PC 76-15~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-15 A RESOLUTIO'~ OF THE CI7Y PLAt~~~ING CQ~TIISSIO~~ OF THE CITY OF AtJpHEIiI TIIAT PETITION FOR COt~UITIONAL USE F:R(•1It t10. 159f BF GRAt~TED. I~IIE(ZEAS, the City Planninq Commission of the City o` Anaheim did rPCeive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Pernit from COt1ET, INC., P. 0. Box 6366, Burbank. California 9151U (Owner);Id(t. !•IALLACE, 7?.9 U. Topeka, Anaheim, California 92~05 (Aaent) of certain real oro~erty situated in the City of Anaheim, County nfi Oranqe, State of California, described as: Lot 110. 15 of 7ract Ilc. 47~3. in the City af Anaheim, as shown in Book ~~ Pa9es i3 and 24, t•liscellaneous ifaps, records of Oran~e Co~anty. tJfIEREAS, t;he ~ity Planning Commission did hold a public It~arinq at the City Iiall in the City of Anahein on January 19. 197fi, at 1:30 ~.r~.. notice of said oublic hearing having been duly given as required by 1aw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahein t4unic9pal Code, Cha~ter iR.~3, to hear and consider evidence for and anainst said proposed conditiunal use and to investin~te and make findings and recormendatinns in connection therewith; and 4111EREA5, said Commission, after due insnection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and a~ter due consideration of all evidence anri renorts offered at said hearing, does find and detrrnine the follnw'.ng facts: 1. Tl~at the proposed use is properly one for whicF~ a conditional use transmissiontrepairs in thealL (INDUSTRIAL,6LIIITED),ZOtIE~ W~t~ °ermit automotive 2, Tha~ the petitioner indicated that the prooosed operation t~~?11 be prinarily a wholesale business, thus 9enerating little or no customer traffic to the site. 3. That the netitioner sti~ulated that al1 ~` thc proposed reoair work e+ill be conducted inside the building. 4, 7hat the petitioner indicated that no structural alt,erations were proposed to the buildin~. 5. That tlie proposed use is similar in nature to nreviously annroved vehicular repair uses in the area; said uses havinn net been detrimental to the area. 6. That the proposed use~ as granted, wi11 not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and develonment of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 7. That the size and shape of the site nrnoosed for the use, as granterl, is adequate to allo~a the full development of the use in a manner not detrinental to the p~rticular area nor to the peac~, health~ safety~ and general vielfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. C. That the granting of the Conditional Use permit under the conditions imaosed wi11 not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety~ and neneral ~•relfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. g, That no one indicated their presence at said public ii?aring in opposition; and no correspondence was received in opposition to subject netition. [P~VIRO~It1EN7AL I~IPACT REPORT FII~DIt~G: That the Uirector of the Planning Uepartr~ent has determined that the praposed activity falls within the deflntLion of Section 3.Q1~ C1ass 1, of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the Requir+~ments for an Environment~l Irripact Renort and is, therefore, cate9arically exempt from the requirement to file an E]R. t~GW, TfIEREFORE, 4£ IT RESOLVED that the Anahei~~ City Plannin9 Commissinn does hereby grant sub~ect Petition for Conditional Use Permi;,, ;;non the follo~~iinn conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary nrerequisite to the nronosed use RESOLUTIOt~ t~0. PC76-15 ~ ~ •~ nf the subject property in order tc pr~serve the safety and 9eneral welfare of the Citizens of the C;ty of Analieim: 1. That subject nrooerty shall be devel~~ed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of anaheim marked Exhibit tJo. 1. 2. That all of the proposed repair work sliall be conducted inside the building, as stipulated to by the petitioner. THE FOREGOIPIG RESU~UTIOW is s9gned and apnroved by me this 19th ciay c~f January, 1976. fi i' H I ~ f~l, N HEIM CI PL NNING COMMISS Ofd ATTEST: Q~~~~~-~~~J SF E , f~ IiE L(~I~ I1~ . ~1 SS~bN STATE OF CALIFORfJIA ) COUP~TY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF AtlAHEIti ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, dc hereby certify tliat the foregoing resolutior was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on January 19, 197G, at 1:3^ ~.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: NYES: COMDIISSIONERS: QARNES, H[RaST, JOHWSON, KING, ~40RLEY, TOLAR, FARAPIO f~OES: COPIMISSIO~~ERS: N0~lE ADSENT: C0~•it1ISSI0F~ERS: t10NE It~ WITPIESS l•~IiEP,~JF, I have hereunto set my hand thi s 19th da,y of January, 1976. ~~~~~~~ , r fJ~~:b~tssi~ _2_ RESOLUTION P~O. PC76-15