PC 76-20~ ~ RESOLllTIOi! tJO. FC76-~0 A RL•SOLUTIO~d OF TNE GIiY PLA7tt~ING C~M!41.SSION 0~' THE CITY CF ~iIAHEI(1 TNAT PETI7ION FOR GOIJDITI~i~AL USE PERt1IT ~JO. 1597 BE GRa(~TEV. :~lH[REAS, the City Plannir~g Coiru!ii4sion of the Cit~~ of Anaheim di~+ reCri~re z verified Petition for Conditiona~ Use Permit from ALLEP! P.. [C":0!~SO'1, 13n1 I•a. !1ialEr Street, Anaheim, California 92:~06 (Owner); QGN .). C11R50i1, 1f;21?. ~'.~iniQr Drive, 5anta Ma, California 927Q5 (Agent) of certain real orooerCy „~~tuated i:~ the City of Anahein, County of Oran~e, State of Californi~, decribed ase The Easterl~ 339 feet of the 4testerly 6bli feEt ~f t:_; Southerly 1G0 feet of the ~~ortherly rectan~ular 373 feet of that portion of Lot ?. in Block Y, of the Y.raemer Tract, in t~h~! C~ty of Anaheim, as shot•m on a man thereof recorded in bool: 12, pages 3i ar.d 3i;, Itiscellaneous Records of Los 1lnneles County, California, described as fo~?flt~~s: [ie9inning at a point distant 's^.1~ ro~s )';:sterly, Measured at riaht an~les fron a point in the [asterly line of sa~~~~i Lot, ~aid~ l~:tte; noin*. be'~~n~; ~•: rods Southerly from the Plor`theasterlw corner r~f said Lo~; thencN S^~rther1y, parallel to th2 Easterly lin2 c~f said LQ,`.., ~2 r.ods; !:henrf 4lesterly, oarallel to the iiortherly liste otF said Lat, ~:.y~ rod~ t~ a,*.•~i~~ in the Westerly line of said Lot; thet~c'e. No1'2he!'lv alc~zi,ry said t~aes~~_r1,y ~it~e ?.'. rods; thenca Easterly, par~l;e', to ir:? yortiierly lin~ ~'i ::a~c!'-_ot•: °•3.g0 rods to the point of beginnin~. WNEREAS, the City Planninq Corur is:;~~ ~n did hold a public n:?~~, i~g ati :he Citv Nall in the City of Anahein on February ~, 19`'G, ~.t 1:30 p.m.., nn~~s:~ o:' su~~ ^'!h?'.c hearing having been duly given as requi~ed by la~a an:i in ~~~:~,~'°dante ~~lith th~ provisions of the AnaVieim Municipal Code, Cha~ter 1P.~3, ta '~teer and corsider evidence for and against said proposed conditional u.:•,e.aitid to ~nvasti~ate and make findin9s and recoreiendations in connection therev~ith; a~+~d 4JNEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection. inv.,:~ti~j,=cion and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration o" all c~vidence and renorts offered at said hearing, does find and deternine the follo~~+in9 `'acts; 1. That the proposed use is pruoerly ane tor ~ahich a conc~itional use pe rniit is authorized by Code Section 1~.61.050.502, ~to wit: ~ernit a contractor's storage yard v+ith taaivers of the following: a. SECTIO(J 1II.61.063.011 - t1inimum front setback. (5Q feet required lII eet ex st ng b. SECTIOtJ 13.61.06;1.032 -~^inimum landsca in .(8 trees re~uired none oroposed 2. That tfie above-mentioned a~aivers are hereby nranted fcr a time limitation of two (2) Years, subject to revie~~~ and consideration for an extension of time, upon s•+ritten request by the petitioner, said time limitation beinq ta determine ~•~hether other properties in the area develon ~~ith 5Q-foot setbacks and whether, at such time it would be appropriate, that subject prooerty be redevelooed with a 5~- foot front setback. 3. That the proposed use, as granted, vrill not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and tlie grov~tl~ and development uf the a,rea in ~ahich it is proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shape of the site nroposed for the use is adequate to allow the full develoament of the proposed use as granted in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the Conditional Use Permit, as granted and under the conditions imposed, v~ill not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of tlie Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That no one indicated tlieir presence at said nublic hearin9 in opposition; and no correspondence was received in opoosition to subject ~etition. RESOLUTION 170. PC76-20 ~J EIdVIRUt~h1Et~TAL It1PACT REPORT FItJUING: That the Anahein City Flannin~ Council of the City of Anaheim tha~ requirement to prepare an enviro~mental the California Environmental Quality Act. 0 Cor,r~ission do~s hereby recor.unend to the City the subject nroject be e:'emot frnm the imozct report, pursuant ~o the nrrrvisi~ns nf NOU, THEREFORE, E3E IT RESOLVEU that the Ar.aheim City P1ann~~nR Cor~,~~ ~~ion does hereby grant subject Petition for Condi*ional Use Permit, u=~on t;;E f,:''?u~~rin~ conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prer<'misit^: to tn~ ~:-r-"~~oterl use of the subject oroaerty in order to nreserve the safety and ger,eral v~elfar~e ai 'thc Citizens of the City or Hnaheim: 1. That sidetioalks shall be installed along t•tiller Street as reaui~d b?~ the City Engineer and in accordance tvith standard olans and soecifications on i`fle in the office of th~ City Enaineer. 2. That street lighting facilitiec along tliller Street sfiall be installed as required tiy the Director of Public Utilities, and in accordance v~ith stan~iard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the Director of Pudl~c Ettilities and that a bond in an a~~nunt and form satisfactory to the City of Anahe~~r, ;!ra~i b2 posted with the City to guarantee the installation of the abov~-n^•:,~'.inne~~ requi rer~ents. 3. That subiect !~roperty shall be developed substantially in ~ccordan~e with plans and specifications on file ~aith the Citv of Anaheim narked Exhibi~ flos. i. and 2. q. 7hat Condition tlo. 2, ahove-mentioned, shall be complied ~~rith orior to the commencenent of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time tliat the building permit is issued, or within a period of on~ year from date hereof, ~•~hichever occurs first, or such furtlier time as the Planning Corimission and/or City Council ma.Y grant. 5. That Condition P~os. 1 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be comnlied with prior to final buildin9 and zoning insoections. 6. That this conditional use ~ermi~ is 9ranted for a time lir~itation of t~•~o (2) years, sub~ect to revie~~ and consideration for an extension of tir~e by the Planning C~mnission, upon ~vritten request by the ~etitioner. TIIE FOREGOII~~G ItE50LUTI0t~! is signed and a~nroved by ne th9s 2nd day o` February, 1976. H ~ P~ R Et ~~RE AIJAHEIM CITY PLANIlING C011NIISS Of~ ATTEST: GG~~~-~.`~~~~~~ Y f L.~~J SL• RE ~ fl HE ~ C 'L Pll~ tl Ot ~ SSTaf~ _2.. RESOLUT30N N0. PC7~-20 f ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUi~TY OF ORA~IGE )ss. CITY OF ANAfiEI~1 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planninq Commission of the CitY of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fowegoing resolution was nassed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on February 2~ 1976, at 1:30 n.m., by the folio~aing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COt1!4ISSIOI~ERS: HER6ST, J011tJSOP~, Y.It~G, TOLAR, MORLEY i~OES: CO~ti1ISSI0PJERS: I~ONE Al3SEt~T: COMIIISSIOIlERS: BhR(~ES, F11RAN0 IP! UIT(JESS 4111EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ?.nd day of Fehruarv, 1976. J ~`~ ~~-~nmr~ r~r-~~ar- _3_ RESOLUTION I10. PC7G-2~