PC 76-219~ ~ RESOLUTION NC, pC76-219 A RESOLUTIOM OF 7HE ANAHE-M CI7Y PLANNING COMMISSIOFf THRT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1657 BE GRAHTED. WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planntng Commission d1d receive a veriried Petition }or Conditionat Uye Permit from WILLIAM iNGEI~ 551 N. Euc11d Street, Anshelm~ Caltfornla 92$01 (Owner); ROBERT D, JOHMSTON, 300 N. Rampart, N13~ Oran9e~ Cali4ornla 9266'd (Agent) of cortain real property situated in the City of Arahet:n, Caunty of Orange, Stato of Catifornia describad ~ss Lot No. 7~ of Tract No. 2517 as per map rccorded In book 133~ pages 40~ 41, and 42 o•f Miscellanaous Maps, ln the Office of the County Recorder. WHERFAS, the City P1annDng CommTsslon did hold a public hearing at the City liall in the Lity of Anaheim on October 27, 1976~ at 1:30 p.m,~ notlce ot said public hearing having bean duly git~en as required by law and Tn aecordance with the provistons of the Anahetm MunicTpal Code, Chapter f8,03~ to hear and consider evldence for and agalnst sald proposed conditionai use and to lnvestigate and make findinga and recommendations ln connection therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Carnnisslon, after due inspec:lon~ lnvestigatlon and ctudy made by itself and in its behalf, and after due conslderatlon of all evidence and rzports offerad at said hearing, does find and datermine the Poiiowing facfs: 1. That the proposed use I~ properly one for which a conditlonal use permit is authortxed by Code Seetlon, to wit: permit a square dance hall Tn the CG (COMHERCIAL, GENERAL) ZONE. Z. That the pro~osed uso wlll not advcrsely aP~ect tne ad)otning land uses and the growth and deveiopment eA the erea Tn which it is proposed to be located, 3. That the slza and shape of the site ~r~posed for the use Is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace~ health~ aafety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the Clty of Anahelm, 4. That the grtenting of the Conditlonal Usc Permit under the condttions imposed wili not be detrlmentai to the peace, health. safety and genaral welfare of the Cltizens of the Clty of Anahnim. 5. That no one indlcatad their presence at said public hearTng In opposition; and no correspondence was received in oppositlon; however~ one letter was received in fevar of the proposal. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FIRDING: That the Director of the PTanning Department as eterm ne t nt t e propose activity falls wit~iin t~c definition of Sectlon 3.01, Ciass t, of tne City of Anahelm Guldelines to the Requirements aor 8n Envirornnental Impa~t Report and is~ therefare, categorically exempt frar: the rnquirement to file an EIR, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commis.slon does hereby grant subJect Petitlon for Conditionai U~e Parmit~ upon the fol;owing .ondittons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequtstte to the pruposcd use of the sub)ect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of tiie City o4 Anehelre~ 1. That sub)ect property shalt be developed substantially in sccordance with ple~ and specffications ~n flle with the Clty of Anaheim marked Exhibix Nos. 1 and 2. THE FOREGOING RESOLUYION 1s signad and appro b e t Ig 27th day of octoher 7976. ~ li, S 0 A7TESTc ~ ~ d H P NIN C M 15510N RESOLUTION N0, PC76-219 • ~ ~ , '' STATE OF CAL(FORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. C I'fY 0~ ANAHE IM ) I~ Patriela B. Scanlan~ Secretary of tho Anaheim City Ptanning C«nmisslon, do heraby cartify thaC the !or~egoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commiss(on~ hetd on Oetober 27~ 1976, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the manbers thcreof: AYES: COMMISSIONEiIS: BARkES, FARANO, HERgST, KING, MORLEY~ TOLAR. JOHNSON NOESs COMMISSIONERSs NONE /IBSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WNEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand thls 27th day ot' Octdb~:r 1976. v ~~~~ SE R ~ AN EIM Y L N fM6 COMMI~SION -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-219