PC 76-242~ ~ RESOLUTION ;:u, PC7o-242 A RESOLUTION OF 7HE ANAHEIH CITY PLANNING COIIMISSION TNAT PETITION FOR VAP.IANCE N0, 2871 9E 6ENIED. WHEREAS~ the Anahefm City Planning Commissior. did receive a verified Pet9tion for Varlance from JACK N, AND DOROTHY D, HAIL, et al. P.O, Box 11667. Santa Ana. California 92711 (Owners); JACK N. HALL~ P.O. Box 11667, Santa Ana, California 92711 a~d WILLIAH S. PHELPS, 1095 N. Main Street~ Suite 5, Orange, California 92667 (Agents) of certaln real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California described as: Pro~~o~eQ Zract tl~. ~4f~2, beinq a subciivision of that portion c,f tlie lar~cl a] la~cr.i~ t~~ Jutn rablo Peralta, as descriLed in L~,~ E'i.nal Decr~c of: ParY.ition of the kancho : zntiaco de :~~~nta nna, which wa: entr_rc1 Set%to:r.bcr 12, 1;;fL' ~in~ boo',: ";•", ;,~~~c: :lU of JU4~(:.^.~PI'1t.C of t.ne uiatrict ~ourt of the 17t;i Juclicial uiat•ricr. in ancl £or Los Angeles County, Cali£orni~ clescriix:~l a3 Scllowa: Tsegii~ninc~ at the i.nternection o£ the Y7esterl~ li.ne of t:u: lsnu c:;.t,criLr_a ir, tl,e ucec7 tu Louis 1~'. Eusharu, anc, wiL•e, r~corcieci June 4, 1.~::~ in }.~ool: :i7;, page 304 of ;:~~eils, ree:or'.r- of said County, ~..•i+~:~ tt,e i~~rthea9ter11 r.~rol;rnRazion o.f. t'.~e :;outl~ea~.tcrl;• li~~c uf i:caus.y Urivc:, G0.00 feet wirie as CIlO`:7a1 on a r~:~~~~ cf 'rract i'~. 5332, recorded in Loo:: 13~, (~aa,~~S ~v" tu 3is iriclusiv~. of ttiscellane~us ;~ai~s, in tiie cffice oi t~ic c:~,unt; :<ecorcier c.i ~aiu County; thence north 3Fl° GO' 32' i,~ ~t 171.57 f.cr_t aluncr aaid iJOrtheasterly 4~rolonc~.ition tu ziiu k,cgi.^.iliny oi u uurve conc~ve L+esterly havin~J a r,:c:ius c~; 200. UO f.e~t; tticnce :~urtL~r17 190.39 teot alonq sai.d ciir.vc tcarou:;~~ a cc:ntral ungle af S4° 32' 29''; t:ience :Jurth 16° :1' ~7'' Y:~st 3f~~.5L' feet; tnence idort.i 6C° UG' Ol" I:ust 26.91 fer.t to n 1~oint on .i non-tungont curve concavt• liorthnastcrl:: tiavin~~ a radi»a o;: 1ftG5.00 feet a radial to saici poiut L~~ars ~~uth u0° U6' ~11~~ S~last; tYience ivorthwe3terl;~ 14:.'u4 alon~~ saii: curv~ thruuc~Y~ a central an,le ot 04 °:: ' SE," to a*+~~.i ~~!:. ou t~aiu curva a rac:iat to ~aid point r~eess Sout:i n4° 2~' :i'! • Weat to e point on a non-tanqer-t curve concavo Southeasterly i,avin~,; a radiu:s o[ :7:,.00 feet a rauial to szi : ~,oint L•ea: ~ 1•.or.L~~ 17° 51' :;i." L~rer;t; tiience Suutiiwe~terly 7.9•l.12 feet alon~ saici c~;rv:: Lr.r:,~y!~~ a ctntral ungl~ oL 17° :?'l' 22' ±c sau; :•+eE;terly liuc~ ai' Lsus;~ar.u ~ rauial to said 1•~oint bearr• .ouC;, 'sC° 1.' :.ast; ti~ence Soutn 13° :;5' ~i~' l.aat ~C. fect ~~oIIy saiciVl~e:~u cieecleu to Bushar3; thencc b'outh 22° ;t~' :,3", :;~L.6:, fr~t aloi.r, cClci lanu cleec:eci tu busi~arii to tki~~ ;,uir,t c_ ueyii~~iin,. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cortmisslon dfd hold a public hearing at the City Hali in thc City of Anaheim on Novembar 22, 1976, at 1:30 p.m„ notice of sald public hearing having been duly glven as requtred by 1aw and ln accordance with the provlslons of the Anahelm Municipal Cade, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst sald proposed varlancn and to Investlgate and make findings and recommendatlons in connection therer~ith; and NHEREAS, sald Commissfon, efter due Inspectlon, investigation and study made by Itself and in its ~ehalf. and after due consideratlon of all evidence and repor~is offered at said hearing, does flnd and determine the t'ollowing facts: 1. That the petittoner prnposes the foltov~~ng walvers fran the Anahe!:n M~nicfpal ~ode, to tonstruct a 1~~-tot, 2fl-unit, AM-2A00(SC) subdivision: a. SECTION 1$.32,066,012 - Mlnimum number of arkin s accs. speces requ re ; _spaces proposeJ) b, SECTIOH 18,32,063.01; - Mlnimum e.tructrua) setback. (20 feet requ red~ 10 eet propose c. SECTION 18.32.064 - PermittPd encroachments Into re uirr.d ards. nc wa perm tte ; oot wa prupnsed) RESOLUTIOi~ N0, PC76-242 ~ ~ 2, That thc above-mentioned walvers are hereby denied on the basis that thc Anaheim City Pianning Cormnission is recommending disapproval of the requested zoning, 3. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or corrditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use uf the property ;hat Co not apply generally to Che property or class of use in the same victnity and zo'n :, ~~. That [he requested varlance is not necessary for the preservation a~d enlqyment of a substantial property rlght possessed by other property (n the samc vicinity and zonc, and denled to the property in questlon, 5. 7hat the requested variance wfil Ae. materlally detrlmental to the public welfare or. inJurious to the prcperty or Improvements in such vicinity and zone in whlch the property is located. 6. That five (5) persons appr.ared representinq approximately slr. (6) persons present at safd public hearirg in opposition; and that no correspondence ~aas received in opposltloi~ to the subJect petition. ENVIRb~INENTAI IMPALT REPORT FINDIIJf,; That the llnaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Clty Councll of the City of Anaheim that a negative declaration from the requlrement to prepare an environmental Impact report be approved for th~ subJect project, pursuant to the provisions of the Califarnia E~vlronmen[al Quality Act. NOW, TIIEREfORE, BE IT 4ESQLVED [hat the Anahelm Clty Planning Commission does herehy deny subJect Petitlon for Variance on :he basis of the aforementloned findings. TIIE FOREGOIN~ RESOLUTION is signed and approved I~y me this 22nd day of tlovember. 1976. _~L~~~~~ ~ ~~. CHAIRMAN PRO fEMPf1RE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINR COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~~-~~,~~~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIH CITY PLA~~NIN~ COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~OUNTY UF ~9R'ANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHCIM ) I. Patrlcta B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby ccrtify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meettnq of the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion, held on Novemher 22, 197F, at i:3fi p,m.~ by the foilowing vote of the members thercof: AYES: CQMMISSIONERS: DARt~ES~ FARANO~ HERBST, KINr,~ MORLEY~ TOLAR ~JOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIQNERS: J(1HNSON IN WfTNE55 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of Novembe~ 1976. A='~~ ~JG~ t,~ 1 L NNIN1i COMMISSION "~- RESOLUTION N0, ?C76-242