PC 76-182~ ~ RESOI!1TION N0. PC76-182 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TNAT PET1710N FOR VARIAkCE N0. 2842 BE GRANTED. NHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon did recetve a verifted Petition ~or VarTa~ice from W. R. AND PATRICIA A. MILLER, 201Anahetm~ Callfornle~928d2 Hewali 9b8z~ ~Owners); MICHAEL VALEN, 304 Katella Way, , (Agent) of certain real property situated in Che City o4 Ar.aheim, County of Orange, State of Callfornla described as: Lot 7, Tract 498~ as per map recdrded in Book 19~ ~age 24, Mlseellaneous Maps~ rocords of Orange County. NHEREAS~ Ehe City Planning Commlsslon did hold a publlc hearing at the City Hall ln the Clty of Aneheim on September 13~ 1976~ at 1s3~ p.m.~ notice of saTd public he~aring having b~en duly gt~en as requlred by law ar.d in accordance wtth the provisions of the Anahelm Munlclpal Code~ Cheptar 18.03~ to hear and consider evidencn for and agalnet said propoeed varlance and to investigate and make flndtngs and ~ocommendetions in cortncction therewith; and WHEREAS, seld Cortmisslon, after due Inspectton~ investigatlon and study made by ltmelf and in its behalf, and after due conslderatlon of all evidence and reports offered at saEd hearing, does find and detcrmine the 4oliowing faetss i. That the petitloner proposes ;he follewin9 waiver fram the Anahe;m Munitlpal Code, to construct nn itluminated roof slgn: SECTtON 18.05.093.~34~ ~ Meximum slan heighi. ~~5 feet permitted; 3~eet proposed) 2, That the abnve-mentloned waiver Is hereby granted to permit a 34-foot high sign (trom ground tevel) which Is Illuminated and reraf-mounted, on the basis that stgne of a slmllar height exist in the surrounding orea and. therafore~ the proposed sign wi11 not be detrimental to the area. 3, That there are excopYlonal or extraordinary circumstances or conditlons appliceble to the praperty involved or to the Intended use of the property that do not apply genarally to the proper'ty or cless of use in the eame vtelnity and zone. 4. That the requosted varlance is necessary for the preservation and enJoyment of a subetanLlel property righ¢ possessed by other property in the same vlcinity and zone, end denled to tha property In question. 5. That the requested •iarlanee will not be materlally dotrimental to t~e public wetfare or In]urious to the property or improvements In such vicinity and zone in whleh the property is located, 6. Thet no one indlceted their presence at sald public hearing in opposlYlon; and thet no correspondente was recetved in opposition ta subJect petition. ENVIP,ONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That thz D.Trector of the Planning Department has det~rmined that the proposed activity falls within the deftnition of Sectlon 3.01, Class 1~ of the Ctty of Anehelm Gutdellnes to thm Requiranents for an ~nvirornnental Impact tteport and is, therefore~ categorically exanpt from the requiranent to file an E{A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cormiisslon is~s hereby 9foundsutocba e~n~cessaryrprerequleiteAto the p~oposed9usonoftthe sub)ect property in order to preserve the eefety and general welfare of the C1tlzens o4 the Clty of Anaheims RESOLUTION N0. PC76-182 ~ ~ , ~ i. Thae subJect propzrty shall be developed suhstantially in accordance with plans and speelflcatlons on flle wlth the Clty of Anaheim marked ExhibTt Nos. 1 and 2. THE FOREGOIt7G RESOLUTlON Is signed and approved me this 13th day of 5eptanbar 1976. !'f~"~ . ~ RTTEST: ~~ • ~ 1H ~ ~ON STATE OF CALIFOFNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAkGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Patricla B. Scanian~ Secretary of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon~ do nereby certify that the foregoing resolutton was paased and adooted at a meetlny of tha Aneheim City Plen~ing Ccmmission, heid on September 13~ 1976~ a~t 1t30 p.m., by tho following vote of tho members thereoft AYES: COMMlSSIONERS: BARNES. KING~ MORLEY~ 70LAR, JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONERSs NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSs FARANO, HERBST IN MI7NE55 WHEREOP, I have hereunto set rty hand thls 13th day of September ,9r6. ~,~.~,~ . n ~A ~ -Z- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-182