PC 76-177~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-177 A RESOL'JTION OF THc nNAHE1M LITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITlON FOR CONOITIONAL U5E PERMIT N0. 1648 CE 6RANTED, WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commission dtd recelve a verifled Petltion for f.onditional Use Permlt from R. C. BOATMAN CONSTRUCTION CO., 22(,~~2 Lambert Street, E1 Toro, California 9263Q (Owner); NATIONAL COLOR GLAZE OF AMERICA~ INC., 1275 N, f,rave Street, Anahelm, California 92806 (Agent) ef certaln real property situated 1~ the City of Anahelm, County of Orange, Stete of Callfornia described ns: That portio~ ~f lo: 18, Block "K" of the Kraemer Tract, In the City of Anahelm, County of Orvinge, State of Califor~ia, as shown on map recorded in book 12, pages 87, 88 of Miscellaneous Records, ln tha office of the County Rncorder of Los Angeles Counl;y, described as }ollows: Parcel 15 as shown on a map recorded In book 69~ page 18 of Parcel Maps~ records of sald Oranae County. WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commission did hold a pubifc hparing at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on September 13, 1976, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having heen duly given as requtred by iaw and in accordance wlth the provislons of the Anahelm Municipai Codr_, Chapter 18.0;; to hear and consider evidence for a~d ag+~inst sald proposed conditlonat use and to Tnvestigate and make findi~gs and recommnndatlons In connectton therewlth; and WHEREAS, sald Commisslon, efter due lnspection, investigatlon and study made by itself and ln its behalf, and after due conslderation of ell rvidence and reports offered at sald hearing. does find and determine the following facts: ~, That ihe proposed use Is properly one for which a condtttonal use permit Is authot'ized by Codc Sect~on 1A.61.050.260~ to wit: permlt the mixing and packaging of poltsh and coatings. 2, Th~t the pr~poscd use wi11 not adversely affect the adJolning land uses and the growth and development of the area ln which It is proposed to be locatad. 3, That the size nnd shape of the sTte proposed for the use ls adcquate to allow the fult development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimentel to the psrticular aree nor to the peace, health~ sefety, and general welfare of the Cttlzens of the City of Anahelm. 4. That the granting of the Condltionel Use Permit under the conditlons Imposed, wlll not be detrimental to the peaee~ health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the Clty o} Anahetm, 5. That the petitioner ~tlpuleted there ~~rould be no outdoor storage of materlels or equlpment end that the proposed use ~rould be conducted wholty lndoors. h,., `~htlt no ~ne Indicated their presence »t said publtc hea-ing in S~~aos;eion; an41 ~tn'~t r.o corrsspondence was received in opaosit(on to subJect P~t:i~~~ ~l. €NVIROkM'~~T{~`~. IMPACT REPORT FINDING: Thet the Dtrector of the Planning 6epartmeeAt ??•A.~ r1e(~rmi~~ed 4~.,at the proposed activity falls within the definition of Sect~o~~ ~~qj~ T~rass i, ~r thc City of Anahelm Guideifnes to thc Require+nents for an ~nvtro,nmentat )m~ACt Report and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the rcqu l rrement Lo f i~E+ an E I R. r~ol+, THF.RtFbRE, BE IT RESOLVED tnat the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon QtaEU hg~eby, r~ront subJect Petition for Condtetonel Use Permit, upon the foliowing cun~rltions whlch are hereby found to be a necessary prerer~ufsite to the proposed use af Qhe subil6tt pruperty In order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citltens of the City of Anehefm: 1. That there shall be no cutdoor storagc ~f materials or equlpmenY and the proposed use shall be conducted wholly indoors, as stipulatEd to by the petitloner. RESOLUTION N0. PC76-177 •r _i ~ ~ 2. That suAJnct property shatl be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file wlth the City of Anaheim marked Exhtbit Nos. 1 through 3. TNE FQREAOING RESOLUTION Is slgnzd and appro by me this 13th day of ~epcanber 1976. ~ HA RHAN, E M CI Y LANNINr COMMISSIGN A7TEST: / " , , I33TbA' STATE OF CALIFORNIA i COUNTY OF ORANGE )s5. CITY Of ANAHEIM ) I~ Patrlcla B. Scanlan~ Secretary o" the Anahelm City Planning Curmission, do hereby certify thet the foregoing reeolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commlsslon~ held on September 13~ 1976~ at it30 p.m.~ by the following vote of the members thereof': AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARFiES, KINf~ TQLAR~ JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIQNERS: NONE AB~EMT: COMMISSIONEP.S: FARANO, HERBST A857AIN: COMMISSIONERS: MORLEY 1976. IN WITNESS WNEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of September ~ , ~ SECRE ARY~ ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-1177