PC 76-220~ ~ RES~LUTION N0. PC76-22~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 7HAT PETIYION FOR CONDfTIONAL USE PERMtT N0, i659 9E GRANTI:6, IN PART. WHEREAS, the Rnaheim Clty Planning Commission diii recetve a verified Petltlon for Conditional Use Permit from E. M. HUNSAKER, 27992-ia Camirto Captstrano, Laguna N-guel, Californla 92677 (Owner); BiLL PHELPS~ 1095 N. Main Strcet, Suite 5, Orange, California 926G7 (Aa~nt) of certain remi property sttuat~d irs the City of Anahntm, Count~~ of Orange, S*_ate of talifornia descrtbed as: PARCEL ls 7hat portlon of Lots 2 and 4 in Block 6 of the Golden State Tract, as shown on a map recorded ln 9ook 4~ pages 66 and 67, Miscellaneous Mspe~ records of Qrange County~ also described ass Parcol 4 r~s shown on a Parcet Mop filed In Book 41~ page~ $0 of parcel Maps, in thn office of the County Recorder of Orango County. WNEtiEAS~ the City Planning Commtseton did hold a public hearing nt the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on October 27, 1976~ at 1s30 p.m., notice of saTd public hearing having been duly givon as required by law and in accordanee with the provisions of the Anahnim Mu~icipal Code, Chapter 18.03, tn hear and constder evidence for and agelnst sald p~oposed conditlonal use and te lnvestigate and make flndings and recommendatians In connection therewith; and NNEREAS~ saTd Correnisslon~ after duc t~spectlon, investf~1ation ond study made by itsmif an~ ~n lts behalf~ and efter due conslderatton ot all e~vldence and reports offered at sald hoaring, does find and determine the following factss 1. That t6~e proposed use Is properly one for which a conditlonai use permit is authorized by Code Soction, to wit: permlt a.contractor's storage yard, with waivers of: a. SECTION 18.61.066 - Minimum oPf-streot parking. b. SECTION 1A.61,068 - Re ulred site enclosure, (6-foot c a n nc enca wftEi wooden sTats required; - oot c a n n ence proposedr 2. That Walver 1-a~ abovn-mentloned, was deleted by revised plans su6mittecl by the petitloner, indicating compliance with the off-street parking requirements. 3. That Waiver 7-b, aiwve-mentioned~ was withdrawn by the petitioner with the stipulation to comply with sald Cade requlrement to adequatety enclose the proposed outdoor storagn area. 4. That the propased use will not adversely affect the adJoining land uses and the growth and dnvelopment of the area in which lt is proposed Yo ba located, 5. That the size and shape of the slte proposed for the use is adequate to allow the fu1D development of the proposed usc in a manner not detrimental to the p~rticul8r erea nor :o the peace~ health, safety, and genaral welfare of the Cittzens o} the City of Anahelm. 6. That the gra~ting of the Condittonal Use Permit under the conditions imposed will not be detrimental to the peace~ heeleh, safety and generai welfare of the Cltizens o4 the Clty of Anehelm. 7. 7haY no one lndicated thelr presence et said public henring in vppcsitian; ar.d that no correspondenc~ was received in opposltion to subJect petltlon. ENVIRONMENTAL IWPACT REPORT FINDINGs Thbt the Anahelm Clty Planning Commissfon does ho~a'~y recommend to the City Councll of the City of Anaheim that a negetive declaretion 1'rom tha requlrement to prepare an onvironmental impact report be approved for the subJect proJact, N::rsuent to the provisions of the Callfornia E~vironmontal Quellty Act. RESOL'J710N ti"v. PC76-220 , .. ~ ~ NON, THEREFORk~ 8E IT RESOLVED that 4he Anahetm CTty Ptanning Camnission o does hereby grant, in part, eub)ect Petition for Condltlonal Usa Permlt~ upon the followtng condltlons which are hereby found to be a neccssary prerequisite to the proposed use of the ~ubJect property In order to preeerve the safety and general wnlfaTe of the Citizens of the City of Anahelms 1. That traah storage areas shali be providad in accordance wlth approved plans on fils wtth the Offlce of the Dtrector of Publle 11o~ks. 2. That the subJect praperty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on ftie with the City of Anahelm marked ExhlbTt Nos. 1 and 2; provided, however~ that the proposed chalnlink fence along the southeriy property llna shall be intarwoven with redwood or cedar slats to adequately scraen the outdoor storage yard from adJacent properties, as stTpulated to by the petitionac~. 3. That Condltton Nos. 1 and 2~ above-mentloned~ shnil be eomplled with prlor to fTnal bullding and zoning inspactions. THE POREGOING RESOLUTION le signed and appr ( by me this 27th d~y of October 9976. / M o. ATTES t ~`~~~~HEIM C1~~}~~ 5510 S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. C17Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Pmtrlcla B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anahetm Clty Planning Commission, do hereby certlfy that the foregoing raeolutlon wns paseed and adopted at a meeting of the pnaheim City PlannTng Commisslon~ held on tlctober 27, 1976~ at 1s30 p.m., by the foliowing vote of the members thereoft AYES: COMMI5SIONERS: BARNES, FARANO, HERBST~ KING, MORLEY~ TOLAR~ ,lOHNSON NOESt COMM:35~OHHRSt NONE ABSENT: COHMISSIONERSt NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ I hevs hereunto set my.hand this 27th day of October 1976. ,..., R~Y, ANAfl~IM ~f7Y-P1.ANNfNG COMMtSS10N -2- RESOLU710N N0. PC76-220