PC 76-205~ ~ ~ L RESOLUTION N0. PC76-205 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM15510N THA7 PETITIO~J fOR VARIANtE N0. 2A13 BE GRANTED~ IN PART, 41HEREAS. the Anaheim City Planning Commission dld receive a verified Petition for Varience from TOM T, AND C4[RRY H1DE, ~33o E. Gate Street, Anaheim, Call}ornia 92801 (Owner); STATE-WIDE INVESTORS, INC.~ 4311 E. 7th Street, Long Beach, CalifornTe 90804 (Agent) of certaln real property situated In the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Ca114ornta described es: Lot 15 of Tract No. 743 Tn the City of Anahelm, in the County of Qrange~ as per map recordeA in book 22, paae 10 of HTscctianeous Maps, in the o°fice oP the County Recorder of sald County. • EXCEPTING THEREfROM that portion thereof, if any~ grantcd to Orange County Flood Control Dlstrict in deed recorded June 24~ 1959 in book 4772, page 188, Official Records. WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commisslon dld schedule a public hearing at ihe Clty tlell in the City of Annholm on .luly 19, 1976, at 1t3~ p.m.~ nottce of sald public hearing having been duly glven as required h;+ law and In accordance with the provislons of tha Anaheim Muntclpal Code~ Chapter 18.03, to heer and conslder evidence for and against sald proposed varlance and to investigate end make findings and recaimiendations in connectlon therewith; said pubtlc hearing heving been continucd to the Pianiing Commlssion meeting of October 27~ 197~; and NHEREAS~ said Commisslon~ after due Inspectlon, Investigatlon end study made by itself end in Its behalf~ and nfter due conslderetlon of all evidence and reports offered at s:+id hearing~ does find and determine the }otlowing facts: 1, That tha ,:~*itioner propoees ~he followng waivers from the Ar.ahelm Muni~ipal Code, to construct a 21-unit, two-stcry apertment complex: a. SECTION - Maximum bdildln hei ht. (t s___torY perm tte ; stor es propose b. SECTION 18,94,065.011 - Mlnimum distance between bulldings. c. SECTION 18.34.Ofi8 - Required site screenTng, 2. 7hat welver n, above-mentloned~ ls hereby granted to construct a twenty-one (21) unit apertment complex, on the basis that simllar walvers have been prevlousty gronted for two-story 6avelopment adJace~~rt to RS-A-43.OQ0 zoned property when the adJacent property is designated fo~ medlum dr;~sity residentlal development by the Anaheim 6ene~al Plan. 3, Tfiet walvers b and c~ above~mentioned, are no longer necessary on the baeis that revl~ed plans were submltted, reducing Lhe number ot dwe111ng unlts fran 28 to 21 and thereby deleting seld e;aivers. , 4, That ~h:ere are exS~~tlonal or extraordinary circumstances or conditlons applicable f•O the.propef~4'~ libvolved er to the Intended use~ as granted~ of the ~~aperuy Gha~4 ~^ot ap~aYy ~y~nerally to tho property or cless of use in the same VIc11l1,r~Y amd, zonC. 5, Tht,4~ itMa requsas=aa Vdrirnce, as granted~ Is necessary for the prma6rvmCd9n ~nd enJorymenG o~i~ q, 3~bstAn,Cla1 property right possessed by other prbjQG°~ty in ~h~ same;y1cl~tEy~ eKd zone, and denled to the property in question. 6. Thati ~the request~l variance, as grer~~ed, will not be materlally detrir„p~~re~ .a Eh~ ~,;jri~,~~ ~'"?1~5re or InJurlous to the p~operty ur improvements in such vl.cl,p~¢yi a~d ~~one t:,n tvnich Che property is located. ~, lhdc two (2) persone eppeared reprnsenting approximatel Cwenty-eight (2S) ~rsons ~~g~~t et ~~tl~i public hearing in oppo~ltloni that one (1~ letLer wes -'ecelved fA opposltlon; and that two (2) petitlo~s contalning a totai of epproKntnotely~ !o~'ty~ch~ee (43) signetures of eree property ormers and ~esldents In ~oppofirlon were r~scelved. ENVIR4NMENTAL IMPACT REPORT flhDiNG: That the Anahetm City Ptanning Commisston does her'aby rocommend to the City Councll of the Cfsy of Anahelm that a RESOLU710N N0. PC76-205 r ~ ~- ; negatlve declaration from the requlremant to prepare an envi~onmental Tmpact report ' be appro~~ed for the subject proJect~ pursuant to the provTsions of the Callfornia Environmental Quslity Act. NOW~ 7HEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED that thc Anahelm City P~anning Commission does hereby grent, in part~ subJect PetTtlon for Vartance, upon the following conditlons which are hbreby found to be a necessary prerequlslte co the pr~posed use of the subJect property in order to preserve the eafety and general welgare of the Lltizens of the City o'~ Anahelm: 1. That this Variance is nranted subJect to the completton of Reclessificatton No. 76-77-A, now pending. 2. That grading plans, as approved by thc City Engincer~ showing drninage of the tetal slte (excepting the front 15~fooi setback adJacent to Savanna Street) to thc Carbon Creek Channel, shall bc submitted to the Planning Corr+mtseTon for review, prlor to issuance of a bullding permit. 3, That subJect property shalt be developed substantlally in accordance wlth plans and speclficatlons on file with the CTty of Anahelm marked Exhiblt Nos. 1 (Revision No. 1) 2. and 3. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTION 1s slgned October 197~. ATTESTs .-e~C.I~CJ , NANE M . MM STATE OF CALIfORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAHGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHElM ) I, Patricla B. Scanlan~ Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisston. o hereby certlfy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim CitY Pianning Cammisslon, held on bctober 27~ 1976~ at 1:30 p.m.~ by the following vote of the mombers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERSs BARNES, HERBST, KINfi~ MORLF.Y~ TOLAR, JOr~NSQN NOESt COMHISSIONER~s FAitANO ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSs NOkE IN WITNESS WNEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hend this 27th day of Octobe~ 1976. ~ ~ -2- ftE50LUTI0N N0. PC76-205