PC 76-217~ ~ RESOUfTION N0. PC76~217 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAWEfM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION THA7 PE7iTI0N FOR VARIANCE N0. 2863 BE GRANTED. WHEREAS~ the AnaheTm City Planning Commisslon did receTve a veriflea Petltlon for Variance from BANK OF AHERICA~ Attnt H. G, Johnson, 555 S. FTowzr~ Los Angeles, California 90071 (Owner); VERNON W. MONROE, 5209 Seashore Drlve, Newport Beach, Californla 92660 (Agent) of certaln real property situaied in the City of AnaheTm~ County of Orange, State of Catifornia described as: 7ttA4 S'OR7lOl~ OP 7N~ ~RSF FtALF OF Tti~ NOR7H~AST QUAR7~R 0~ 1'HE NORTH~AST QUARTER UF SECTI(3t~ 7~ TOW-~SH%P 4 SOUYri~ 6tAt~64' 10 YEST~ Y!1 7Ht? RAtiCNO I.OS C~Y07E3~ CY7Y UR AP1i~L~I1•1~ GOUNTY OF. pitkNGL'~ 57AYE QP CALIP4RkdIA~ AS SAIp S~.C7I~td x5 SH01•1t~ Ot~ A PllrN RECORU[0 It1 UOOK 51 PAGc~ 1D OF FIISCL'I.LN~80U5 ~SAPS, i~l T~i~ OPFTCL UF ~HE CaUN7Y RECOf~~~R OF SAID CUUWYY~ O~SCAEEiED kS [~OL1.014S: , ' , , BBGI?dh11aG AY TH~ POYN'C OP It1'f~RSkC7I0N OP YHE SOU7H~J~SYL~L.Y l.IfiE OF 7NH LAI~O DLSCRIB~n YN YHL' D~E.D TU• NL5;G~f1 DGVCLO?~t~NT CQFiPA1dY~ R~CORDL*D .1UfiE 12~ ,1076 IN d00Y. 4•- PAGE 496 OP D~ti05, RECORDS c~F t,c3S 61rtGEt,~S COUNTY~ CALIFORi~IA~ WIYhI 'Cli~ EAST L!N[: OP THE ItOR7t1EAST QUAR'FER OP SAIU SECTIUW 7; THt;iCE SOIDTH 0° t-~~ jb'~ EAST. kLU~'JG 7HE EAST l.1N8 OF 5A1D SEC7YOld ~ 70 T~iC NURTH:.~AST CORNER ~r~ TNC S0t1Tt1cA5'i QUAR7HR UF 7k{8 NORTMEA57 QUl~RTEfi U~ SAID SiGTIUN 7) ~'11ENCc Hr~ST ALONG 7H~ NOR7t{ LINL OF SAID 54U1'hEASf Q:JAk7ER OF TI1E NORTHEAST QUAR7~R OP SAIn SLC7YUN 7 i"O YHE N~FtYH:lEST CO;1Ri~ER 0~' 7He~ BA~T HALF OF SAI"v SOU7/1EASY QUARTER UP YM~ ?~OR7tiL'A57 QUAR7'ER OP 5AIp 5EC7IQt1 7j 7ticidC~ tl(3{Z7'H ALO~1G 7N~ lIOR7H~'RI.Y EXTrN'al0i~ OF 7Nc NLTST LItJi OF T'NG EA5T -WbP ON SAIA SOU7~IL'A57 QUAR"tlER UF 7ME WURTHEAST QUARTER OF SAIO SCC7IOt~ 7 70 TNL' SOU~'N LiL't~{ AR PAFtC~i. I DliSCRI[S£G 1N YH~ DEED TO HERGLeT ft. JOt111a7aN, RECOitOf:p PL•tSKtJARY 9, t942 Yr1 GOnY; I12~ AAGE 33 O~PTCIAL k~CURD5~ ~fH~raCC t~~Rrri 38p 38~ 40'~ cAST A1,Ot•16 SAID 50UYH LIt~E '~0 TME SUUTHEAS7 COKNkR (3F' SAIU F+AI~CEL l~ A5 DL'.°iCRII3i:U Ib! SAID UE~D TO H~:RUER'f .1s JOW~570F1) TttC;r•iCL t1UU7H 0° 4:f ~ iEi~~ '~7~~7 ALO?JG 7'tIE ~AST I.INE OP 5AYD i'ARCBL 1 TO 7NB SOU'f~WB,Tk'~LY L.iNL~ UM SAYD LAtJD CdNV~Y~O~ TO WBS7LRN UBVeL4PMLt~IT CP1~9PANY j TMLPICE: SUUYFi 57a 1~ ~ 36~~ LAS~' ALONG 8AY0 S4t~7i1WBSY~iR1.Y LENC 70 7N8 POIHY OP E1L'Git~NrNG. HHEREAS, the City Planning Commis~ion dld hold a publlc hearing at the City Nali in the City of Anehelm on Oetober 27~ 1976, at 1s30 p.m.~ notice o! said publlc hearing hnving been duly given as requlred by law and lc~ accordance with tha provislons of the Aneheim Municipal Codn, Chapter 16.03, to hear and consider evldence for ~nd against sald proposed varlance and to Investlgate and make flndings and racommendetlons in connection therewith; and WHEREAS~ sald Commission~ after• d:ae !~spection~ investigatlon and study made by itself and In Its behelf~ and agter due cons~dePatlon of all evldence and reports offered at said hearTng, does ftn6 and determine the following facts: 1, That the petittoner propo~es the following waiver from the Anshclm Municipal Code, to establish autdoor menufecturing: SECTION -~e ulrement that ali uses be conductnd in a bu ng. 2, That the ebnve-mentioned walver is hercby granted for a parlod of thrcc (3) months subJect to revtew end considerntion for possible one-yeer extenslons of time, seid time limitatlon being to determine whnther the specific proposed use and any noise therefrom have been Aetrimental to tho nearby resldentlal uses; that satd weiver (s grnnted on the basts that the subJect propnrty Is adequately screened and has a hordshlp due to Its locatlon and consequently hss been vacant for a perlod of time; subJect to the sttpulatlon of the petitioner to limtt the hours of operation for the specific proposad outdoor use between the hours of q:00 a.m, to noon, said outdoor use conslsting o4 the eawing nf wood for the manufacture of p)cture frames. 3. That there are exenptfonal or extraordlnary circumstances or conditlons epplicable to the property Involved or to the Intended use of the property that do not apply general~y to the property or elas~ of use in the smme vlcinity and zone. RESOLUTION N0, PC76-217 C ~ G. 7hat tho requested variance ls necessary for the preservaCion and enJoyment of a substantlal property rTght possessed by other property in the same " vlcinity and zone, and denled to the property in questlon. 5. That the rnquested varlance wTll not be materlally detrimental to the public weifare or inJurlous to the property or improvements in such vicTnTty and zone in which the property Is located. 6. That no one tndlcated their presence at satd public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was receTved in opposTtion te the subJect pEtition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPOR7 FINDING: Th~t the Director of the Planning Dspartment has eterm ne t et t n propose acttivlty fatls withln the deflnitlon of Sectlon 3.Q1~ Class 3, of the City of Anaheim G~Idellnes to the Req~ire~onts for an Environmental Impact Report and is~ the~efore, categorically exempt fran the requi~ement to file an E1R, NOW~ THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahetm CTty Planning Commission dxs hereby grant ~ubJect Petltlon for Varience~ upon the foltowtng conditlons whlch are hnreby found to be a neceseary prerequlsite to the proposed use ot` the subJett property In order to preserve the ~afety and general welfa~e of the Cltizens of the City of Anahetm: 1. That sub)eet property shall be devnloped substantlaily ln aceordance with plane and spocificaelons on file with the City of Anahelm marked Exhfbit No. 1. 2. Thnt this variance for the specifle proposed outdoor use shall be granted for a perlod of thrne (3) months~ subJect to review and consideratlon by the Planning CommissloN for possible one-y~ear extenslone oP time upon written request by the petltioner~ said time limliatlon being to determine whether the propoe~d use and any notse thc~refrom have been detrimental to the sur~ounding rnsidentlal uses. 3. That the hours o} operatlon for the proposed outdoor use sheil be :rom 9s00 a.m. to noon, es stipulated to by the petittoner. TH~ FOREGO~ING RESOLUTION is signed and epprov d by me thl~ 27th day of October 19?6. ATTESTs p~~ ~ SECRE AFY~ ANAHEIM CI PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANf,E )ss. CIT'Y OF ANAHEIM ) / ~ M L C MMI SION I, Patricia 8. Scenlan, Secretary oP the Anahelm Clty Planning Commisslon~ do hereby certi~y that the foregoTng reeolution was paseed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commisstan~ held on Octeber 27~ 1976, ae 1t30 p,m., by the following vote o} the membere thereoft AYESs COMMISSIdNEftS: BARNES~ HEROST, KiNG~ MORLEY~ TOLAR~ J9HNSON NOES: CGMMt5510NER5: FARANO ABSENTs COMHISSIONERSs UONE 1976. IN u17NESS WH@REOF, I heve heraunto set my hend thie 27th dvy of October ~ R AR ~ iJANEIM CITY PLANNlhG COMMISSION -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-217