PC 76-208~ ~
WHEREAS, the Anahelm City ?lanning Commisslon did receive a verified
Petitton for ReclassifPcatlon from ARDEN SZRAND~ et al, 5861 Sunmtst, Yarba Linda,
Callfornla 92686 (Ownar); I.P.S.~ Rttn: Robert Sant, 1095 N. Main Street, Sulte D,
~Jrange, Callfornia 92667 (Agent) of certaln real prop~~ty sttuated in 4he City of
Anaheim, Gounty of Orange~ State of California described ast
Those portions of Blocica 24 and 25 of the Golden Sta~~
Tract, in the City of ~lnahei.m, County of Orange, State of
California, as per map recorded in book 4, pagea 66 an8 67 -
of t•Iiscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County,
described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the most Easterly corner of Parcel 1 ae shown
on a map filec~ in book 73, page 10 of Parcel Mapr~, records
oL• Eaid County, said corner being a point on the South- '
easterly J.ine of the land described in Parcel 1 in the deed
to Fiolly Wade Davidson, recorded March 18, 1955, in book
3000, page 254, O£ficial Records; thence Northeasterly
295.35 feet along said southeasterly line and the prolongation
thereaf to the most Eaeterly cornex of the land described in
the deed to holly Wade D3vidson, recorded ApriZ 4, 1968 in
book 8563, page 67, Official Records; thence along the
boundary of said land Nor.th 30° 13' 21" West 177.30 feet and
South 74° 32' 28" West 45.75 feet to a point in the Southerly
line of the land describeci in the deed to the State of
California, recorded June 4, 7.~63 ~.n book 6573, page 167,
Of~icial Records; thenae a?~ng said Southerly line South 74°
32' 28" FTeat 46.49 f~~t to fhe beginning of a tangent curve,
concava Northpr2y, having a radius of 471.99 feet; thenca
Weaterly ?2ong said curve nnd a'long said Southerly line
227,;4. feet through a central angle of 27° 37' 16" to the
Ttor'r.heastezly corner of said Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 73-10;
thence South 28° 40' 23" East 297.01 feet, along the Northeaste~rly
k~oundary of said Parcel l, to the Point of Beginning.
WHEtIEAS, tha City Plannln4 Commtsslon did hold a publtc hearing at the City
Hatl in the City of Anahelm on October 27~ 197h~ at ti30 p.m „ notice of said Fublic
hearing having ~een duiy glven as requlred by law and ln accordance wtCh the
provlslons o} the ~naheim Municlpal Code, Chapter i8.03, to hear and consider
evldencc for and egainst eald proposed reclas~ificatton and to lnvestigate and make
findings and recommendetlans In connection therewith; end
WHEREAS~ sald Commfsslon~ after due lnspectton~ investigatton and study made
by itself and tn its behalf~ and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports
o~'fered at sald hearlny, does find and determine the Pollowing facts:
1. That the petitloner proposes a reclasslflcation of the above°descrlbed
property from the RS-A•43~~00 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) TONE to the RM-1200
2. That the Anaheim General Plun designates subJect property from medium-
density~ residential land use.
3. 7hat the propased reclassiPicatlon of subJect property is necessary
and/or desirablo for the orderly and proper development of the community.
4. That the proposed roclassificatlon of subJect property does properly
ralate to the zonAS and Chelr permltted uses tocally estabiished tn closa proximity
to subJact property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally establtshed
throughout the communlty.
5. 7hat the propoeed reclasslficntion of subJect property requires the
fmprovement oP abutting streets tn accordance with the Circulatlon Element of the
General Plan, dua to the anticipated lncrease in traffic which wTll be yenerated by
the intensiflcation of land use.
~ ~
6. Thnt due to the subJect property having been a port{on of a controiled
land-fill site, the petitioner stipulated to submitting a soTls tngineering report to
• the Building and Englneering Dlvislons for approvai prtor to the issuance of a
bulldtng permit; sald report indicating the proposed construction will be ssfe and
satisfactory for residential uses.
7. That no one lndicated their preser,ce at sai: puoiic nec~'ng in
oppositlon; and that no eorrespondence was recelved in oppositlon to subJe;t
ENVIROtdMENTAL IMPAC7 REPORT FINDING: '~hat the Anaheim City Planning
Camnission does hnreby recommend to the Clty Council of thn City of Anahetm that a
negative dectaration Arom fha requi~e~~~ent ta prepa~e a~ erviranmenial impact report
be approved for the subJect proJect, pursuant to the prov(sions of the Californie
Envtronmantel Quality Act.
NbW~ TMEREFQRE, BE IT RE50LVED that Yhe Rnaheim City Planning Ccxrenission
doas liernby recomnand to the City Cauncil of the City of Anaheim that subJect
Petitton for Reclassiflcatlon be approved and~ by so dol=;:L that 7itle 18-Zoning of
the Anaheim Munlcipal Code be amenda~! to exclude thr abev~-described property from
the RS-A-43,000 (iiESIDENTIAL/AGRICUL7UP,::•l1 ZONE and to incorporate satd descrihed
properiy into the RM-1200 (RESIDENTIAL, P~ULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZONE upon the followirtg
condltions t+hich arn hereby four~d to be a necessary prerequlsite to the proaosed use
of nubJect property In order to presarve the sa4ety and general welfare of the
Citizens oP the Ciky of Anehalms
1. That a solis englneering report attesting to the sultabiiity of the
site for the proposed resldent''" developr,,ent shall be subRitted to the Bullding and
Engineering Divie(ons 4or epj :~1 prior to the issuence of a buildng permit~ and a
c~py of sald report shall be fl~ed ~:ith the Planning ~epartment.
2. That all engineering rcqulremcnts of the City of Anahelm, along
Frontern Street and Glassell Street, lncluding preparatlon of improvement plans and
Installt~tion of all Improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading
and paving, drntnage facilitles~ or other appurt~nant work shali be complied with as
rcqulred by Cho CiLy Enginecr and In accordance with standard plans and
specif)catlons on flle ln the Office of Che Clty Engineer; that sCreet ilghting
facllitles along Frontara Streat end Glessell Street shalt be installed as required
by tha Director oP Pub11c Utilittes, an~ in accordance with etandard plans and
specifications on file in the Office ot Che Director of Public Utilitles; and/or tha[
a bond, certificate of deposit~ letCer of credlt, or cash~ in an amount and form
satisfactory to the City of Anahelm shall be posted with the City to guarantee the
Instatlatlon of the above-mentioned requlrements.
3. That the owner(s) of the subJecC property shall pay to the City of
Anahelm Lhe sum o~ sixty cents (60~) per front foot along Fronte~ra Street and Glassell
Street for tree plantlrsg purposes.
4. That trash storege areas shatl be provided in accordance w~th approved
plans on file with the Office of the Director of Public Works.
5. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and
datermined to be necassary by the Chlrf of the Fire Department prlor to commencement
of structural framing.
6. Yhat the subJect property sha11 be served by underground utilittes,
7. That dralnage of subJect property shalt b~: dlsposeA of in a manner
satiafactory to thm City Engineer.
8. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall p~ey to the City of An~helm
the approprlatn Pa~k and ~ecreatlon in-lieu fees, as dete~mined to be approprlate by
tha City Council, said fees to be patd at the tlme the bullding permit is lssued.
9. That appropriate water assessment fees, as determined by the Dlrector
of Public Utllities, sha11 be pald to the Clty of Anaheim prlor to the issuance of e
buflding permlt.
10. 7haY ordlnances reclassifying tho propert~~ may be adopted as each
parcel is ready xo compty with conditlons pertalntng to such parcel, provided,
howaver, that the word "parcei" shall mean presantly exls~ting narcels of record and
any parcel or parcels approved by the C.?iy Council }or a lat spltt.
-2- RESOLl1TI0N N0. PC76-208
~ ~
11. Prior to the introductlon of an ordinance rezontng subJect property,
' Condltion Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentloned, shall be completed, The provTslor+s or
rlghts granted by this resolutton shall become null and vold by acYton of the City
Council uniea~ said condittons are complled with wlthln one (1) year from the date
hereof~ or such further time ~s the City Council may grant.
i2. 7het Condition Nos. 4, 6, and 7~ above~menttoned, shail be complied
with priar to finai building and zoning inspectlons.
THE FOREGOING RESQLUTION is siyned and approv d by me this 27th day of
Octobar i976.
I, Patricia B. Scanian, Secretary o4 the Anah~tm City Planning Commisslon.
do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pa~xod and adopted at a meeting
of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslors, held on Oetober ~7, 1976~ at 1s30 p.m.~ by
the following vote of the members thnreof:
IN WiTNESS WHEREOF~ i have hercunto sat my hand this 27th day of October
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