PC 76-210~ 0 RESOLIITIQN N0, ~C76~21Q A RESOLUTION OF THE ANhHE1M CITY PLAN~lINf, COHMi551fi~~ THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATIOPI N0. 7b-77-21 BF. APP?,QVEQ. WHEREAS~ the Anahelm City Planning Commission did receive a Werified Petition for Feclassiftcation fram HELEN NETTLES, 91~ Arden Place, Anaheim, Califarnia 928Q2 (Owner); ROGER E. SMELSER, ~~3; iJ, Chateau, Anaheim, Cal9fornia 92804 (Agent) of certain rcal property situated 7n [he City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California descrihed as: The South one-half of the North one-half of the followtng described land; The Northeast quarter of the Southeas: quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 17, ln Township 4 South, Range 1Q '..~st, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 51, Page 10, Miscellaneous Maps, recor~'s of sald Orange County; cXCEPTiNG TIIEREFROM the South (~ acres; ALSO EXCEPTING FRQM sald South one-half of the North one-half of the East 33~ feet thereof. ;,~}{EREAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold a puhllc hearin9 at the City Nall in the City of Anahelm on October 27, 1976, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of.sald public hearing having been duly given as required by law anc~ in accordance with the , provislons of the Anaheim Muni~ipal Code, Chapter 18.f13, to i~ear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassificatlon a~d to investigate and malce findfn9s and recommendations in connection therewith; and WNERF.AS, sald Commisslon, after due tnspec[inn, investigatton and study made by itsclf and in its hehalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and re.ports offered at saici hearing, does find and cletermine the followin9 facts: 1, That the petitioner proposes a reclasstfication of the :;bove-descrihed property from thr. RS-A-~i3,QOQ (RESIDEMTIAL/A,RICIILTURAL) ZONE to the RS-77.Q0 (RF.SiDFtdT1AL, SIIJ~LE-FAt11LY) 7.Ot1E. . 2, That tlie Anaheim General Plan deslgnates subJect property for io~o- density, resldential land uses. 3, That the proposed reclassiftcatlon of suhJect property Is necessary and/or desirable for the orderiy and proper development of the communtty. 4. That the proposed recl~ssffication of subJect pr~perty does properly relate to the zanes and thelr permitted uses locally estahlished in closr. proxtmity to suhject prorerty and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established throughout the community. 5, That :hree (3) persons ap;~eared, representing approximately four (4) persons present at s~id,ptsh'!c hearln~ -n op~os(tion; that a petition sic~ned by approx.lmately 15 area residents and property owners a~as presented at the public hearing; and that no correspondence o~as received In oppositlon to suh]ect petttfon. • EI~VIRONIIENTAL 111PACT REPORT FIfJDINC: That the Anaheirn City Plannincl Commisslon does hereby recommend to the City Councll of the City nf Anaheim that a negative declaratton from the re~uirement to preparP an envtronmental lmpact report be approved for the subJect prnJect, pursuant to the provislons of the "altfornta Envlronmental Quality Act. . NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESDLVED that the Anaheim City Piannfng Commisslon does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that suhJect Petitton for Reclassification be appr~ved and, by s~ doing, that Title 16-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code he amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-43,~00 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTIIRAL) ZQNE and to incorporate said describzcl property Into the RS-720~ (RESIDE~IT~AL, SINf,LF-FAN'ILY) ZONF u{~on thc f~llowing conditions which are hereby found t~ he a necessary prerequislte to the proposed use of subJect property in order to preserve the safety and genPral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahelm: 1, That street lighting facilitles along Agate Street and Chateau Avenue shall be installed as re~ulred by the Director of Publlc Uttlities, and in accordance with standard plans and speciflcattons an flle In the Office of the Director of RFSQLUTION PIO. P(`°,•21Q ~, ~ ~ ~ Publlc Utilitlos; end/or that e bond, certificate of deposl2~ letter of credlt~ or i' cash, ln an emount and form setis}actory to the Clty of Anahcim shalt be posted with the Cliy to guerantee the Installatlon of thc ebove-mentloned requlrements. 2. that the owner(s) of subJect property shali pay to the City of Anahein th~a sum oP sixty cenYs (h~C) pr_r front foot along Agate Street and Chateau Avenue for tree plsntin~ purposes. 3. That the eubJect propcrty shall be served by underground utiltties. 4. Thet drelnage of subJect property shall be disposed of Tn a manner sbcisfactory to the City Engineer. 5. In the event thaL the subJect property Is to ba divided f~r tne purpose of s~ie, Icase or }inancing, e percel map to record the approved diviston of subJect proparty shall be submltted Le and approved by the City of Anahelm and then be recorded in thc Office of the Orange County Recordcr. 6. That the owner(e) of sub)ect proFerty shalt pay to the Clty of Anaheim the approprlate park and recreatlon In-lleu fees~ as determined to be appropriate by tho City Council, aaid fees to be pald at tha time the bullding permit is issued, 7. That approprieta Nater aescssment fees~ as determined by the Director af Pubiic Utilltles, shall be pald to the City of Anaheim prlor to the issuanen of a 4u.~iding permit. 8. Prlor to the Introductlon of an ordlnance rezoning subJect property, :~ndltion Nos. i and 2~ above-mentloned, shali be completed, The provlalons or rights grented by this resolutlon shell become null and void by actlon of the CTty Council unlesa eatd conditlons are complled with within one (1) yeer from th~ date hereof~ or such further ttme as the City Council may grant. 9. That Conditton Noe. 3 and 4~ above-mentioned~ shail be compited Nith prlor to final bulldTng end zoning 1ns~~ecttons. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTlON is slgned and opprove me thi~ 27th day of October 1976. ~ ~ MMI ATTESTs ~ ~G G~~ 5 RE AR ~ AH H IM C L~ ANNING~~1M 5S1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1~ Patrlcio B. Scanten, Secretary of the Anahelm Clty Planning Comm(ssion, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a mecting of the Anehetm City Planning Commisston, held on Octobe~ 27. 1976~ at 1:30 p.m „ by the Psitawing vote of thn members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERSt BARNES, FARANO~ HERBST, KING~ MORLEY, TOLAR~ JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONERSs NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE iN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thls 27t1y day of Oetober 1976. ~ . ~ E , N HEIM Ct Y LANNiNr, ;.OMMISSION -2- RESOLUTION N0. PL76-210