PC 76-193~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC7o-193 A RESOLUTtON OF THE ANAHEIM CITY ?LANNINC CbMMIS5i0N THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 76-77-ti (READVERTISED) BE APPR0I~ED. NHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commission did recelve a verified Petitlon for Reclassification from ROYAL C. AND LOUISE H. MARTEN, $11 S. Western Avenue. Anaheim. Cailfornla 92804 (Owners); JAMFS L. BARISIC, 4848 Lakevtew Avenue, Sulte 101, Yorba Linda, Ca114ornia 926A6 (Agent) of certatn real property sltuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Ora~ge, State ofi Calt}orn(a descrlbad a:t: All tS~~t c.reain ].m11 sitnatad 1a4 tha Btato oq Ca1lLosaia, Co~mt~ of Oraa~„ City oP Aaa~ia, dorcribsd as folla~ai 1'haY poYelon o! tho Notthaast qcartor of ths Soneheaot quartaa oF tha Sonthra~et quartar o! Saetioa 14. Toansl~ip 4, Soath. RaaSe 12 WsoRs ia tha itaacho T.oe Co'Totno, ae ahoarw oa a Map racasdsd Sa book 51, page 11, :~iisa~tlsaaour 21sps, 1a t2~ oPliao oF ths Co~asty btacordsr oE said Connty, d~scribed a~ Yollaas~ 3egiaaiag at the 3losthaast coins: o! said t4artbaost querie~: aad rimais~a thanaa South 89' 37' S1" W'aot~ along thw DTorth liao oi u1d Nostbmaat qua~sz as alw~rn aa a m~p o! Trmet 2849. reeord~d i¢ book 41. pagrs 24 aad 25, MisaalLaaoas M,ay~. in tha o4liae ot th~ Cor•aty 8aasrdaa~ o! said Caemt~l, 170.00 i~~t to ttu DYoYthaaet coraor oP aaid Trsct 2849i th4aa~ 9out~sly alons th~ &uterl~ lia~ o! said traet~ tlu Yelloriag conrser aad di,tamasas 8outh 0' 16' 02" Baat 10.00 l~ati 9ossth AS' 16' 02° Fart 14.14 lasti ~~ 0' 16' 02" Past b44.44 Yo~t to th~ Southuat eozn~ oi Lot 7.0 of said TY~sat 2849i thaac~ nlacg th~ No~ctb liao of Trraniuur Drivo~ an shavn ~n a aap o! Tract 2839. racordod in book $S, pagm~ 9 throngh 3,5 in¢],wira, Hiacwllaaoaw Maps. in tha oti£ce of tha Com-'ty Amcorder oi saii! Co~snt7r, tha Yallo~ring couroe0 and disttn¢~~r iPorth 89' k3' 58" P.aet 103.00 Sa~t to ths boginni~ of a txa8aat eumo eoncav~ t;azehva~tsrl~ hxtiag a lradius of 17.00 tset; Dlarthoa~terly. alon~ asid curvo thxoush a eentra~ aas],s ot 90' 00' 00" aa~ arc dirtaa¢~ 04 26.70 fa~t; tiorth 89° 43' S8" Eut, 40.90 leat to thr Eaat lino of uid :iorthaaat quartsr; tbonm laavis~ last msationad Harthesl7 lino, North 0° i5' OZ" Wut, aloas ths Eas¢ 1Zas o4 oaid ~iorthwt qnareor, 44~7.75 faot to tha poins oi baginaiaa. I~eaptias tbasatsoa the 9ottioa oontsy~ed to Rs~ W. W~saln aad wila br dsod rowsdad P~sesr~ 26, 1973 in boek 1OS69, pago 240 ot Ofiiaial It~c~rds. WHEREAS, the City Planning Ce>mmisslon did schedule a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on Au9ust 16, 1976, at 1:30 p.m., natitc of sald public hearing heving be.:n Guly given es requlred by law and in accordance with the provislons of the Anaheim Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.03. to hear and consider evidence f~r and against snid proposed reclassification and to irvestlgate and make findings and recommendatlons in connectlon therewith; sald public hearing having been continued to tha Planning Commiesion meeting of October 11~ 1970; and WHEREAS~ sald Commisslon, after due lnspection, Investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evldence and reports offe~ed at said hearing, does flnd and determine the following facts: 1, 7hat the petitioner proposes a reclasslflcation of the above-described property from the RS-A-43~000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGF,ICULTURAL) ZONE to the ftS-5000 (RESIDEN7IAL, SINGLE-FAMILY) ZONE. 2, That the Anahelm ~eneral Plan desig:iates sub)ect property for medium denslty resider.tial land uses. 3, That the proposed reclas:it°ic~tion of subJect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the community. RESOt.U710N 40, PC76-193 ~ ~ 4. 7hat the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the zones and thelr permltCed uses tocally established in close proximity to subJect propnrty anA to the zanes and their pe~~mitted ~~ses ge~aerally established throughout the community. 5. Thnt the propoeed rer.lassiflcation of subJect ~roperty requires the dedTcation of abutting streets tn accordance with the Circulation Element oF the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase ln traffTc which •.;~ill be generated by the lntenslflcatlon of ~and use. 6. That no one indicated th~:ir presence at sald publlc hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received In oppositton to subject petltlon. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPOFiT FINDiNf;: That the Anahetm Clty Plannir.g CortKnission Aoes hereby recommend to the City Councli of the City of Anaheim that a negative declaratlon from the requiremcnt to prepare an e~7vironmental impact report be epproved for the subJect proJect, pursuant to the provlslons of the Californ'.a Environmental Quality Act. NOW~ THEREFQRE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby recormend to the Clty Council of the CTty of Anaheim that subJect Petltion for Reclasslficatlon be approved and, by so daing, that Title tR-Zoning of the Anahelm Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described r~roperty from the RS-A-~+3,non (RESIDENTIAL/APRICULTURAL) ZONF and to incorporate said described property into the RS~SOOQ (RESIDENTIAL~ SINGLE-FAMILY) 20NE upon the fbilowing conditlons which are hereby found to he a necassary prereyuisite to the proposed use of subJ~ct property in order to presnrve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahelm: 1, Th+~t the owner shall dedicate to the City of Anahelm a standard property line return at Teranimar Dri!~e end Western Avenue. 2. That sldewalks shai? be installed along Westcrn Avenue including standard corner block at Teranimar Drive a~d Western Avenue as required by the C(ty Englneer and tn accordance with standard plans and speclftcations on file in the Office of the Clty Engineer. 3. That street lighting facilltles along Teranimar Drive a~d Western Avenue shal) be InstalTed ae requlred hy the Olrzctor of Public Utilities. and in accordance with standard speclflcatl~ns on Pfle in the Office of the Director of Publlc Utilitles; or that a bond, certlficate of deposit, letter of credit~ or cash, ln an emount and form satlsfactory to the Clty of Anahelm shall br. posted with the Clty to guarantee the lnstallatlon of the t~bave-mentloned requlrements. 4. That the owner(s) of subject proFerty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of sixty cents (6Q~) per front foot along Teranfmar Drive artd Western Avenue for tree planting p~rposes. 5. That drainage ~f subject property shall be disposed of in a manner sat(sfactory to the Llty Engineer. f,. In the event that subJect property ts to be divided for the purpose of seale, lease, or flnanctng, a parcel map to record the approved divislon of sub)ect property shall be submitted to end approved by the City of Anaheim and then be recarded in the offic~ of the Orange County Recarder. 7. That the owner of subJect property shall pay to the Ctty of Anahelm the approprlate p+~rk and recreatlon in-lleu fees as determined to he appropriAte by the Clty Council, sald fee~ ta be pald at the tlme the bulldtng permlt is issued. A. That all loYS withln this development shall he served by underground utliltles. 9, That app,roprlate water assessment fees, as determineA ~; the Director of Public Utllitles, shall be pald to the C)ty of ;,~~~!!!im.prior to the lssuance of a buitding permlt~ 1Q. Prfor to the IntroAuction of an ordinance rezonin^ subJect property, Conditlon Nos. 1, 3, and 4, above-mentlo~ed, shall be completed. The provislons or righte granted by thfs resolutlon ~hali become null and void by action of the City -2- RESOLUT~ON N0. F'C76-193 I ~ ~ Counctl unless sald conditlons are complTed with within one year from the date hereof, or sucF. further time as the CTty Counctl may grant. 11. That Condition Nos. 2, 5. and 8, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to finel bulldir.g and zoning inspectlons. 7HE FORE601NG RESQLUTI~N is slgned and approve y e this 11th day df October 1976. Z A A. NN N MM SION ATTEST: '-Q~~ S~ E A .. • NA E IT1 1 N, MM S N S7ATE QF LAL~FORNIA ) COUN7Y OF ORANGE }ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Patrlcla B. Scanlan~ Secretary o1' the Anahelm City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregotng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Pianning Commisslon, held on October 11~ 197~r ax 1:30 p.m.~ by the following vote of thc members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: 8ARNE5~ HERBST~ KING~ MORLEY~ TOLAR~ JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS5IQNERS: FARANO 1976. IN W~TNESS WHEREOF~ 1 have hereunto set my hand this Sith day of October /~, 3~t'ET" •AAY~iR7CF~Tn~T N~ COMM 1 3 QN -g- RESOLU?'ION N0. PC76-193