PC 76-236" ~ ~ RESOLUTIDIJ N0. PC76-236 A RESOLUT I Qri OF THE AtJAfIE I M C ITY PLANM I tlr, COHt11 S51 btl THAT PETITION FQR COt~DITIOtlAL lISE PER!41T t~0. 1651 BE DENIED. WIIEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission dld receive a verified Petition for Conditlonal Use Permlt from CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCII, 278Q [. Wagner Avenue, Anaheim, California 92006 (Owner) of certain real property sltuated in the Cfty of Anaheim, Lounty of Orange, State of Callfornfa descrihed as: • ~ ' That portion of the northeasl quarter of the Fractional Southeast quarter of Section 13, Township 4 South, Ran9e 10 West, in the Rancho San Ju:m CaJon c1e Santa Ana, as shown on a Map recordr,d in Book 5i, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Haps, records of Orange County, California, bounded an~ descrfbed as follows: Deginning at th~ Northeast corner of said Fracttonal Southeast quarter and ~~a;i~i thence Westerly 1~~4.5 feet along the tlorth line thereof; thence Southerly, p with the E~sterly line of sald Southeast quarter and the extenslon thereof to the Easterly iine of the Rancho San Juan CaJon de Santa Ana; thence along safd Rancho Line, North 26° 3~' East to the Easterly ltne of said Southe~st quarter; thence IJorth alo~g said Easterly line to the point of hegtnning. . RESERVING therefrom unto Grantor the South 3 fr.et of the Morth 40 fer,t for an easement for lrrigation Iines and incidental purposes. WNEREAS, the City Plannin9 Commission did hold a public hr.aring at the Lity Hatl in the CiCy of llnaheim on Novrmber 8, 197~~, at 7:3~ p.m., noticr. of said puhlic hearing liaving been duly given as re~uired hy law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against satd proposed conditlonal use and to Investigate and make findings and recanmendat?ons in connectton therewith; and WNEREAS, said Commission, after due Inspectfon, imestigatfon and stuAy made by Itself and in its befialf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is proper3y one far which a conditional use permit is authorized by Code Sectlons 18.21.05~•11~ and 1$.21.o5n 27n, to riit: expansion of a church complex to tncludr. a private school and pre-school in the RS-A-h3,~~~ (RESIDEt~TIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE, 2, That the proposal to expand and prnvide educational facilities for gradr.s klnJergarten through high school (twclfth grade) is not within thc intent of previous conditlonal use permits approved for the church com~l•~x and pre-school nursery, ~~n~1 a larger sfte would be more appropriate for the proposed expansion. 3, That testimony was ~resente~i that the existin~ usc ~f the property h~s been detrimental to the adjacent stngl~-family residential ~roperties and that the proposed expanslon of tlie use would substantially increase the nolse ~nd othr.r impacts; and that huffcring, In eddition to th~ extsttng wall, should be provided for the protection of the adJacent singte-famlly residential properties. N. That sub)ect property is relatively small and narrow and development tn the manner proposr.d to include encroachment Into the public righ[-of-~aay aiould over- develop tlie site, since the enrollme~t of the school factlities wnu1J immr.rliately be twelve (12) to forty (~~~) students, with anticipated growth to one hundred and forty (140) students in the future whe~ the facilities were further ex~anded, including thr. addition of a two-story structure; and, furthermore, the tetal futurr, development plins for lhe property were n~t submltted for revlew. 5, That thr. ;>roposed further development in the public right-of-way, (n vlew of a current Julnt study by the Parks and Recreation Department and the Oran9e County Water District for use of sald ri9ht-of-way, would not be in the best intr,res[ of the City of llnahelm or tfie petitloncr. G. That the proposed use will aciversely affect the ad.~otning land uses and the growth and development of the area i~ which It is proposed to be locat~d. 7, That the stze and shape of.the site proposed for the use is not adrquate to allow thc full development of the pro~~sed use in a manner not rlr.trtmental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and gr_neral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahelm. RESOLUTIOtitlO. rc76-z3~ . ~ ~ 8, lhat ihe granting of thc Conditlonal Use Permit will' he detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 9. That one~ (1) person appeared, representing three (3) persons present at said public hearing in opposltion; and that no correspondence was recefved in opposition to the subJect petition. EI~VIROI~MEtlTAL IHPACT REPQRT FI~lDII~G: That the Anahcim City Planning Commission does hereby recomme~d to the City Council of the Gity of Anaheim that a negative declaration from the requlrement to prepare an enviro~mnntal Impact rrpor.*. be approved for the subJect project, pursuant to the provisions of the Caiifornia Environmental Quality Act. ~lOW, TFIEREFORE~ RE IT RESOLVF.D fhat the Anahelm Lity Planning Commisslon does hereby deny subJect Petltion for Condltl~nal Use Permit on the has(s of th~ afarem~ntioned findings. TfIE FOREGOING RESOLUTy0t1 Is signed and'approved me this t3th day of I~ovember. 1976. LH R11AN~ N H IT ANN NG COMM SS ON ATTEST: ~ ~ SE~RETARY, AIJAfiEIM CITY PLANNINf C011NISSIOIJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF QRANGE )ss. CITY OF ANANEIM ). 1, Patricia B, Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted ~t a meeting of the llnahelm City Planning Commission, hcld on t~ovemhcr 8, 1976, at 9:3~ p.m , by the following vote nf the membcrs thercof: qYES: COMI415510t1ER5: 9ARNE5, FARANO~ HERt~ST, Y.INf,, Mf1RLEY MOES: CQMMISSIOIJERS: JQNIJSON ADSENT: C0111115510NER5: TOLAR 1976: It~ WITNE55 WNEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this Rth day of ~~ovemher AR , ANA EIM C LANMIt~f C~M~11SSi01J a _Z_ RESOLlITION N0. PC76-236