PC 76-235~ ~ RESOLUTION tJO. PC76-235 !1 RESOLUTtOH OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANhING COM1115510N THAT PET-TION FOR RECI_ASSIFICATIOP! N0. 76-7-24 BE APPRO~/ED. WHEREAS, the Anaheim C{ty Planning Commission did receivc a verlfied Petition for Reclassification from ELRERT E. AND RNEA D. LANDES, JR., 421 W. Orangewood Avenue, Anaheim, Californla 92$~'- (Owners); J. C. GIANULIAS~ Hester Development Company, P.O. Box 2990, t~ewport Beach, California 926~i0 (Agent) of certain rPal property situated in the City of Anaheim, Cnunty of Qrange, State of Cailfornia descrlbed as: PARCEL 1: The North 15~i fee~t of the TJeet 260 feet of that portion of tlie 9ortheaat quarter of Saction 27, Tovnship 4 Souta, Raaga 10 Weet, in the Rancho $aa Juaa Ca;Jon da Santa Ana~ aa shovn on a map reeorded in Book 51, page 10 of Miaceil.laaeova Map~, records of Orango County, California, d¢ecribed aa follorw~s Begianing at aa nl.~. atakn and etoae a~ts~ene set by H. Cla7 Kellogg ic th~ So~a::. Iins o~ eaid ilorihea~t quartor~ heing tirrs ~~:te~ »^.S n.f Oraagewood Avenua, 40 feat vida, tdorth 89' 38' Weet. 1,337.90 feat of an old 2" R 4" sedrood ataka moauoaat at tt~a Southeast cornar of eaid Northeast qnartar; th~co North 8q' 38' FJeet 665.05 feet, more oz lese, a.].ong ea3d South line to a poiat 665.05 feet EaAt o` a Z" R 4" Badwood poat t+arkiag aad loenting tha intarior quartar coraor of eaid Seetion, which interior quarter eoraer is 2~640.10 feet South from the North quarter core~r of eaid Section and 2,640.33 feat Eaet froa tha West quarter cornar of said Section; thence ttcrth 0' O1° 07" West 660 fent, morn vr lees. to a 4" R 4" redrood post; thanca Soutb 99' 39` 24" Eaet 663.79 feet to th~ Northveat cotnsr of tha land of Ciwdn S. Smith aad vifn. ae deacribed in that ceruin Decree and Jud~o~ect zecorded Septembar 1. 1943 in Book 1208. page 287 of•Official Records; thenca South 0' 07' 40" Eaot 660.28 feat to t6e poiat of begi,nning. WHEREAS~ the City Plar.^ing ~cxnmfssion did hold a public hearing at the Lity Hall in the City of Anaheim on November 8, 1976, at 7:30 p,m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as requlred by law a~d In accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03~ to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEkEAS, sald Commission, after due tnspection, tnvestigatlon and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: i. That the petltioner proposes a re~lassification of the above-described property from the HS-A-43,OQ0 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRIClIL7URAL) ZONE to the RM-120Q (RESIDENTiAL, MULTIPLE-fAMILY) ZONE, 2. That the Anaheim Ceneral Plan currently designates the subJect property for commercial-recreation uses; however, General Plan Amendment No. 141, pending on tho property~ was recommended for approval on November 1, 1975, hy the Anaheim Cit•y Planning Commission designating the property for medium-density residential land use. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the communlty. 4. That the proposed ~eclasstfication of subJect property does properly relate to the zones and thetr permltted uses localty establlshed in close proximity to subJect property and to the zones and thelr permitted uses generally established throughout the communlty. 5. That no one tndicated their presence at sald puoiic neariny i~~ opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subJect petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Anahetm Clty Planning Commisston does hereby recomnend to t e C ty Counctl of the City of Anaheim that a negative declaratton from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report be approved for the subJect proJect, pursuant to the provislons of the California Environmental Quallty Act. RESOLUTIO~! N0. Pt76-z35 ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE~ BE !T RESOLVED that the Anahelm City PlannTng Ccmmission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anahetm that subJect Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by se doing, that Title 1$-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-3escrihed property frcxn the RS-A-~t3,non (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE and to incorporate sald descrtbed property into the Rt1- 1206 (ZESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZONE upon the following eonditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subJect property in order to preserve the saf~ty and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1, That trash storage areas shal? 6e ~rovided In accordance with approved plans on file wtth the offi;e of the Director of PublTc Works. 2. That fTre hydrants shali be installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prtor to commencement of structural framing. 3, That subject property shall be served by underground utilities. 4. That a six-foot high masonry wall shall be constructed alon9 the north and west property lines. 5. That drainage of subJect property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City fngineer. 6. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the time that Chie b~ilding permtt is issued. 7. That Condition Nos. 1, 3, 4 and 5, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prtor to final building and zoning Tnspections. TIIE FOREGOING RESOLUT101~ ls signed and approved me this 8th day of ":ovc~bc,-, ~ ~76. ;~~ ~ / 1 CHAIRMAN, ANAHE I.ITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: Sf.CRETAR , ANAHEIM CI Y PLANNING COMMI55lOPI STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU~ITY OF OftANGE )ss. C17Y OF ANAHEIM ) 1. Patrl~ia B, Scan.lan~ Secretary of the Anahelm City Planning Commission, do hereby cpCtify tl;~t s~e fbF~+going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the AnahelfA~ ~~,Ey' P1an~'i':ng ~ormoFs5lon, held on November 8~ 1976~ at 7:30 p.m., by the folllowlmq~ ~DCF `.°f ~.lle memb2Fs t,hareaf: J{Y~S'~ COMH,~issrdYlgRS; 9S~RiJ~S~. FARANO, HERBST~ KING~ MORLEY~ JOHNSON Noes;; ~COMMYSSIf~f~~~P.S; IJ?"lf -;ABS'ENTd COMMISStiONEEZS: T(hLi~R 1;;~E~;; ~u WQTNEess WNEREO~; ~ have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of November _~~.-.~..ai-r , ~ re ~ n.~ $ECRETAftY~ ANAMtIM l.llr ~i.Mi~ivii~n i.v~?1~....~..~. -2- RESOlUTION ~JO. PC76-235