN CITY PLA~It11N6 COMMISSIQtI STATE OF CP.LIFORMIA ) COU!!TY OF ORA~If,E )ss. CITY OF ADIAHEIFI ) I, Patricia 6, Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheir~ City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the f~rPgotng resolution toas passed and a~lopted at a meeting of the An~heim City Planninc~ Commission, held on July 19, 1!?7~•, at 1:3~ n.m „ hy the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COHMISSI~~7ER5: BARPlES~ KING, M~RLEY, TOLAR, JOHPISON U~ES: CnMMISSIONFRS: NONE ARSENT: C~Mt11SSIQMF.°.S: FARAN~, HFRP,ST IN WITPiESS WIiF.REOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 1~th clay of July, 1~7~. ~~~~,~ ~ SECRF.TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNItI, f.~HNISSI~tI _3. RESOLUTIOP! N0. °C7S-14Q