PC 76-21~ ~ ~ RtSOLUTIOW W0. PC76-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANMIiJG COhit4ISSI0N OF TH~ CiTY OF A(JAHEIi•1 TIIA7 PETITI~tJ FOR COIVDITIONAL USE PERMIT P~O. I59y QE GRA(~TED. WHEREAS~ the City Planning Cormissio~ af the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from PIOR71iR0AD REALTY COP,PORAiI41J, Primus Holding Company, Trustees, 9889 S. Santa Monica Qoulevard, Beverly Hi11s. California 90067 (Ow,ner); CARL KARCfIER EI~TERPRISES, Attn: Dave Garrison, 1200 ~1. Harbor 6oulevard, Anaheim, California 92803 (Agent) af certa9n real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange. State of California, described as: That portion nf Lot. 20, Block K of the Kraemer Tract, ~n the City ~f Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, ~s shoarn on a map recorded ~in book 12, p~ges 87 and 88 of !discellaneous Records of Los Angeles Co~~n~y, California~ bounded Northerly by a line 53.OQ feet Southerly from and parallel with the f4ortherly line of said Lot 20, being also the centerline of La Palma Street; Easterly by the Westerly 19~~.: a~ the land conveyed to the Orange County Flood Control District by deed recorded (~ovember 1~J, 19G0 in book 5504, page 8 of Official Records of said Orange County; Southeasterly by the North~vesterly boundary of Parcel I of the land conveved to said District by deed recorded December 16~ 196~, in book ?77Q~ nane n?.2, of said Official Records; and Southwesterly and Northwes~erly by the Northeasterly boundary of the land conveyed to t~ie State of California by deed recorded April 22, 1963, in book 6515, ~age 9~39, of said Official ftecords. l•l11EREAS, the C1ty Planning Coranission did hold a public hear9nn at th~ CitY ilall in Lhe City of AnalieiM on fr.bruary 2, 197G~ at 1:30 a.m., notice nf said nublic hear9ng having been duly given as required by law and in accordanc~ ~~+ith the provisions of the Anahe9m 14unicipal Code, Chaoter 18.Q3, to hear and cmnsid~r evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investi9ate and make findings and recornendation:; in connection therewith; and WNEREAS, said Commission, after due insnpction, investiqation and stu~dy nade by itselT and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and rencrts offered at said hearin9, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is propQrly one for aihich a tondition~l use restaurantainhtheZllL (INDUSTRIAL,iLI~tITED)~z00E390, to wit: aermit a drive-'chrough 2. That the proposed use will not affect the adjoihing land uses and the growth and developr~ent of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. That the size and sliane of the site propose;! for the use is adequate to a11ow the full developmen~ of the proposed use in a manner not detrimenCa? to the particular area nor to the peace. health, safetv and generai welfare of the CiL?xens of the City of Anaheim., 4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imvosed will not be detrimental ta the oeace, health, safety, and gen~ral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the petitioner stipulated to submittina a narcel ~nan `or Lhe subject property to the City of Anaheim for aoproval; followin~ ~~~hich. said map shall be recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. 6. That the Qetitioner stipulated that the sign'n~ for the orooosLd use will be in confornance with the Zon9ng Cade regulations for aer~itted si~ns in industrial zones. 7, That the petitio~ier sLipulate~ that any further use of the sub3e~~ property, other tF~an the restaurant proqosed at this tin~e~ will be submitted for Planning Comnisison approval. 8. lhat no one indicated their presence zt ~aid nu~iic ii~arinq ~~ opposition; and no corres~sondence was received in onposition to subject oetltion. RESOLUTION IvO. PC76-21 ~ ~ ~ EWYIRONMENTAL IhIPACT REFOR7 FINDiNG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission does liereb,y recormnend to the City Council of the City cf Anah?im that the sub3ect project be exer~~t from the reyuirement to prepare a.n environmentsl imoact reoort, pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Qua~ity Act. t~04J, THEREFORE, BC IT RESOLVEU ttiat the A~aheim City Planninq Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the follot•~ing conditions wi~ich are here~by found to be a necessary nrerequisite to the nronosed use of the subject property i~i order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That sidew~ilks shall be installed a?ong La Palma Avenue and Kraener Boulevard as required by t;he City Engineer and in accordance v~ith standard nlans and specifications on filc: in the Office of ~he Cit,y Engineer. 2. That sidewalks siiall be repaired alorig La Palma Avenue, as required by the City Engineer, and in accordance with standard ~lans and specifications on file in the OfficP of the City Engineer. 3. That a narcel map, to record the approved division of subject prooerty shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Anaheim and th~n be recorded in the Office of ttie Orange County Recorder, as stioulated to by the petitioner. 4. That street li9hting facilities alon, La Palma Avenue and Kraemer Boulevard shall be insta7led as required by the Diractor of Public Utiiities, and in accordance -vith standard p]ans and specifications on file in the Office of the llirector of Public Uti'l~ties and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactor~/ to the City of Anaheim shall be ~osted ~~rith the City to 9uarantee tiie installation of the above-mentioned requirements. 5. That appropriate water assessment fees, as determined by the Director of Public Utilities, sliall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. That the proposed signing shall he in confarmance ~~~ith ±he Zoning Code regulations for pzrmitted signs in industrial zones. 7. That subject property shall be developed substantiallY in accor~ance ~aith plans and specifications on file with the Citv of Anaheim Marked Exhibi.+. Plos. 1 through 11. S. Tha~t Conditions Nos. 3 and 4, above-mentioned, shall be complied tvith prior to the commencer~ent of the activity authorized under this resolution, or nrior to the time that tlie building pern~it is issued, or t~~ithin a period of one .Year from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 9. That Condition Nos. i, 2, 6, and 7, above-mentioned, shall be complied ~•~ith prior to final building and zoning inspections. 10. That any further use of the subject pronerty (other than the vronosed restaurant) shall be subject to approvai of the Planning Commission, as stin~lated to by the petitioner. 1'fiE FORcf,OIWG RESOLUTIOtd is signed and approved by me this 2nd day of February, 1976. ~~ f f ~J ANANEI!~1 CITY PLAfJNING C014MIS OPl AT7EST: . ~~~ R9Z~ai~ia~ SECtiETARY, Ar1AHEIl•1 CITY ?LANNIf~G COM~4ISSION -2- RESOLUTION fJO. PC76-1.1 ... ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORt~IA ) COUl~TY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIt•1 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Corimission o` the Citv of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoin9 resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plarining Comm~ission of the City of Anaheim, held on February 2, 1976, at 1:30 p.m., by the followin~ vote of the members thereof: AYES: COI+IP•tISSI01JER5: HERBST, JOHNSON, KIPIG, TOLAR, MORLEY NOES: COt•1t4ISSIUNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMPIISSIO(JERS: BARNES, FARA~aO ItJ IJITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ha~d this 2nd day of February, 197u. ' t~t~ SE P,E R~ C Y~ NICI~G COr1t9ISSI N _3_ RESOLUTIOtJ N0. PC76-21