PC 76-202~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-202 A RESOLUTION Of THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNfNG COMMISSIQN THAT PETITION FOR CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT NQ. 1658 BE GRAN'I'ED. NHEFEAS, the Anaheim City Plannin,y Commisslon dld receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permlt from A1IRUTLAL C. AND JASfiUMATI A. PATF.L, 2123 W• Lincoln Avenue, Anahelm, California 92801 (Owners); PORD~N D. Mf, MILLF.N~ tt55 N• Citron Street~ N7, Anaheim~ Catifornla 92A~~ ~Agent) of certain real property situated ln the Clty o~` Anahelm, Gounty of Orange, State of California described as: TNAT POF:7I01~: OF THF S~UTHt~[ST OUAF.7~R OF TME S~UT~itlE.ST QUARTFR OF SECTInF! 8~ TOW~ISFIIP ~I 50UTH~ Rf1Nf:F l~ WEST~ 1N TFIC RA~JCI10 LOS CpYpTFS, CITY AF Ar;~1i~tEIh;, CC~I;t;TY c!F OP.AtI~[, STA7F Or° CALIFpf?NtA, A5 PF.R ~1AP PCCOh[1P:D iiJ t300K 51 PA~f? 1~ OF PIISCF.LLAfvEl.~US PiAPS~ IN TI~E OI'FICE: OF TI•IE COUhJl'Y Y.FCORDCF? OF SAIU COUNTY~ DCSCRIFIFD AS FOLL~)l~;S: HCCIhblIN~; AT A PUINT O~d TIfE S~UTII LIF~I'•. UF SAIp SOUTHWEST QUAF.TE~ ~F Tlit SOi1Tf•1W[5T QUAI?TER~ wr:.sT 2'J6.Q~ F~ET FROt•1 TI1E SOUTHFAST CORIII•.I>. TI•IERE~f~, SAI4 PUIh7T ?F.iNrr T1iL i•~u:;7 SOUTHEkLY SOUTHWEST CORr~Ek OF T.IL LAPiq Df:SCRIISF.D IN THE L.LED TQ Fk[U C. PI[PCNtiRIrsK, t7 UX.~ P,C•CUR.OL•Li AU(iUST 23~ 174G~ IPd 1S00K 1432 PACE 23G OF OFFICIAL ftE:CC~P,US; TFICPlGE hORTtI 352.00 F[[T ALUWti Tli~ 1;E:STERLY LINF. f.if= SAIU Ll1f1U OF PE1PC1•aHRI~JK TO APl APJGLE POIPIT THt:REIN; TFIENCE WES7 9L.Op FCET ALOtJG TFIL" 130tJ11DARY OF SAIU LANU TO TNE 4lCST LINH OF THE L.AIJU U~:SCRItED IPJ THE DEED TQ C. J. 4!`~fit3ER~ ET UX., kECUP.D~D IN f3npY. 160 P~Gf.•. 1'3R OF OFFICAL R[CORGS; TIiF.NCE SOU'ff' 352.00 FEF.T ALONC SAII'~ 1~!GST LINE 70 THE SOUTt;WEST~P.LY CC~RiyE(t TIIEREOFj TtIE~dCE C!'.5T 96.0~ FL•ET TO TI1E PcJIPtT OF REG~NNING. ~XCFPT TliF SOUThI 40.f10 FF.ET TIIERCOF~ AS DE5CRIBEO IN Th1E DEED TO TfIE STAT~: ~F CALIFURNIA RECORDEf: AUGUST 2i 1955 IN FeQQK 315^, PAr.,C 9~ OF OFFICIAL RECORpS. WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commlsslon dld hold a puhlic hearing at the Clty Halt in the City af Anaheim on Qctober 11, 1976~ at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duty given as required by law and in accordance with the provislon~ of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Chaptsr 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst said proposed conditlonal use and to lnvestlgate and make ftndings and recommendations ln connection therewith; and WHEREAS, satd Commisslon~ after due inspection, lnvestigatlen and study made by itself and In lts behalf, and after due conslderatlon of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing~ does find and dctermine the following facts: t, Thst thc proposed use is properly one fiar whtch a conditlonal use permlt ls authorized by Code Section to wtt: permit, expansion of an exlsting motel. 2. That the proposed use .is hereby gran2ed, subJect to the stipulatlon of the petitioncr to deleting Lhe twc~ (2) parking spaces located closest to Lincoir. Avenue to av~id traffic backing out ~nto said street. 3, 7hat the propostA use will not adversely affect the adJnining land uses and the growth and development of the area in whlch it is proposed to be located. k. That the slr.~e and shape of the site proposed for the use is aGequate to allow the full QeveloQment of the proposed use in a manner not detrlmental to the partlcular aree nor to the pease~ health~ eafety, and general welfare of t~e Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5, That the granting of the Conditional llse Permit under the conditions imposed wi11 not be detrlmental to the pcace, health~ safety and genr.ral welfare of the CTtlzens of the Clty of Anahelm. 6, That no one lndicated thelr presence at sald puhiic hearing in opposition; and that no carrespondenee was recelved in opposition to suhJect petitlon. RESOLUTION N0. PC75-2r,2 ~ ~ ENVIRONNENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Anahelm City Pianning Commission does hereby recammend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that a negative declaration from the requlrement to Frepare an environmental impact report be approvecf for the subJect pro)ect~ pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quallty Act. H~W~ THEREFQRE, BE IT RESQLVFD that the Anahelm City Planning Carmtssion does hereby grant subJect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions whlch are hereby foun~ to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subJect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1, That sidewatks shall ~- installed along Lincoln Avenue as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifTcatlons on file in the Office of the City Englneer. 2. That street ilghting facillties along Lincoin Avenue shall he installed as requlred by the Dfrector of Public Utilittes~ and tn accordance with standard speciflcatlons on flie in the Offlce of the Director of PuMllc Utflities; or that a bond, certiflcate of deposit, letter o4 credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the C1ty of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the Installatlon of the above-mentloned requirements. 3. That the owner(s) of subJect property sf:all pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of slxty cents (60C) per frant foot along Ltncoln Avenue for tree planting purposes. q, That trash s:orage areas shall be provided In accordance with approved plans on file,wlth the Office of the Director of Puhllc Works. 5, That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as requlred and determined to be necessary by the Chlef of the Fire DepaPtment prlor to commencement of structurel framing. 6. That approprlate water assessment fees, as determined by the Director of Public Ut111tles~ shall be paid to the City o4 Anahelm prtor to the issuance of a bullding permlt. 7, That subJect property shall be developed substantlally in accordance with plans and speciflcatlons on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhihit Nos. 1~ 2, and 3; Provlded, however. that kitchen efficlency units 4~ith a maximum of 6-cubic foot refrigerators, two burner stoves (excludin9 overt and baking facilities), and single-compartment sinks may be Installed, excepY that the manager's unit will be allowed to have fult kitchen facilltles; and thet the two (2) parking spaces located closest to Lincotn Avenue shall be deleted~ as stlpulated to by the petitloner. 8. 7hat Conditlon Nes. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be ccxnplled with prlor to the commencement oP the activity authorized under this resolutlon, or prlor to the time that the building permit.is issued, er wtthin a period of one year frorfi date hereof, whtchever occurs flrst, or such fureher time as the Planning Commission and/or City Counclt may grant. 9, That Condition Nos. 1~ 4, and 7, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prlor to flnal bullding and zoning lnspections. TtIF. FORF.GGINf, RESQLUTION ts signed and approvP.d~j~e~ikis ~th day of October 197~. / ~ / /f ATTEST: ~lfi~G/t~-GGtt/ ~^~^'~ SECRE AR ~/1NAH IM CI LANNINC,~`r1tSSI0N -2- RESOLIiiION N0. PC76-202 ~ ~ STATE QF GALIFORHIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Patrtcia B, Scanlan, Secretary of the Anahetm City Planning Camnission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutTon was passed and adopted dt a meeting of the Anahetm City Planning Commisslon, held on October 11, 1976, at 1:3~ P.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, HERR57, KINP, MORLEY~ TOLAR~ JOHNSOM NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CQMMISSIONERS; FARANO IN W17NESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand thls llth day of October 1976. ~ ' , ~'~'~ ~ 1 _3_ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-202