PC 76-240~ ~ RESOL.UTION N0. PC76-240 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COHMISSION THAT PETITION !"OR VARIANCE k0, 2858 BE GRANTED, IN PART. WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion did recelve a verified Petittcn for Variance from CHARLFS C. LUCAS, 1301 W, North Street, Anaheim, California 92801 (Owner); LYNN E. THOMSEN, 710 N. Euclicf Street, AnaheTm, California 92901 (Agcnt) of c~rtain real property situated fn the City of Anahefm~ Cou~ty oT ~ranye, State of Californla descrlbed as: ~~t P~~~ af Seat4on 9. in Tavnohiry 4 South, Rango 10 i~~ve, Swn Dsnccerdino Ba~e and i;arid4aa, deeorib~d r~~ followe: • Regimniug at a point in tha 'iortharly lxne o! Lot 4. o~ mhovn on ~ ~ Licanasd Sutnayar'e Map of a portion of Seceion 9~ made !or B. W. P1~Sachaann aiid filed in book 1, at pagQ 56, of Record of Surveye, in . ths ofiico ot tha County F,ocordor of said Orange Couney~ 28g,82 fo.e Waet~rlq from the ceatmr lina of Weat Street~ an etzoun on oaid map;,.,~ runniog thenca Southerlq, parxllol aitT the Eaet~ri~ 2Lna oP thm 4I0ut oaa-hali of the ttorthwooc qunrter of anid Saatioa, 1]76.4 teat to tha~. ~ 9outherly liam ok said Lot b; thmna• Wemearly along anid Southarly ~9,tin, 664~ fa~t to ths truo point of beginning of the boundasy o! tha lead ,• ~al~iee daecrib~d; thance Noreh~rly~ along a iine parallnl vieh thn Easeosly line oi tho Fleot ond-haif o! the Norehve~r. quartet o£ Qaid • 8ecttoa 9, 426 toat; th~ace Sleeterly psrallml ~-ith the Southexlq lina oi uald LoR 4~ 110 iset to Che Noreheaat cornar n! the Iend eom-eyed to . Ceraon C. Starr nnd vif~~ by dmed r~oorded .Julq 31. 1946~ ia book Y423~ Rt pngs 472 af Oflic4al Recorde, in eha ofiice of the County Rneordar oP gaid Ormgo Countq; thanco Sou¢&erly aloag th~ Eaararl~ lino of oaid ~nd convnyed to starr~ 426 leet to the South~aet carnar thnr~oi; thea~a 88et~rly alonR tha Southerly line o! oeid Loe 4, a dfetance oP 110 Peoe to th~ trno ps~ine o! b~~+:;~i~g. . Tog~thsr aith tho appure~nant.interaet in thr well, pumpinR plaRt. • righca~ o! aaq aad pipe linn used in lurniohing vater to the above d~e-~ • cribed land from the vater vell now lacated en a psrt o! Tr~ ~ ia Smetios 9, fn Tm-nship 4 South~ Range 1Q Wn~t~ 6art Ae..-:~crd4no Base and Heridian~ . ar pnr map eharea! recorde~ :u oook 1, at psge 56, of Becord oS 9utvvirys~ in tho oRS!.ce oi ttu Couaty Recnrdsr oi aaid Orsaga County, ~a ~eoavayed. in a doed dnted July 13, 1927. lrnm CitiaRne xrust and Savin~ga Benk~ a curporacloa~ to 3. !t: tihianaat. and ei.fn~ reaordod Augu~e 9, 1927 #n• . book 77, at page 34 of Offtcial Records~ ia th~ oflina o! ths.Cauac~r:.~ itaaordas oi saiB Orsnga County. WHEREAS, the Ctty Planning Commisslon did schedule a public hearl~g at the C!ty Hali 1n the ~ity of Anaheim on October 27, Y976, at 1:3~ p.~'+., notice of sald public heartng having been duly given as requirn,d by lew and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim htunicipal Code~ Chapter 18,03, t~ hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to lnvestigate and mske findtngs and recommendattons in connection therewith; sald public hearing having been conttnued to the Planning Commission meetlfig of November 22, 1976; and WHEREAS, sald Commisslon, after due inspection, Investigatlon and study made by itself and ln Its behalf, and after due consideration of all evtdence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1, 7hat the petitloner proposes tfie following waivers from the Anahc'.;a Municipal Code~ to construct four (4) dupiexes: a. SECTION iII.34.061.020 - Minim_ um buf$.~Inq stte width. b. SECTION 1II,34.065.011 - Minimum distance between bulldin s. 22 eet requ red; 10 eet proposed 2. That Waiver 1-a, above-menr,(cned, Is no longer necessary since the petitloner submltted revised plans in conformance wfth sald Code Section. 3. That Waiver i-b, above-rr,=ntinned~ is hereby granted on the basis that. If the bulidings were attached, deleting the necessliy for *_he aialver, the prolect RESOLUTIGN N0. PC76-240 ~ ~ ~ Y would not bc as aesthetically pleasing to xhe cortmi;nity; and, furthermore, thc Planni~g Commission has previously granted similar waives•s. 4. That there are exceptlonal or extraurdinary circumstances or conditions appllcable to the property Involved or to the intended use, .as granted, of the property that do not apply generally to the property or ctass of use in the same vicinfty and zone. 5. That the requested variance~ as granted, ts necessary for the preservation and enJoyment of a subsLantlal property rlght possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denled to the property in questlon. 6. That the requested variance, as granted, will not be materially detrimentai to thc public welfare or inJurlous to the property or improvements In such victntty and zone in whlch the property Is iocated, 7. That four (4) persons a~peared representing approximately twelve (12) persons present at said public hearing ln oppositlon; and that no correspandencc was received in oppositlon to subJact petition. FNVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPQRT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission oes hereby recommen to the ty Council of the City of Anaheim that a negative declaration from the requlrement to prepare an environmental impact report be approved for the subJecC proJect~ pursuant to the provlstons of the California Envircnmental Quality Act. NOW, THEREFORE~ BE !T RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hcreby grant~ in part, subJeet PetiEion for Variance, upon the following conditions which a;e hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use oT the subJect property ln order to preserve the safety and genera) welfare of the Citizens of the Clty of Anahelm: t. That this varlaece is qranted sub]ect Co ~the completlon of Reclasslf!catlnn Nc. ;5-77-ig, 2, That the subJect property shali be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on f11e wlth the Clty of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1(Revislon 1) and 2. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Is signed and approved by me this 22nd day of November~ 197~. _.~'~~~ ~/ ~.~~ ~FI~IRM~~YEM R ANAHEiM CITY PLANNING CCT1MlSSION A7TEST: • .~ . ~t/ ~R~p , ANA E M CI Y PLANNING COMMI SI N STATE Of CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY Qf ANAHEIM ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anahelm C1ty Planning Commission, do hereby certi4y that tfie foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting o` the Anaheim Clty PlannTng Commisslon, held on November 22, 1976, at 1t30 p,m,, by the following vote of tha members thereofc A1~ES: COMMISSIONERS: t3ARNE5~ FARAWO, HERBST~ KING~ MORLEY~ TOLAR NOFS: COHMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JONNSON IN W17NESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of November 1976. ~ . . ' . , N n Ff~to~'i i3~oN _2_ RESOLUTION N0. f'C76-240